Professor Kay : an appraisal


When Professor Leslie Kay retires from the University of Canterbury's Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, he leaves it with an international reputation for the quality of its research. His committment to the field of ultrasonic imaging has brought about the development of the only ultrasonic focussed imaging system in existence and he foresees its adoption in industrial robots. He also became an internationally recognised figure for developing sonars for use by the blind; the sonic torch (which enabled the blind to avoid obstacles in their path); sonic spectacles (which enable the blind to 'see' with sound); and the Trisensor, a device suitable for children, which allows an entirely new way of training blind children in the basic skills of spatial awareness. Other devices include underwater sonars for sea-bed search and the Cardiophone, a kind of stethoscope. His accomplishments have created a new and significant technology which he wishes to see put to use in the industrial world. (auth/KN)

New electronics Jun, 37-40, 1986
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