The eradication of kiore and the fulfilment of kaitiakitanga obligations

Kapa, David

Provides a background to the dispute between the Dept of Conservation (DOC) and local tangata whenua Ngatiwai over DOC's plans to eradicate the Polynesian rat from Hauturu or Little Barrier Island, for which it was granted a resource consent by the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) in 2003. Introduces the parties involved and the significance of the kiore to them. Looks at DOC's existing mandate under the Conservation Act 1977 and discusses some of the key sections of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) pertaining to Maori and the eradication of kiore. Considers recent developments in case law pertaining to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and evaluates the concerns expressed by tangata whenua in relation to the RMA. Canvases the solutions proposed by the ARC in the conditions included in the resource consent.

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Archived by the National Library of New Zealand

Audience: Research

Auckland University law review, 2003; v.9 n.4:p.1326-1352; issn:
See original record

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