• Events
  • Mīharo Wonder exhibition

What does the word ‘wonder’ — or ‘mīharo’ — mean to you? It could be something that evokes awe, fascination or curiosity; to make you think, speculate, meditate upon.

The ATL100 exhibition Mīharo Wonder will inspire you to do all of these.

The exhibition, curated by Fiona Oliver and Peter Ireland, brings to light some of the Alexander Turnbull Library’s rare treasures and curious artefacts. From well-known paintings to the most obscure of jottings, they reflect moments in time and give insights into place, culture and people’s lives.

The items chosen declared themselves to our eye, heart and mind. We know they’ll speak to yours, too.

More about Mīharo Wonder

A group of seven men and women on a log bridge.

A group of seven men and women in Edwardian dress, standing and seated on a log bridge over a stream, in a bush setting. The subjects are probably coal miners and their wives. Coal Creek, c. 1900. Artist unknown Ref: G-172. Alexander Turnbull Library.