Education - American Samoa

There are 3 related items to this topic

Oral English lessons

Date: [1970s?]

From: McEwen, Jock Malcolm, 1915-2010: Collection

Reference: MS-Papers-6717-100

Description: Series of daily lessons in oral English from the Government Schools of American Samoa Television Division Quantity: 1 folder(s).


Views of my cruise on the Samoan Islands - Photograph album of American Samoa and (West...

Date: Jun 1924 - Sep 1924

From: Williams, Eddy, b 1892: Photograph albums of American Samoa and (Western) Samoa

Reference: PA1-o-1910

Description: Album of Samoan photographs taken mainly at Tutuila Island and Ta'u, American Samoa, but also includes images from Upolo, Samoa, taken and compiled by Eddy Williams, a pharmacist who served with the US Navy 1914-1935. Williams was stationed at the American naval station in Pago Pago Harbour on Tutuila from June to September 1924. Images show Tutuila and Ta'u island and its people, including landscapes, landmarks, coastal views and buildings. Images of Samoan people wearing traditional garments and adornments, and United States Navy personnel in uniform. Portraiture ranges from formal group portraits to social snapshots, with others showing activities such as the manual processing of coconuts. Images of children and young adults posing for the camera. Also includes images of tatooing and the tools used. Other images show ships and canoes. Many of the photographs include no caption information. The following is a selection of captions from the album: - 'Flower Pot, Tutuila, Samoa' - known locally as Fatu ma Futi - a rock at the entrance to Pago Pago Harbour in American Samoa. - 'Windblown coconut trees on Pago Pago Bay showing Rainmaker in the distance' - the Rainmaker Mountain, also known as North Pioa Mountain. - 'Entrance to Pago Pago' - 'A Fale or native house in the village of Pango Pango [Pago Pago] on Tutuila' - 'An extra large breadfruit tree' - 'A native house on the beach at Tau' - 'A cluster of papaias [papayas] which grows in Siufaga' - 'Vaitupu, the last queen of Manua. The king died in 1908. She is now the wife of our village pastor' - This is in reference to Tui Manu'a Elisala, who died in 1909. - 'Bandmaster Indenor with the native Fida band' - in reference to the Fita Fita military band - 'A wedding feast with guests all seated' - 'Son of Tufele and bride Matiutuse a girl of Fagalogo' - 'Tulifua an old tooloo or talking chief of the village of Luma on Tau' Other caption information is fragmentary and in many instances obscured by photographic prints mounted over caption labels. Originally housed in custom-made clamshell box now at PA1-o-1921. Arrangement: Single loose photographic print removed from album - now at PAColl-10382 Quantity: 1 album(s) Album(s). Physical Description: Photograph album containing 91 silver gelatin photographic prints (89 mounted, 2 loose), on 50 loose album leaves.


Photograph album of American Samoa and (Western) Samoa

Date: Jun 1924 - Sep 1924

From: Williams, Eddy, b 1892: Photograph albums of American Samoa and (Western) Samoa

Reference: PA1-o-1909

Description: Album of photographs of American Samoa and Samoa, taken and compiled by Eddy Williams, a pharmacist who served with the United States Navy 1914-1935. Williams was stationed at the American naval station in Pago Pago Harbour on Tutuila from June to September 1924. The broad range of images in this collection provide a detailed documentation of Tutuila Island and other Samoan islands in the early 1920s, however the complete lack of captions in this album has resulted in some of the subject matter remaining unidentified. Images show Tutuila naval station, the islands, European and indigenous people. The collection includes photographic documentation of the following: - The built environment - Fale, government administrative buildings, military barracks, school buildings, and dwellings. - Landscapes - including coastal views, mountains, seascapes and natural features, such as the Alofaaga Blowhole. - Ships and canoes - including the United States naval cargo and passenger vessel USAT 'Buford', which visited the South Seas in 1924. Also traditional Samoan canoes used for fishing and racing (Fautasi racing). - Samoan people - both in traditional dress, wearing customary adornments and ceremonial attire, and in uniform for military drill and parades. - European civilians and naval personnel in both formal and informal settings, including images of visiting officials. - Samoan children - both individuals and groups, including large group of pupils of The Public School Manu'a. - Medical and pharmacy - including interior views of naval pharmacy and medical facilities, including medical and nursing staff in uniform. - From Samoa are images of the tomb of Robert Louis Stevenson. - United States naval personnel include members of the crew of the USS 'Ontario'. - Newsclipping from an illustrated journal shows a photographic portrait of a young Samoan female subject with the caption 'Underneath the South Sea moon, famed by song writers, reign beaded beauties like this. She'd win any beauty contest among the 8,000 citizens of American Samoa'. Originally housed in custom-made clamshell box now at PA1-o-1921. Quantity: 1 album(s) Album(s). Physical Description: Photograph album (labelled: 'Badger Albums - The Heinn Company - The Badger Line - Loose leaf devices'), with silver gelatin photoprints mounted on 48 loose album leaves; illustrated newspaper clipping.