Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:'The Auckland Tea Party'. "Libertea is near." Evening Post. 17 June, 1955

Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:'The Auckland Tea Party'. "Libertea is near." Evening Post. 17 June, 1955
Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991

Shows a ship named 'Thermonopolae' at anchor with Prime Minister, Sid Holland, as a figurehead on the prow. A group of housewives wearing Indian feathers in their hair who represent the 'Auckland Housewives Association' throw boxes of '8/- lb Tea' from the ship into the sea. A small boat full of enraged tea merchants wearing nineteenth century coats, breeches and wigs floats helplessly nearby. Context - The name of the ship 'Thermonopolae' is a play on the name of the ship 'Thermopylae' which was designed for the China tea trade, and set speed records on her maiden voyage to Melbourne -- 63 days, still the fastest trip under sail.The cartoon is about the disequilibrium in the market by fixing prices after the war. It is a reminder of the Boston tea party of 1773 which was an act of direct action protest by the American colonists against the British Government in which they destroyed many crates of tea bricks belonging to the British East India Company on ships in Boston Harbor. Refers to a protest at the price of tea?

Other Titles - Liberty

Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s).

Physical Description: Ink and Chinese white on paper 380 x 555 mm

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Alternative form available: There is also a newspaper clipping which is digitised at E-549-q-08-017

Copyright: Please check copyright.
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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
1 original cartoon(s), Works of art, Clippings, Cartoons (Commentary), Ink and Chinese white on paper 380 x 555 mm
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Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991. Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:'The Auckland Tea Party'. "Libertea is near." Evening Post. 17 June, 1955. Ref: B-184-052. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23082947

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