Calling for volunteers... you, you,... um... Sunday News, 26 July 2002

Calling for volunteers... you, you,... um... Sunday News, 26 July 2002

Shows Helen Clark sitting in an armchair calling for volunteers. She holds a cigar in one hand and has a beer in a ciller next to her. She is using a prone Bill English (National Party) as a foot stool and Jim Anderton (Progressive Coalition) is on his knees in front of the sofa. Clark is pointing to Jeanette Fitzsimons (Greens) who is holding carrots and corn cobs at her feet; Peter Dunne (United Future) with a halo over his head; and Winston Peters (NZ First) wearing a chinese hat. Clark is calling for volunteers to join her in a coalition.

Note at foot of cartoon "Clive, use this one if Helen is forced into a coalition" is directed to Clive Lind the editor of the Sunday News.

Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :Digital cartoons / Digital cartoons published in Sunday News
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Cartoons (Commentary), Digital images
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Calling for volunteers... you, you,... um... Sunday News, 26 July 2002. Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :Digital cartoons. Ref: DCDL-0009306. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22709176

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