Cappuccino Dreams. OK Folks, time to get down to some serious smacking before it all gets fazed out! 13 June, 2007

Cappuccino Dreams. OK Folks, time to get down to some serious smacking before it all gets fazed out! 13 June, 2007

Shows the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, and the Green Party policitian, Sue Bradford, smacking each other on their bottoms - "Bad Helen for not sponsoring my bill" "Naughty Sue Bradford for causing such divisiveness!". Shows Finance Minister Dr. Michael Cullen smacking an old woman on her bottom - "Bad bad Old People for not saving enough!". Shows the leader of the National Party, John Key, smacking a tree - "Stupid Trees for causing us a carbon credit deficit!". Shows a farmer and the Green Party leader, Jeanette Fitzsimons smacking each other on their bottoms - "Destructive Greenies for slowing our income!" "River Pooping Farmers!". Shows the Lone Ranger cowboy smacking his horse Silver - "Hi Yo Silver away!". Shows a German tourist couple on a New Zealand bushwalk 'Punakaiki' smacking sandflies - "Bastardische sandflies!". Refers to the recently passed Anti-Smacking Bill.

Published in Presto, June 2007

Arrangement: This cartoon file was originally delivered to the library within a sub-folder called 'Presto', which was inside a folder called 'AWS Cartoon highlights, Nov'04-May'07'

Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Smith, Ashley W, 1948- :[Digital cartoons published in the Shipping Gazette, MG Business, or Presto]
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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Cappuccino Dreams. OK Folks, time to get down to some serious smacking before it all gets fazed out! 13 June, 2007. Smith, Ashley W, 1948- :[Digital cartoons published in the Shipping Gazette, MG Business, or Presto]. Ref: DCDL-0004936. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23179236

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