Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :[Crossing the Red's line]. 29 April 2013

Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :[Crossing the Red's line]. 29 April 2013

Shows a group of men at a bar. One says, "The reported use of banned chemicals threatening Obama's red line is worrying, isn't it?" Another responds, "Yeah!- Maybe we'll have to think about using them too!" "Because our teams haven't threatened the Reds' line all season!' Context: United States president Barack Obama has said that chemical weapons were a 'red line' for US intervention in Syria. The Queensland Reds rugby team recently beat New Zealand's Chiefs and Highlanders. (Guardian, 1 May 2013)

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Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons
2 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :[Crossing the Red's line]. 29 April 2013. Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons. Ref: DCDL-0024694. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/31986153

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