Choate, Francis Desmond, 1916-2001 :Ye olde Paye daye pilgrimage. New Zealand Observer, 22 March 1950.

Choate, Francis Desmond, 1916-2001 :Ye olde Paye daye pilgrimage. New Zealand Observer, 22 March 1950.
New Zealand observer (Newspaper); Choate, Francis Desmond, 1916-2001

New Zealand Prime Minister Sid Holland as a knight on horseback carrying the flag of PAYE (pay as you earn) from Wellington to Canterbury. At the top left of the cartoon is a stanza from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - 'A knight ther was and that a worthy man, that fro the tyme he first bigan To ryden out he loved chivalrye, Trouthe and honour, freedom and curteisye. In al his lyf, unto no manner wight he was a verray parfit gentil Knight' - followed by - 'May Chaucer's Knight now pave the waye, To help Sir Sidnye win the daye... We're al behynd you when you saye "Adopt the Aussye system P.A.Y.E."'

Other Titles - The old pay day

Extended Title - Mr Holland champions the Australian 'Pay as you earn' system of income tax - news.

Quantity: 1 photocopy/ies.

Physical Description: A4 size photocopy.

Copyright: Please check copyright.
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1 photocopy/ies, Works of art, Cartoons (Commentary), A4 size photocopy.
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New Zealand observer (Newspaper). Choate, Francis Desmond, 1916-2001 :Ye olde Paye daye pilgrimage. New Zealand Observer, 22 March 1950.. Ref: J-065-058. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22348164

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