It's now easier to track requests and distribute books

Screenshot of part of the school lending service dashboard.

We've refreshed the lending service dashboard to make it easier to see the status of your book requests. We've also added a notation feature to help you know which books are for which class.

Easier to see the status of your requests

Scroll down the lending dashboard page to ‘Recent requests’. You'll see that we've summarised key information for each request — such as date submitted and status — so it's visible at a glance. This will enable you to track the progress of each loan at a summary level.

Screenshot of school lending service online form showing recent requests summary information and an expanded request with more details displayed,

To see more detailed information for each request, use the drop-down arrow to expand the loan request.

The changes should also help you quickly scan and find past requests if teachers want books for the same topic again.

New feature to make it easier to distribute books

We've received feedback from loan coordinators looking to find a better way to distribute books to the right classrooms once they receive their orders from the National Library.

So we've added a new free text box ‘In school notes’ to the topics selection form.

Screenshot of lower portion of the topics selection request form, part of National Library's lending service.

Use this field to record information such as the requesting teacher's room number and name. When books arrive, this information will appear on the printed sheet in the box.

Screenshot of part of the printout that National Library includes in boxes of books sent to schools.

We hope this will help you determine which teachers ordered which books when they arrive!