Map of the Karaka block, Thames gold fields [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn from actual survey by D.M. Beere ... expressly for the Thames Miners' Guide.

Map of the Karaka block, Thames gold fields [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn from actual survey by D.M. Beere ... expressly for the Thames Miners' Guide.
Beere, D. M. (Daniel Manders), 1833-1909.

Photocopy from Thames Miners guide, 1868.

The Alexander Turnbull Library also holds a negative. Neg. C1436.

The Alexander Turnbull Library holds 2 other copies - a photocopy and a negative.

Scale not given.

Source URL
Other Versions
Online version: Map of the Karaka block, Thames gold fields
Other Titles
Thames Miners' Guide.
[Auckland, N.Z.] : Thames Miners' Guide, 1868.
1 map : photocopy ; 20 x 33 cm.
See original record

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