Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:Cock Robin. [1950-1951]

Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:Cock Robin. [1950-1951]
1950 - 1951
Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Cock Robin lies dead with an arrow through his heart, shot from the bow of PM Sid Holland. The 'Who killed Cock Robin?' rhyme has been altered to fit the occasion. It reads 'WHO KILLED THE COUNCIL? "I", said the Prime Minister, "With my little Bill, I killed the Council". WHO'LL BEAR HIS PALL? "We" said Algie and Marshall, "With uncle Tom Cobley an' all, we'll bear the pall". WHO'LL SING A PSALM? "I" said Mr Fraser, "I'll sing his praise, Sir, I'll sing a psalm." WHO'LL LEAD THE WAY? "I', said the Hon. Lee Martin, "It's all my eye and Betty Martin, I'll lead the way". WHO SAW HIM DIE? "I" said Bill Polson, "with my little aye, I saw him die." WHO'LL DIG HIS GRAVE? "We," said the suicide squad, "We'll turn the first sod, we'll dig his grave." WHO'LL MAKE HIS SHROUD? "I," said Sir Bill Perry, Not to be contrary, I'll make his shroud." WHO'LL TOLL THE BELL? "We," said the Labour chorus, "take pity on poor us, we'll toll the bell." 'All the birds in the air sobbed loud & shrill when they heard of the passing of the Legislative Council'. - To all it concerns, who read this collection - will Cock Robin stand at the next general election?' Context - The Legislative Council of New Zealand was the upper house of the New Zealand Parliament from 1853 until 1951. In 1950, the National Party, now in government, passed the Legislative Council Abolition Act. To assist its passage into law, Holland appointed twenty members known as the 'suicide squad', to vote for their own abolition, just as the Australian state of Queensland had done to abolish its upper house in 1922. They included former MPs Harold Dickie and Garnet Mackley.

At bottom of cartoon in pencil is the title 'Cock Robin' and text reading '4 col' and '(Approved by editor)'

Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s).

Physical Description: Ink on paper 450 x 590 mm

Copyright: Please check copyright.
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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
1 original cartoon(s), Works of art, Ink drawings, Cartoons (Commentary), Ink on paper 450 x 590 mm, Orientation: Horizontal image
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Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991. Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:Cock Robin. [1950-1951]. Ref: B-184-047. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22708698

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