Heath, Eric Walmsley 1923-:[Rowing Gold] The Dominion, 12 September 1972.

Heath, Eric Walmsley 1923-:[Rowing Gold] The Dominion, 12 September 1972.
Heath, Eric Walmsley, 1923-; Dominion (Newspaper)

A smug rower is heading to a post marked 'Gold'. His scull is labelled 'New Zealand' and tumbling out of it are the other hopefuls of the New Zealand team. Their bodies are made up of the Olympic logo graphics for their respective sports. At the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich New Zealand's rowing eight won gold and the coxless fours won silver. Rod Dixon, who won bronze in the 1500 metres, was the only other New Zealand medal winner at these Games.

Exhibited in 'Fun & Games - New Zealand Cartoon Perspectives on the Olympics 1952-2000 (Exhibition)'

Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s).

Physical Description: Black ink, whiteout and stick-on Olympic logos 352 x 458 mm

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Various artists:Cartoons on the 1956, 1964, 1968, 1972 and 1976 Olympic Games, the 1958 British Empire Games and the 1974 Commonwealth Games (Christchurch).
1 original cartoon(s), Cartoons (Commentary), Ink drawings, Black ink, whiteout and stick-on Olympic logos 352 x 458 mm
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Heath, Eric Walmsley, 1923-. Heath, Eric Walmsley 1923-:[Rowing Gold] The Dominion, 12 September 1972.. Various artists:Cartoons on the 1956, 1964, 1968, 1972 and 1976 Olympic Games, the 1958 British Empire Games and the 1974 Commonwealth Games (Christchurch).. Ref: B-157-008. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23098271

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