Jackson, Francis Arthur, active 1895

Contributed an article "A Fijian legend of the origin of the 'Vilavilairevo' or 'Fire ceremony'" towards the Polynesian Society.

There are 2 related items to this topic

Manuscripts for publication - Volume 3

Date: 1894

From: Polynesian Society: Records

Reference: MS-Papers-1187-221

Description: Comprises manuscripts of the following papers (in publication order): `Notes and queries'; `Proceedings of the Society'; Edward A Tregear `A Paumtuan dictionary'; F Arthur Jackson `A Fijian legend of the origin of the "Vilavilairevo" or "Fire ceremony"'[2 copies]; Alexander Shand `The Moriori people of the Chatham Islands' [2 copies]; Rev W Gray `Four Aniwan songs'; rev T G Hammond `The taro'; Ema Turumeke `Narrative of the battle of Omihi'; `Notes and queries'. Quantity: 1 folder(s).


General correspondence

Date: 1881-1912

From: Australian Joint Copying Project : Miscellaneous Series microfilm

Reference: Micro-MS-Coll-20-1637

Description: Quantity: 1 microfilm reel(s).