Scenes at Cobham Court, Porirua

Scenes at Cobham Court, Porirua

All views show pedestrians and shoppers at night in Porirua. Frames 1 to 3 show a group of young Māori talking outside on the pavement. Two young Māori boys are in a bookshop (frame 4). Following images show a couple with a baby in a pushchair; a mother and her daughter holding hands; two couples with babies and a small boy holding his hand up to his face not wanting to be photographed; and a young man with an Afro hairstyle standing by a pillar in the Post Office. The final three frames show people queuing at a Post office Savings Bank counter, including a woman carrying her small daughter who is peeping over her shoulder. Unless otherwise stated, all persons are unidentified. Photographs taken by Ans Westra.

Source of descriptive information - Notes written by Westra, accompanying the corresponding proof sheet

Quantity: 4 b&w original negative(s) 120 strips containing 12 images.

Physical Description: Cellulose acetate roll film

All requests for copies, use and reproduction, must be sent to Ans Westra's agent Suite Tirohanga at and 04 976 7663. Copyright: Copyright held by Ans Westra
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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
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Westra, Ans, 1936-2023: Photographs / Westra, Ans, 1936-: Photographs
4 b&w original negative(s) 120 strips containing 12 images, Negatives, Cellulose acetate roll film
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Scenes at Cobham Court, Porirua. Westra, Ans, 1936-2023: Photographs. Ref: AW-1209. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/38029639

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