Digital citizenship — an overview

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Digital Citizenship is an evolving concept reflecting different behaviours.


Digital Citizenship has broad and far reaching implications for many people.

It can mean something a little different for each one of us.

For some, it represents best practice in the way we treat one another online. For others, it reflects the ability to be effective critical thinkers with the vast amounts of available information.

It allows for the development of literacies across a variety of media including
print, digital, and face to face interaction.

In other instances, the idea of being a good digital citizen is the awareness one has about
their personal information and how it is used to access and personalise a variety of online
and digital resources.

So, which of these accurately reflects Digital Citizenship?

At the National Library, we believe it represents all of these, and more. Digital Citizenship
is an evolving concept that is informed by many situations and contexts in which we use
technology to connect to people, resources, and information.

Digital Citizenship is ultimately about how we balance out and make sense of
the information we are so interconnected to.

And so that we can bring meaning and purpose to our learning and our lives.