New Zealand Domestic Workers' Union :Questions submitted by the Domestic Workers' Union to Candidates for Parliament. 1st November 1908. Evening Post Print, 25604 [1908]

New Zealand Domestic Workers' Union :Questions submitted by the Domestic Workers' Union to Candidates for Parliament. 1st November 1908. Evening Post Print, 25604 [1908]
New Zealand Domestic Workers Union; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Shows arrangement of text. Letter signed by M A Tasker (President) and A Frame (Hon Secretary) asking for an extension of the Award so as to include all those employed long hours in private houses. The aim was : "to popularise a womanly vocation; Bring the domestic worker under state protection ...; Raise the status of those employed in household work; Encourage out girls to enter into domestic duties". The letter concludes in saying the the Union was in favour of the immigration of domestic workers "of the right stamp".

Quantity: 1 b&w photo-mechanical print(s).

Physical Description: Letterpress 265 x 208 mm.

Provenance: Purchased from Michael O'Leary, Pukapuka Books in 2001.

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Alternative form available: Scanned from original

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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
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[New Zealand ephemera relating to labour, workers and working conditions, trade unions, protests, strikes and lockouts, industrial relations 1900-1913]
1 b&w photo-mechanical print(s), Ephemera, Letterpress works, Fliers (Printed matter), Letterpress 265 x 208 mm., Orientation: Vertical image
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New Zealand Domestic Workers Union. New Zealand Domestic Workers' Union :Questions submitted by the Domestic Workers' Union to Candidates for Parliament. 1st November 1908. Evening Post Print, 25604 [1908]. [New Zealand ephemera relating to labour, workers and working conditions, trade unions, protests, strikes and lockouts, industrial relations 1900-1913]. Ref: Eph-B-LABOUR-1908-01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23037451

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