[New Zealand Chinese] Association, Wellington :Chinese-English calendar, 1910-1911 [and] 1911-1912.

[New Zealand Chinese] Association, Wellington :Chinese-English calendar, 1910-1911 [and] 1911-1912.
1910 - 1912
Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd

Shows calendar for 1910-1911, with additional panels for the year 1911-1912. Shows a list of Chinese festivals and holidays, statistics for the number of Chinese in cities and small towns throughout New Zealand, and a map of the Chinese population of New Zealand. At the top centre is a dial to calculate time of day (the "universal time indicator") in various parts of the world.

The name of the New Zealand Chinese Association is partly missing in English and in Chinese, but has been confirmed as the publisher by Nigel Murphy, 15 Dec 2000.

Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., Printers 85529.

Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s) on poster..

Physical Description: Colour print on poster 635 x 507 mm, with attached circular dial of diameter 105 mm. Three extra panels are sellotaped on.

Additional description

Alternative form available: Scanned from original, showing the version with overlaid panels for 1911/1912.

Access restrictions
Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
1 colour photo-mechanical print(s) on poster., Ephemera, Posters, Colour print on poster 635 x 507 mm, with attached circular dial of diameter 105 mm. Three extra panels are sellotaped on., Orientation: Vertical image
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Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd. [New Zealand Chinese] Association, Wellington :Chinese-English calendar, 1910-1911 [and] 1911-1912.. Ref: Eph-D-CALENDAR-1910-01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22448635

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