Wetton, Pauline, active 1970s

Producer of plays for Khandallah Arts Theatre in the 1970s.

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Khandallah Arts Theatre: Programmes and fliers relating to plays and dramatic performances

Date: 1960-2011

Reference: Eph-A-DRAMA-KAT-1960/2011

Description: Includes: 1960s?: Khandallah Arts Theatre. [Art display, featuring work by Bill Main, Lorna Ellis, Jose de Fajardo, Hillary Bertinshaw, Merlene Young, Joan Macarthur, E Mervyn Taylor, Juliet Peter, Roy Cowan, Flo Collins, Helen Mason, Lee Thomson, Janet Wright, Wilf Wright. Exhibition arranged by Fergus McLean]. 1962: "Under the sycamore tree", by Samuel Spewack. Directed by Pauline McLean. Khandallah Town Hall, 13-14 September 1962. Programme 1963: Archibald Macleish's "JB". Produced by Pauline McLean. V.U.W. Memorial Theatre. 13-17 August 1963. 1964: "The life of Galileo" by Bertolt Brecht. Produced by Pauline McLean. First NZ performance. Victoria University Memorial Theatre. 25-30 May 1964. (Flyer only) (2 copies) 1966: "Come blow your horn", by Neil Simon. Produced by Donald Priestley. Khandallah Town Hall. 31 March - 2 April 1966. 1972: Brochure. 1975: "Twelfth night", by William Shakespeare. Produced by Zenocrate Graham. Designer Raymond Boyce. Khandallah Town Hall. 19-21, 26-28 June 1975 (2 copies) 1976: "She's done it again", by Michael Pertwee. Directed by Dorrigen Dyson-Rowley. Khandallah Town Hall. 12-21 August 1976. (2 copies) "The flip side", by Hugh and Margaret Williams. Produced by Ian Lockie. Designer Vivian Manthel. Khandallah Town Hall. 18-27 March 1976. 1977: "Much ado about nothing", by William Shakespeare. Produced by Zenocrate Graham. Khandallah Town Hall 4-6, 11-13 August 1977. (2 copies) "Suddenly at home", by Francis Durbridge. Produced by Allan Willcock. Khanadallah Town Hall. 21-30 April 1977. 1978: "There's a girl in my soup", by Terence Frisby. Produced by Allan Willcock. Khandallah Arts Theatre. 5-7, 12-14 October 1978[?] (2 copies) "Arms and the man", by George Bernard Shaw. Produced by George Eiby. Khandallah Town Hall. 27-29 April, 4-6 May 1978. (2 copies) "Mothers and fathers", by Joseph Musaphia. Produced by Pauline Wetton. Khandallah Town Hall. 13-16 June 1978. Programme and ticket. 1980: "The rivals", by Sheridan. Produced by Zenocrate Graham. Khandallah Town Hall. 30 April - 10 May 1980. Programme (2 copies) 1981: "Absurd person singular", by Alan Ayckbourn. Produced by Allan Willcock. Khandallah Town Hall. 1-11 April 1981. (2 copies) "The Adventures of Awful Knawful", by Peter Flannery and Mick Ford. Produced by Sharon Major. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 8-17 October 1981. Christmas party programme ("The tram track tragedy"", "Cleaning up justice", "One blast and have done", "A man's best friend", "The Macbeth murders"). 21 November 1981, Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 1982: "As you like it", by William Shakespeare. Produced by Zenocrate Graham. Khandallah Town Hall. 21-25 April, 28 April - 1 May 1982. Programme (2 copies) "Puss in Boots", by Nicholas Stuart Gray. Produced by Ian Lockie. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 29 July - 1 August, 5-7 August 1982. "The miracle worker", by William Gibson. Produced by Allan Willcock. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 28-31 October, 4-6 November 1982. (2 copies) 1983: "Ring round the moon", by Jean Anouilh. Produced by Sharon Major. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 28 April - 7 May 1983. "Caucasian Chalk Circle", by Bertolt Brecht. Produced by Pauline Wetton. Khandallah Town Hall. November 1983. 1984: "Pinocchio" by Brian Way. Directed by Sharon Major. Cashmere Ave School Community Hall. 9-10, 16-17 August 1984. Programme and flyer. 1985: "School for clowns", by F K Waechter and Ken Campbell. Directed by Vesta Gormack. Cashmere Ave Community Hall. 15-17, 24 August 1985. Programme and flyer. 