Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-IndieZeeman, Hendrik Cornelis, 1928-2011

Collection of papers of the New Zealand Action Committee, Ex-Japanese War Victims (EJOS Inc), who were prisoners of war in the Dutch East Indies during World War Two.

Collection contains correspondence between the co-founder and chairman of EJOS, Mr Henk Zeeman, and similar organisations in the Netherlands and other countries, relating to the experience of prisoners and to efforts made to achieve recognition and reparations from the Government of Japan. Also includes memoirs, administrative and membership files, cartoons, printed material and personal papers of Mr Zeeman. Some papers are in Dutch.

Includes digital files of reminiscences by John Toxopeus relating to his boyhood in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) at the time of the Japanese occupation during World War Two, and notes and images relating to his voyage from Rotterdam, Netherlands to Wellington on the ship Zuiderkruis in 1952.

Also includes scanned copies of accounts of conditions and experiences in Struyswyck and Tjideng camps, near Batavia (Jakarta) by Dutch and New Zealand civilians.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged as two series - organisational and administrative records of EJOS, and personal memoirs and reminiscences regarding the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies, 1942-1945.

EJOS, the New Zealand Action Committee, Ex-Japanese War Victims, was founded by Hendrik (Henk) Zeeman in 1989. EJOS stands for Ex Japanese Oorlogs Slachtoffers (the Dutch words translate as 'war victims').

Quantity: 3 folder(s). 10 box(es). 12 electronic scan(s). 2 Linear Metres.

Provenance: Donated by EJOS, Paraparaumu, 2011 and 2014.

Processing information: Digital files transferred to Library via optical disc.

Access restrictions
Partly restricted material - Some digital content can only be viewed in the Katherine Mansfield Reading Room.
3 folder(s), 10 box(es), 12 electronic scan(s), 2 Linear Metres, Membership lists, Business correspondence, Autobiographies, Personal correspondence, Electronic records (Digital records), Manuscripts
There are 2 sub-groups.
There are 18 items in total.
See original record

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There are 18 items in this group.

Correspondence and other papers

Date: 1995-1997

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-06

Description: Box contains correspondence between Hank Zeeman, Chairman of EJOS, and other organisations dedicated to achieving reparation from the Government of Japan. Includes correspondence with author James MacKay, and with representatives of the following groups: Australian Singapore Jewish Internees Group; Australian Civilian Japanese War Prisoners Reparation Action Group; Center for Internee Rights Inc (US); Association of British Columbia Internees Far East Region; The War Amps of Canada. Also includes some personal correspondence, and papers relating to health, of Hank Zeeman. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed material (including photocopies and faxes)


Correspondence and other papers

Date: 1991-1999

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-07

Description: Box contains correspondence mainly between Henk Zeeman and New Zealand members of EJOS (relating to membership, and to the activities of the organisation), and with representatives of similar groups overseas. Includes correspondence with New Zealand Government officials, and with the author James MacKay. Also includes memoirs and articles. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed material (including photocopies and faxes)


Correspondence and other papers

Date: 1994-2001

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-08

Description: Box contains mainly correspondence between EJOS and other similar groups including Stichting Japanse Ereschulden, and the Indisch Platform. Includes letters relating to legal processes and compensation for ex-prisoners of war, memoirs, and cuttings from Dutch and English language newspapers. Also includes a copy of the claim for compensation made to the Tokyo District Court in 1995. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed material (including photocopies and faxes)


EJOS - Printed material

Date: ca 2000, 2005

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-10

Description: Box contains two Dutch reports - `Indische Tegoeden: Inventarisatierapport Haalbaarheidsonderzoek Indische Tegoeden' (2000), and Bersiap; slag om Soerabaja en laatste jaren van Nederlands bestuur' (no date). Also contains `Eyewitnesses of war: sixty accounts of Dutch victims subjected to Japanese terror 1942-1945', putblished by the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts (2005), and the Dutch language version of the same book. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Printed material


Papers relating to claims for reparation

Date: ca 1981-1994

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-09

Description: Box contains claim reparation claim forms, and some correspondence with ex- prisoners Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed material (including photocopies and faxes)


Chairman's working papers

Date: [ca 1985-2002]

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-01

Description: Box contains financial papers, and correspondence (letters, emails and faxes) between Henk Zeeman (Chairman of EJOS), individual ex-prisoners of war, and groups representing ex prisoners of war in Australia, United States, Netherlands and United Kingdom, and politicians. Also includes papers, articles and newspaper cuttings relating to the experiences of prisoners of war in the Pacific and South East Asia, their efforts to obtain compensation from the Government of Japan , and relations between Japan and other countries. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed matter (including faxes and some photocopies)


Papers relating to reparations

Date: 1995-2008

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-02

Description: Box includes correspondence and other papers relating to several appeals including those made to the United Nations Commission for Human Rights, and to courts in Tokyo. Also includes papers relating to presentations made by Hank Zeeman and others from EJOS to international conferences, including `50 Years of Denial', held to mark the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in September 2001. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed matter (including faxes and photocopies)


Sid Scales - Cartoons

Date: [ca 1951-1981], 2001

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: fMS-Papers-10831-04

Description: Folder contains copies of cartoons by Sid Scales relating to prisoners in Japanese camps, and a copy of a letter to cartoonist Tom Scott from Henk Zeeman Quantity: 1 folder(s). Physical Description: Mss (photocopies)


Papers relating to membership of EJOS

Date: 2000-2001, 2007

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-05

Description: Box contains questionnaires filled in by ex-prisoners or next of kin, giving details of their nationality in 1942 and other information, and membership forms Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts


Correspondence and other papers

Date: 1996-2010

From: Ex Japanese Oorlogsslachtoffers Nederlands Oost-Indie (EJOS Inc) : Records

Reference: MS-Papers-10831-03

Description: Box contains papers, including correspondence, relating to the activities of EJOS. Includes letters from EJOS members about their experiences as prisoners of the Japanese, and to reparations, and also letters and papers relating to books on the subject written by Bruce Roscoe and James MacKay. Quantity: 1 box(es). Physical Description: Mss, typescripts, printed matter (including faxes and photocopies)