BATTLE TACTICS - (Te Ao Hou - No. 27 June 1959)

BATTLE TACTICS - (Te Ao Hou - No. 27 June 1959)
June 1959
Maori Affairs DepartmentMaori Affairs Department
Te Ao Hou

We continue in this issue the essay by Tuta Nihoniho on Maori methods of bush warfare. In the previous instalment the author discussed the preparations and the omens of ancient Maori war campaigns; here he concentrates on battle tactics. The essay is presented entirely as it was first printed in 1913, translated and edited by Elsdon Best. Fifth sub...

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Te Ao Hou - No. 27 (June 1959)
See original record on Te Ao Hou website

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Maori Affairs Department. BATTLE TACTICS - (Te Ao Hou - No. 27 June 1959). Ref: Mao27TeA. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/202052

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