1986: "Relatively speaking", by Alan Ayckbourn. Directed by Ewen Coleman. Cashmere Avenue Community School Hall, 9-19 May 1986. Programme (2 copies). "The hobbit", adapted from J R R Tolkien, music Alan Jay Friedman, Lyrics David Rogers. Directed by Sharon Major, musical director Bruce Carpenter. Cashmere Ave School Community Hall. 6-16 August 1986. 1987: "Star Blaze; a rock musical". Music by Shade Smith; words John Reynolds. Director Lorraine Banks; musical director Anne Megget. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 5-15 August 1987. 1988: "Of gold and silver"; scenes chosen by Zenocrate Graham; a theatrical money-go-round. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 23-25 June 1988. "Trudi and the Minstrel", by Alan Cullen. Directed by Sharon Major. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall, 11-20 August 1988. Flier 1989: "Cinderella", a Crocker and Gilder pantomime, directed by Vesta Gormack. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall, 10-19 August 1989. Programme 1990: "The scapegoat", by Margaret Beames. Directed by Stephen Fearnley. Victoria University Memorial Theatre. 13 September? 1990. Programme. "Gorillas", by Barbara Anderson. Directed by Mary Collie-Holmes. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 1-10 November 1990. Programme (2 copies) 1991: "Blithe spirit", by Nole Coward. Directed by Irvine O'Callaghan. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 15-24 August 1991. "The comedy of errors", by William Shakespeare. Directed by Vesta Gormack. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall, 2-11 May 1991. Programme (2 copies). 1994: "Jigsaws", by Jennifer Rogers. Directed by Stephen Fearnley. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 17-19, 24-26 March 1994. "The bungling burglars, by Michelanne Forster. Music by Felicity Williams. Directed by Mary Singleton. 18-21, 25-27 August 1994. 1995: "Natural causes", a black comedy by Eric Chappell, directed by Margaret Robertson. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall, 9-18 November 1995. Programme. 1996: "Pygmalion", by George Bernard Shaw. Directed by Mary Singleton. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 9-18 May 1996. 1997: "Deadly embrace", by Eric Paice. Directed by Stephen Fearnley. Cashmere Ave School Community Hall, 17-26 April 1997. Programme. "The odd couple" (female version), by Neil Simon. Directed by Ewen Coleman. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 20-29 November 1997. 1998: "The wedding party", by Fiona Samuel. Directed by Mary Singleton in conjunction with Playmarket. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. May 1998. (2 copies) 2003: "Hobson's choice", by Harold Brighouse; directed by Margaret Robertson. Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue School, 6-15 November 2003. Programme 2005: "Bedroom farce", by Alan Ayckbourn; dorected by Ian Munro. Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue School, October 2005. Programme 2006: "Goldilocks and the three bears", by Carl Nixon. Directed by Susan Vella. 9-18 February 2006. Flier/advertisement only. "Dancing at Lughnasa", by Brian Friel. Directed by Paul Langham. Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue School, 5-12 October 2006. Flier 2008: Khandallah Arts Theatre proudly presents "The miracle worker", by William Gibson. Directed by Jo Bean. Cashmere Avenue School Hall, 17-26 July 2008. Flier only. Welcome to Khandallah Arts Theatre . [Notice of upcoming shows "Travels with my aunt" (2008) and "Julie Roger" and "Twelfth night" (2009)] "Travels with my aunt", by Giles Havergal, from the novel by Graham Greene. Directed by Kathi George and Mark Da Vanzo. Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue School, 9-18 October 2008. Programme 2010: Khandallah Arts Theatre presents "King Rat the Wicked", written and directed by Rose Hudson. Khandallah Park, 6-7, 12-14 February 2010. Flier only 2011: "The government inspector", by Nikolai Gogol; translated and adapted by Alistair Beaton. Rehearsed reading. 14 October 2011. Programme (2 copies). Title supplied by Library. Quantity: 1 folder(s) containg 77 pieces of ephemera. Physical Description: Letterpress items, varying sizes up to quarto.


