Te Aro House Drapery Co. Ltd.:Stocktaking is now close at hand, and in a week or two we will balance our books for the year. ... Grand clearance sale! at Te Aro House. Everything is reduced in every department. Evening Post Print - 9904 [ca 1904]

Te Aro House Drapery Co. Ltd.:Stocktaking is now close at hand, and in a week or two we will balance our books for the year. ... Grand clearance sale! at Te Aro House. Everything is reduced in every department. Evening Post Print - 9904 [ca 1904]
1904 - 1905
Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Red poster showing an arrangement of text. Lists items and lines for sale, which include: moirette skirting, silk millinery ribbons, dress materials, plain and fancy silks, black dress skirts, Japanese silk blouses, ladies fancy straw hats, spot wool delaine, flecked tweed, oriental yoke-lace, black brocaded silks, summer underskirts, cotton delaines, afternoon tea cloths, fancy veilings, Dorothy pinafores.

Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s).

Physical Description: Letterpress, 570 x 458 mm.

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Alternative form available: Scanned from original

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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
1 colour photo-mechanical print(s), Ephemera, Letterpress works, Advertisements, Posters, Letterpress, 570 x 458 mm., Orientation: Vertical image
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Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.). Te Aro House Drapery Co. Ltd.:Stocktaking is now close at hand, and in a week or two we will balance our books for the year. ... Grand clearance sale! at Te Aro House. Everything is reduced in every department. Evening Post Print - 9904 [ca 1904]. Ref: Eph-D-RETAIL-1904-02. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23165429

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