Clark, Laurence, 1949- : [National's year ahead] 19 January 2013

Clark, Laurence, 1949- : [National's year ahead] 19 January 2013
Northern advocate (Newspaper)

Shows the remnants of a 'sand bank party', where the tide has come back in and flooded the beach where a party had been. Balloons and bottles of wine float in the water, labelled, jobs, economic growth, novapay [sic] housing, and state asset sales. A chilly bin floating in the water is labelled, National. Commentary on the many ongoing issues facing the National Party government in New Zealand. McLeod Bay hosted their annual January Sand Bank Party on 15 January, which could only be accessed by boat, and lasted until the tide came in.

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Clark, Laurence, 1949- :Digital cartoons
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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Northern advocate (Newspaper). Clark, Laurence, 1949- : [National's year ahead] 19 January 2013. Clark, Laurence, 1949- :Digital cartoons. Ref: DCDL-0023885. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/31984547

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