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The Turnbull Mixtape mixes again

May 7th, 2013, By Sholto Duncan

One, two… Well, just two so far

It’s New Zealand Music Month again! We decided an array of exciting music events in the Library throughout the month of May wasn’t enough, so we’ve painstakingly compiled our second annual mixtape of music recently acquired for our digital music collection.

We’re sticking with last year’s Creative Commons theme but this time we have had a little help from our friends! A master list of CC albums collected over the last 6 months (xls, 45KB) was distributed to a select group of music loving Library staff, who diligently listened to every track, eventually settling on the 11 tracks we present to you now.

Trick photograph of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull seated around a table, ca 1915.

Turnbull staff gather to determine the tracklisting. Trick photograph of Alexander Horsburgh Turnbull seated around a table, ca 1915. Ref: 1/2-021644-F.

If you love it, set it CC

So what makes these musicians choose to license their lovingly crafted songs through Creative Commons you might ask? Well I managed to talk to 2 of them with tracks on this compilation and here’s what they had to say.

Michael Upton (aka Jet Jaguar)

To me choosing a CC licence is about making explicit what I believe a lot of musos actually consider acceptable. It's a very easy way to clearly get across what matters to me, with regard to how people treat the music I put out.

The options within each licence get to the guts of the things that have been debated in the last few decades regarding creative works and copyright. That is: sharing work around, using that work to make something else, and making money off those derivative works. I can choose the appropriate licence that best fits how I feel about each of those points.

Nick Guy

A CC license is a good way of stepping outside of a whole realm of Copyright issues that are not relevant to my situation, allowing me to protect just those rights I am interested in, and promote the kinds of re-use I am comfortable with.

Allowing sharing, re-distribution, remixing, re-use, sampling, etc, encourages others to disseminate and promote my music for me. For an independent artist that is really helpful.

Almixander Turntabull's Music Month Mixtape

Download the mixtape now (zip, 135MB), or stream through it below. We've also laid out the tracklist for you to peruse below – all these artists have more music you can listen to right now.


Listen to The Bing Turkby Ensemble.

1. Wanganui / The Bing Turkby Ensemble

From: Sick Chutney (2000)

Collection record | The Bing Turkby Ensemble on Bandcamp

“I chose this track because it sparks critical discourse around a range of significant contemporary societal issues. Like the diplomatic uses of beer, or xenophobia in rural NZ... you don't look right, and round here that's a good excuse for a fight."

(Mark Crookston, Digital Collection Strategy Leader).

Listen to The Bing Turkby Ensemble.

2. The Hacker / John Egenes

From: Crucifixion (2006)

Collection record | John Egenes on Bandcamp

“Have you ever heard a country & western song about computer hacking? Now you have. Let these slide guitars tell you a tale of firewalls and security protocols."

(Leigh Rosin, Digital Archivist).

Listen to A.D. Geist.

3. Real / A.D. Geist

From: Songs For a Dead Rapper (2008)

Collection record | A.D. Geist on Bandcamp

“Can’t resist a beat and bass that grinds me down into the ground. I feel my vertebrae going…"

(Reuben Schrader, Web Editor).

Listen to The Enright House.

4. Darkwave Live In Auckland / The Enright House

From: (2010)

Collection record | The Enright House on Bandcamp

Recorded live at the Wine Cellar in Auckland,on September 11, 2008, as part of The Enright House's Solo Electronic Tour.

“It sounds good for a live recording, plus I like the lyric, ‘ESP telegrams."

(Andrew Henry, E-Publications Librarian/Selector).

Listen to Wet Wings.

5. Feeeel it / Wet Wings

From: Glory (Lil’ Chief Records, 2011)

Collection record | Wet Wings on Lil’ Chief Records

“Someone described Wet Wings to me as ethereal. I think it's true in part, but I like how the percussion punches through in this track. The whole album evokes lazy summer afternoons, no matter what the weather is doing outside."

(Mark Crookston, Digital Collection Strategy Leader).

Listen to Snarlos.

