Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Famine and finance. 3 August 2011

Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Famine and finance. 3 August 2011
Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

The cartoon shows a starving black boy reading and then eating a newspaper that featured an article on the 'US debt crisis'. Context: deadlock that needed to be broken in order to prevent default on Tuesday 1 August. President Obama at the last hour made a compromise that many believe was weighted heavily in favour of the Republican stance that meant no change to taxation but cuts in public spending. Somalia is suffering its worst drought in sixty years. The drought and famine in Somalia have killed more than 29,000 children under the age of 5 in the last 90 days in southern Somalia alone, according to U.S. estimates. The U.N. says 640,000 Somali children are acutely malnourished, suggesting the death toll of small children will rise. (msnbc.com 9 August 2011)

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons
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Press (Christchurch, N.Z.). Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Famine and finance. 3 August 2011. Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons. Ref: DCDL-0018495. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23527470

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