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  • E oho! How Pākehā can support te reo Māori revitalisation

E oho! How Pākehā can support te reo Māori revitalisation

Part of E oho! Waitangi series

A panel discussion for learners of te reo Māori and ones who would like to learn te reo Māori but don’t know where to start or how to do it in a way that is respectful to Māori.

Be an ally to te reo revitalisation

Pākehā are often enthusiastic about learning te reo, but how can they do it in a way that supports the revitalisation of the language? The speakers will share their own journeys and give some advice.

Te reo Māori revitalisation is an important kaupapa for the Māori language to survive and thrive. The more speakers of te reo the better, is usually the credo; however, there are also concern from Māori that the limited spaces and resources should be made available to Māori learners first, while others think te reo Māori should be made compulsory at school.

This panel discussion will shed some light on the various perspectives and initiatives as well as barriers and approaches to overcoming them when learning te reo Māori as a Pākehā.

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People sitting in a dimly lit auditorium with beautiful decorative wood panels highlighted.

Taiwhanga Kauhau — Auditorium, National Library Wellington. Photo by Mark Beatty.