Wellington Repertory Theatre: [Theatre programmes for drama productions in 1982]

Date: 1982


Description: Includes: "Confusions", by Alan Ayckbourn, directed by Michael Scott-Smith. [1982 or 1983?]. Programme (2 copies) "Cowardy custard", an entertainment devised by Gerald Frow, Alan Strachan, Wendy Toye, featuring the words and music of Nole Coward. Directed by Rex Pekin. [1982]. Programme. "Man and superman", by George Bernard Shaw. Diretced by Lyn Savill. [1982]. Programme (2 copies) "Night at the races - Pigeon Park Racing Club Incorporated", Spring meeting, September - October 1982. [Directed by] Pauline Wetton, musical director Emily Mair. Programme (2 copies) "Repartee", a musical revue devised and directed by Fergus Dick. [April / May 1982]. Programme (2 copies) "Stevie". Song sheet only [1982]. "Uncle Vanya", by Anton Chekhov. Directed by Elizabeth Martin. [1982]. Programme Quantity: 1 folder(s). Physical Description: Offset lithographs on programmes, sizes below 250 mm. Provenance: One programme donated by Mrs Shirley Megget in 2006; and one by David Austin in 2006.


Stagecraft Theatre :[Programmes and flyers. 1960-1989].

Date: 1960 - 1989

Reference: Eph-A-STAGECRAFT-1960/1989

Description: Includes: 1960: "A resounding tinkle", by N F Simpson. Directed by Keith M Bennett. [March? 1960]. Programme (2 copies) "Hot summer night" by Ted Willis. Produced by Keith Bennett and Terence Journet. 1960. Programme. (2 copies) "The Hamlet of Stepney Green", by Bernard Kops. Directed by Keith and Beryl Bennett. 1960. Programme (2 copies) 1961: "Road to Paradise" by Russell Reid. Directed by Keith M Bennett. 1961. Programme (2 copies) "Picnic", by William Inge. Directed by Toby Easterbrook-Smith. Concert Chamber 21-25 November [1961]. Flier. 1962: "The glazed look", by Terence Journet. Directed by Keith Bennett. 26 November - 1 December 1962. Programme. 1963: "Experiment in a wide wood", by Terence Journet (Wellington author). Concert Chamber, 24-28 September [1963]. Programme and flier 1964: "Double Yolk" (including "By accident" and "With intent" by Hugh and Margaret Williams. Directed by Eric Kemeys. 1-5 December 1964. Programme. 1966: "Every other evening" by Francois Campaux. Directed by Colleen Walling. 1966. Programme. "The Long Wait" by Wayne Tourell of Kaitangata, Otago. Directed by Kathleen Houston. 7-9 December 1966. Programme. "The poker session", by Hugh Leonard. Directed by Ralph Poole. [1966]. Programme 1967: "Semi detached", by David Turner. Produced by Colleen Walling. 15-22 April 1967. Programme. "The Paradoxical quest" by Wayne Tourell of South Otago. Produced by Eric Kemeys. December 1967. Programme. 1968: "Thieves Carnival" by Jean Anouilh. Produced by Margaret Mitchell. Stagecraft Theatre Tonks Avenue. 27 April - 4 May 1968. Programme. "The subject was roses", by Frank D Gilroy. Directed by Ronald Bowie. 10th anniversary production. Programme (2 copies) "A lily in Little India" by Donald Howarth (NZ premiere). Produced by Stanley Campbell. 1968. Programme. (2 copies) 1969: "Blood wedding", by Lorca. Produced by Ian Carrie. [1969]. Programme. (2 copies plus newscutting review dated 17 April 1969) "Philadelphia here I come", by Brian Friel. Produced by Eric Kemeys. Programme (2 copies) and promotional pamphlet. "The Trigon" by James Broome Linne. Produced by Anne Roberts. [ca 1969]. Programme. "Up the Mall". Christmas revue 1969. Promotional flyer / programme. 