Subdivisional plan of Feilding town and suburban properties [cartographic material].

Subdivisional plan of Feilding town and suburban properties [cartographic material].
Gorton & Son Limited

Advertisement for sale of several blocks of land, property of the estate of W.A. Sandilands, to be sold by public auction Tuesday, November 28th, 1911 by Gorton & Son.

Sections on Arnott Street, Kimbolton Road, Ranfurly Road, Bowen Street, Macarthur Street.

Includes terms of sale.

Includes description of sections and improvements.

Scales differ.

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Other Versions
Online version: Subdivisional plan of Feilding town and suburban properties
Other Titles
Feilding town and suburban properties
[Feilding, N.Z. : W.A. Sandilands, 1911]
5 maps on 1 sheet ; 24 x 33 cm. or smaller on sheet 83 x 57 cm.
See original record

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