"My clients believe that TV promotes 'human suffering' and images of war so they burgled a house and took one, saving the owners grief... it was 'for the greater good'..." 19 March 2010

"My clients believe that TV promotes 'human suffering' and images of war so they burgled a house and took one, saving the owners grief... it was 'for the greater good'..." 19 March 2010

The cartoon shows three villains standing in the dock. Their lawyer states in their defence that they believe TV promotes human suffering with images of war so they stole a television set thereby saving the owners grief - it was for the greater good... A man in the courtroom is reading a newspaper with the headline 'Waihopai 3 walk free' which refers to three peace activists who broke into the Waihopai government spybase near Blenheim and slashed an inflatable plastic dome covering a satellite dish causing over $1 million worth of damage. They were found not guilty on the grounds that they were potentially saving lives. The lawyer defending the three villains in the cartoon is using the same ploy.

Alternate version of DCDL-0013966

Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons / Hubbard, James, 1949- :Digital caricatures and cartoons
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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"My clients believe that TV promotes 'human suffering' and images of war so they burgled a house and took one, saving the owners grief... it was 'for the greater good'..." 19 March 2010. Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons. Ref: DCDL-0013967. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22834356

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