Black and white photo of young girl with plaited hair doing a maths equation on a chalk board.

Request an interloan billing correction

New Zealand lending libraries can use this form to request a correction for an interloan charge with a New Zealand library. If you are a borrowing library contact the lending library to arrange the correction.

Before you start

Before you start check you know the following.

  • Charge has been invoiced — we can only process invoiced charges.

  • Request number — this number is available in WorldShareILL and on the lending and borrowing library invoice.

  • New Zealand Library symbols — You will need the lending library and borrowing library New Zealand Library symbol which can be found in the Directory of New Zealand Libraries.

Feature image at top of page: Detail of photo of young unidentified girl writing equations on the blackboard, probably Wellington region. Ref: EP/1960/1126-F. Alexander Turnbull Library.