Leather-bound books on a bookshelf.

Registering and requesting

Coming in on a Saturday to research? Plan ahead and request items you want to use by 4pm on Friday. Orders made on Saturday are delivered on Monday. More about delivery times for requested material

Most of the collections are kept safe in storage, but they can be retrieved at your request. You need to be registered with us to request items. Find out how to register as a reader so you can request items from our published and unpublished collections.

Register as a reader so you can request collection items

You need to register as a reader to request collection items. There are different processes for requesting:

  • published material (collections on the National Library catalogue), or

  • unpublished (collections on Tiaki).

Published material — registration

Published material includes books, journals, newspapers, and more.

  • Complete the 'Register to use the National Library Catalogue' form.

  • Once you've completed the form come in to the Library, and you’ll be able to request published items from the National Library catalogue for viewing in the Reading Rooms.

Register to use the National Library Catalogue

Unpublished material — registration

Unpublished material includes photographs, manuscripts, drawings, oral histories, and more.

  • You’ll need a RealMe account to register to view unpublished material — you can use your existing RealMe account, or create one from Tiaki.

  • On the Tiaki homepage click Login or register and follow the instructions to use your RealMe account or make a new one.

  • Click Continue to go to the Tiaki registration page.

  • Fill in the registration form, show us some photo ID and you’re done.

Once you have completed this registration process you’ll be able to request unpublished material from Tiaki for viewing in the Reading Rooms.

Tiaki homepage

How to find and request items

Once you are registered as a reader you can request published and unpublished material and view them in the Reading Rooms.

  • The best place to start your search is on the National Library website search. Use the search on the homepage or click on the search button on the top right hand corner of the website.

  • Once you find something you are interested in, click on it to open fuller record. If you would like to request to view it, select the ‘See original record’ button.

The ‘See original record’ button will take you to one of our two different catalogues depending on what the item is.

Request published material — books and sound recordings

To request published material held at the Library you will be using the National Library catalogue. Search the catalogue if you haven't already found what you are looking for with a website search.

  • sign in — link is in the top right hand corner. If you don’t already have an account there is an option to register.

  • select the item you want to request

  • click 'Request'

  • complete the request information

  • click 'Request'

  • sign out once you've finished requesting.

You can request up to 10 items at a time.

National Library catalogue

Request unpublished material

To request unpublished material held at the Library:

  • go to Tiaki

  • login using RealMe

  • search the catalogue

  • select the item you want to request

  • click 'Request item'

  • 'close' the box

  • click 'current request' — left hand of screen

  • fill in 'date required', 'comment' and then 'complete request'

  • click 'Close'

  • logout once you've finished requesting — top right hand corner.

You can request up to 10 items at a time.

Tiaki homepage

Requesting access to restricted collections

You will need to make an appointment for any items from the collections that are restricted or have handling requirments. We may need to check with the curator. Time frames may differ depending on the items requested and the type of access conditions.

Examples of items this could apply to include:

  • drawings, paintings, and prints

  • rare books and fine printing

  • ephemera

  • cartographic items, and

  • oral history.

Access to restricted collections

Delivery times for material you have requested

Collection items will be delivered to the Katherine Mansfield Reading Room and issued there for reading.

Collection items are delivered at the following times.


If you request an item by

Your item will be available from

Monday to Friday



Monday to Friday



Monday to Friday



Monday to Friday



Monday to Friday



Friday only


9am Saturday


No collection delivery

No collection delivery