Photographs of buildings in the Wellington region and Hamilton, 2013

Photographs of buildings in the Wellington region and Hamilton, 2013
July - November 2013

Comprises views of various buildings in Wellington, Petone, Hamilton, Upper Hutt, and Greytown taken by Dylan Owen from July - November 2013. The photographs include images of a bouncy castle on the Petone foreshore; Brownie's Mattress Direct building on Thorndon Quay, Wellington; the General Assembly Library, Wellington; JB Hi-Fi on Barton Street, Hamilton; Miro Street Panel Beaters in Upper Hutt; the Mt Vic Chippery on Marjoribanks Street, Wellington; a paintball fort in Manor Park; the Red Rat shop on Barton Street in Hamilton; the Rockshop on Barton Street in Hamilton; Autobodies and Prop Auto on Webb Street, Wellington; The Barking Lot on Victoria Street in Wellington; and Trust House Four Square on Main Street in Greytown.

Arrangement: Files were originally delivered to the library within a folder called "Buildings"

Quantity: 13 digital photograph(s).

Copyright must be cleared before any item from this collection can be used or reproduced Copyright: Copyright held by Dylan Owen.
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Part of
Owen, Dylan, 1958-: Photographs / Building portraits
13 digital photograph(s), Photographs, Digital images, Digital photographs
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Photographs of buildings in the Wellington region and Hamilton, 2013. Owen, Dylan, 1958-: Photographs. Ref: PADL-000924. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/34040470

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