1970: "The restoration of Arnold Middleton" by David Storey. Produced by Tony Isaac. April 1970. Programme (2 copies) and newsclipping. "Enter a free man" by Tom Stoppard. Produced by Ronald Bowie. 1970. Programme. 1971: "The Brass Butterfly" by William Golding. Produced by Ian Carrie. April 1971. Programme. "The effect of gamma rays on Man-in-the-Moon marigolds" by Paul Zindel. Produced by special arrangement with Elmwood Players, Christchurch. September 1971. Programme. (2 copies) "My three angels", by Sam and Bella Spewack. Produced by Jean Crabtree. December 1971. Programme. 1972: "All for Mary", by Harold Brooke and Kay Bannerman. Directed by Elsie Lloyd. April 1972. Programme. "The loves of Cass McGuire" by Brian Friel. 17-24 June [1972?]. Advertising card. "Out at sea" and "Charlie", two plays by Slawomir Mrozek. Produced by Elizabeth Martin and Marshall Marsden. 1972. Programme. "The Drunkard" or "Down with Demon Drink", by Brian J Burton. Produced by Ian Carrie. Theatre Studio, Tonks Avenue. 4-18 November 1972. Programme. (2 copies) and promotional card. 1973: "I spy", by John Mortimer. Produced by Nicholas Spalders. [1973]. Programme. "Events while guarding the Bofors gun", by John McGrath. Directed by Ross Jennings. October 1973 Programme. (2 copies) 1974: "You never can tell", by George Bernard Shaw. Produced by Ian Carrie. 1974. Programme. 1975: "Everything in the garden", by Giles Cooper; directed and designed by Jean Crabtree [1975]. Programme "The seagull", by Anton Chekhov. Produced by Peter Meikle. [1975] Programme (2 copies) 1976: "The disorderly women", by John Bowen. Directed by Pauline Wetton. 24 June - 3 July 1976. Programme. An evening of one-act plays: "The dirty old man", produced by Eric Kemeys; "La musica", produced by Ian Carrie. 18-21 August 1976. Programme 1977: "The big killing", by Phillip Mackie, directed by Brian Staniland. [March 1977?]. Programme "Dutch uncle", by Simon Gray. Directed by Elizabeth Martin. 1977. Programme (2 copies) Early 1980s?: "The real Inspector Hound" by Tom Stoppard. Produced by Anne Bushell. Programme. (2 copies) "The Hot l Baltimore" [sic], by Lanford Wilson. Directed by Ronald Bowie. [1976/77?]. Programme. 1981: "Separate tables", by Terrence Rattigan. Directed by Ewan Coleman. 12-22 August 1981. Programme. 1983: "Death of a salesman", by Arthur Miller. Directed by Jack James. [1983]. Programme "Dirty work at the Crossroads". Directed by Eric Kemeys. Late 1983. Programme. 1984: [Map to find the theatre in Tonks Avenue]. 1984. 1987: "The ruffian on the stair" by Joe Orton, and "The lover", by Harold Pinter. Directed by Colleen Foss. 8-17 October 1987. Programme (2 copies) 1989: "Arsenic & old lace", by Joseph Kesselring. Directed by Liz Lipski. Stagecraft Theatre. 17 November - 2 December [1989]. Programme. Quantity: 35 programmes (approx). 1 flier(s). Physical Description: Letterpress on programmes, sizes below 250 mm.


Khandallah Arts Theatre :[Programmes and fliers relating to plays and dramatic performa...