6. Marcel’s Redundancy / Snarlos

From: HelloElectroland (2010)

Collection record | Snarlos on Bandcamp

“Every 20 seconds another element is thrown into the mix that just changes the feel of the whole thing. It starts at static and dizziness and ends at a stomping dance."

(Reuben Schrader, Web Editor).

Listen to Wellington Sea Shanty Society.

7. The Waves of the Great Open Sea / Wellington Sea Shanty Society

From: The Cook Strait Demos (2012)

Collection record | Wellington Sea Shanty Society on Bandcamp

“Argh, who doesn't love a good sea shanty? This song fits the bill plus some, it's both melodic and melancholy and with lines like ‘with the wind as a way to find freedom/on the waves of the great open sea’ quite romantic too."

(Jessica Moran, Assistant Digital Archivist).

Listen to Carb On Carb.

8. Dear Men Hello / Carb On Carb

From: no body perfect (2012)

Collection record | Carb On Carb on Bandcamp

“This debut EP is full of dreamy, highly addictive pop songs of which the track "Dear men hello" slightly edges out the pack for me. They have just released a second EP called Ladies mile, also on Creative Commons."

(Sholto Duncan, E-Publications Librarian/Music Selector).

Listen to dBcooper.

9. Get Down (feat. Anna Holland) / dBcooper

From: Golden Mean (2012)

Collection record | dBcooper on Bandcamp

“Good production with some nice retro R&B sampling, and nicely penned politically tinged raps. 'Get Down' is my favourite it has a good hook and Anna Holland's vocals bring some soul to track."

(Sholto Duncan, E-Publications Librarian/Music Selector).

Listen to Jet Jaguar.

10. Single-Digit High / Jet Jaguar

From: Single-Digit High (2013)

Collection record | Jet Jaguar on Bandcamp

“The first of 6 EPs planned for release this year! Very chilled-out downtempo beats overlayed with an almost hauntingly fragile female vocal track."

(Sholto Duncan, E-Publications Librarian/Music Selector).

Listen to Nick Guy.

11. Palliser Bay / Nick Guy

From: (2012)

Collection record | Nick Guy on Bandcamp

“It takes a considerable amount of gumption and skill to pull off a long piece of music that eschews things like repetition and structure. Without these, the success of a song relies heavily on less studied elements like texture and atmosphere. I think Nick's a real pro at this, and also his former band Barnard's Star were flippin great, so I'm biased."

(Matt Steindl, Research Librarian Music).

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John Duncan
30 October 2013 1:42pm

Good blog Sholto, looks like you have been busy!

Sholto Duncan
15 May 2013 10:55am

Hi there! The majority of recordings in our collection range from the late 1940s onwards when pressing and production began in New Zealand, initially through TANZA.

However, the Library has a range of overseas recordings prior to this that feature NZ artists, for example we have a lot of HMV and Victrola 78"s featuring the NZ born soprano Frances Alda from the WWI era (see http://natlib.govt.nz/records/20971006).

One of the earliest recorded NZ related items is the Invercargill March (composer: Alex Lithgow) on an Edison Blue Amberol Cylinder, played by the N.Y. Military Band, and released in the USA in 1913 (you can listen to it here: http://cylinders.library.ucsb.edu/search.php?queryType=@attr+1=1020&num=1&query=cylinder0244.

If you are looking for a specific recording or would like more detailed information then please feel free to email Matt Steindl, our Music Research Librarian: matt.steindl@dia.govt.nz.

9 May 2013 1:11pm

Just wondering what the earliest NZ music recordings are that you have; any from the WW1 era? If so, I appreciate some links to those as well. Cheers

Sholto Duncan
9 May 2013 9:50am

Hi Brian, we've added the list to the top of the post – feel free to grab it and have a look through.

And yes, we are collecting from soundcloud where possible. Our current preference is for sites like bandcamp and CD Baby that allow high quality downloads, but we collect from a wide range of other vendors including soundcloud. Often items on vendors like soundcloud may not be covered by Legal Deposit so we try and gain permission from the producers to download and archive their material.

8 May 2013 3:50pm

Like it. You mention a "master list of CC albums collected over the last 6 months".Can you make this available? Also interested in whether you are collecting from Sound Cloud