Date: 1960 - 2012

Reference: Eph-B-DRAMA-KAT-1960/2012

Description: Includes: 1960s: "Conversations with a golliwog", by Alexander Guyan; and, "The end of the golden weather", by Bruce Mason. Khandallah Town Hall. 7-10 April [1960s - pre-decimal currency]. Card only 1963: "J.B.", by Archibald MacLeish. Produced by Pauline Mclean. University Little Theatre Wellington. 13-17 August 1963. Programme. (2 copies) 1964: "The life of Galileo", by Bertolt Brecht. Produced by Pauline McLean. Victoria Memorial Theatre. 25-30 May 1964. Programme (2 copies) 1965: "Ondine", by Jean Giraudoux. Produced by Pauline McLean. University Memorial Theatre Wellington. 21-26 June 1965. Programme (2 copies) 1972: Three one-act plays: "The twelve-pound look" by Sir James Barrie, produced by Gay Robertson; "A separate peace", by Tom Stoppard, produced by Margaret Robertson; "The Rose and Crown", by J B Priestley, produced by Dorigen Dyson-Rowley. Cashmere Community Centre. 19 July 1972. [Poster] Cabaret evening. Cashmere Community Centre. 2 December 1972. Invitation card. 1978? "Arms and the man", by George Bernard Shaw. Khandallah Town Hall. 27-29 April, 4-6 May [1978?] Flyer only. 1983: Membership list, Khandallah Arts Theatre Inc, February 1983. Flier. "Ring round the moon", by Jean Anouilh. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 28-30 April, 4-7 May [1983]. Flier. "Caucasian chalk circle", by Bertolt Brecht. Directed by Pauline Wetton. Khandallah Town Hall. 10-12, 16-19 November [1983]. Flier (2 copies) 1984: An Elizabethan evening; a frolic through Shakespeare ... Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 21-23 June [1984]. Flyer (2 copies) "Pinocchio", by Brian Way. Directed by Sharon Major. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 9-10, 16-17 August [1984]. Flier only. 1985: An evening in Hollywood. Cashmere Avenue School Community HAll. 23 November [1985]. Flier / invitation 1986: "The hobbit"; a play with music. Director Sharon Major; musical director Bruce Carpenter. Adapted from JRR Tolkien by David Rogers, Ruth Perry, Allan Jay Friedman. Cashmere Ave School Community Hall, 6-16 August 1986. Flyer 1988: "Trudi and the minstrel", by Alan Cullen. Directed by Sharon Major. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 11-20 August 1988. Flier. 1991: "The storytellers", by Brian Way; directed by Mary Collie-Holmes. 7-16 November 1991. Flyer 1993: "The school for scandal", by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Directed by Vesta Gormack. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 12-21 August 1993. Programme (2 copies) 1995: "An ideal husband", by Oscar Wilde. Directed by Mary Collie-Holmes. Cashmere Avenue School Community Hall. 27-30 April [1995?]. Flier only. 2000: "The dragon who burnt her boats", writeen and produced by Mary Collie-Holmes and James Middleton. Khandallah Park. Summer City 2000, Feb 16-20, 23-25. Flier / programme. "Travels with my aunt", by Giles Havergal, from the novel by Graham Greene. Directed by Kathi George and Mark Da Vanzo. Cochran Hall, Cashmere Avenue School, 9-18 October 2008. Flier only 2011: "The ugly duckland strikes back", written by Carl Nixon. Directed by Mary Collie-Holmes and Michelle Soper. Khandallah Park, 5-13 February 2011. Flier only 2012: "The constant wife", by W Somerset Maugham; directed by Ewen Coleman. Cochran Hall Cashmere Avenue School, 19-28 April 2012 Quantity: 22 programmes and flyers. Physical Description: Photolithographs or typescripts, size below 350 mm.


The Whalerider / Pauline Wetton and John Willetts

Date: [199-?]

From: Playmarket Inc : Records

Reference: 2002-218-7/12

Description: Quantity: 1 folder(s).