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We can connect 13 things related to Political ethics and Political campaigns to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :22 cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 April ...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-066/087

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Obituary to the Queen Mother. The two methods of applying pressure in the Middle East crisis, awesome fire power and suicide bombers. Helen Clark welcomes Jim Anderton back into the fold of the Labour party. The New Zealand cricket team manage to pull a rabbit from the hat to draw a test series. Jim Anderton leads his followers to another promised land shown as a high wire that's going nowhere. As President George W Bush calls for Israel to withdraw from Palestine, a dog (Ariel Sharon) urinates on his leg. President Bush tries to mediate peace negotiations betweem Arafat and Sharon. A septic tank is on daily call to clean up the mess in the Alliance Party caucus. Two coffins are carried by pallbearers. The first contains the body of the Queen Mother, the second, the remains of Helen Clark's plans for a Republic. Bill English hears the news that Helen Clark has enough support to rule for life. Comment on Helen Clark's involement in signing art works that she didn't paint. Graham Murries coaching career is resurected following the Hurricanes win over the Brumbies. Lawyers discuss the reasons not to sever links with the Privy Council; many of the reasons are led by self interest. The United States congratulates itself while Israel and Palestine come closer and closer to annihilation. New Zealand's arm is severed by an axe as they reach out to hold the Rugby World Cup host status. The axeman is Australian. Baby Kahu Drurie is returned to her family by a New Zealand police officer following being kidnapped. Winston Peters wonders whats happening to New Zealand when he exposes the Treaty grievance industry and Helen Clark is shown to be a forger, the result is her popularity soars and his doesn't move. Comment on the Catholic church's lax approach to priests having sex with their congregation. Shows the positive effect on the New Zeland Police the progress of two high profile cases have had. The NZRFU offer the two executives who negotiated the World Cup Host contracts a gun and two bullets to end their misery. Israeli tanks crush the Palestinian Refugee Camp in an effort to end the cycle of hate. Derek Fox accuses jounalists of Maori-bashing when they ask for accountability over the appointment of conman John Davy as CEO of the Maori Television Service. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-090/112

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the changes within coalition government as a genetic mutation where the Labour Alliance strands are repalaced with the Labour Greens strands. Comment on the plight of the refugee boat people. All Blacks coach John Mitchell calls for more excitement from the All Blacks. Jim Bolger promotes Kiwi Bank to other former world leaders. New Zealand horse Ethereal wins the Melbourne Cup. Helen Clark protects Turiana Turia from opposition accussations of political interference. President Bush attempts to calm and reassure the American people in the face of extreme threats from Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network. John Howard wins another term as Australian Prime Minister on the backs of refugee boat people. Jim Anderton and Bill English look for ways to provide gaurded support for New Zealand SAS involvement in Afghanistan. Shows lions in a zoo with a sign 'Big Cat poisoning Times...' The new rule in Kabul Afghanistan, don't dare NOT to show yourself. Shows a man having his beard removed and a women removing her veil. Both regimes the now deposed Taleban instituted. A bin Laden supporter talks about the perfect weapon they have against the American led attack into Afghanistan. However they have some problems with detonating the nuclear bomb. Factions within the Alliance Party turn on each other and vow to fight to the death. Comment on the increase in alcohol consumption due to the lowering of the drinking age, and expectation that the same thing will happen when cannibis is legalised. Shows the maze of buildings that United States Air Force missiles are trying to penetrate in Afghanistan. The chance of striking a target is pretty low. The Prime Minister is swollowed by a giant snake during a visit to the Amazon. A reporter asks her how the Amazon compares with NZ eco-tourism. Jim Anderton pretends to fire a gatling gun every time the Alliance Party President, Matt McCarten appears on television. Helen Clark arrives home to find the house demolished. Refers to Alliance Party infighting. Shows Jim Anderton and Matt McCarten facing off over the breakfast table. A Black Caps cricket player thanks an African rain-man for helping the team by creating rain which washed out the second test. Jim Anderton reassures everyone that the crisis within the Alliance Party is now over and he and Matt McCarten are now pulling in the same direction. The Alliance boat is now however sinking. New Zealanders make love twice a week on average. A woman comments that it is decidedly average. Afghanistan Alliance soldiers run over Taliban prisoners in an armoured tank. They blame the prisioners for being in the way. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :27 copies of cartoons (includes 14A) published in the Evening Pos...

Date: 2001 - 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-001/026

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows a destroyed bus (peace process) destroyed first by the Palestinian suicide bombers and them by Israeli war planes. Health spending priorities promote huge salaries for the CEO and a pittence for everyone else. Cartoon obituary to Sir Peter Blake. A dolphin weeps. Shows a flag at hslf-mast over the sea and a poem for Sir peter Blake. Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings dresses up for the New Zealand premiere. Debate in the Parliamentary Chamber on proposed changes referred to as the 'wipe the slate clean' Bill. Helen Clark hides from the anger of the grounded NZ Air Force capability. Children's perception of the difference in pay rises between MP's and teachers. Shows a tour guide explaining the virtues and down-side of New Zealand to a group of travel writers. Shows Bin Laden jumping the cue at the plastic surgery clinic. Shows MP's defending themselves at a press conference against charges of triple-dipping from public funds. Shows the men calling the tune on America's anti-terrorism campaign. Shows the leader of the National Party, Bill English asking Santa Claus for a Christmas present. Santa and his reindeer narrowly avoid being hit by airborne missiles. Shows an All Black selector recruiting new talent from a war zone. Shows Helen Clark and Jim Anderton clucking over their new baby (Air New Zealand), while Michael Cullen advises them not to get too attached as it'll be up for adoption as soon as it can stand on it's own feet. Winston Peters climbs up to his attic to dust off his 'super scare monger' suit. Slobadon Milosevich stands in the War Crimes Tribunal dock with his hands dripping in blood, he defys the authority of the court. A tribute to New zealand Criketerl, Chris Cairns as 'King of the Oval.' Shows Tranzrail passengers being shown a pick-axe they are to use in case of a derailment. Shows detainees at Guantanamo Bay being asked by their detainers if they have any complaints. They wear something like a gas mask so their answer is impossible to understand. Refers to anti-terrorism war and those captured by American-led forces. Shows politicicians as children engaged in petty squabbles as the election draws near. Comment on asylum seekers in Australia seeking help from the rest of the world. Shows Israeli troops in a armoured tank trying to force Yasser Arafat to end Palestinian violence. Shows an Australian teacher explaining to his students that only those arriving in Australia between 1840 and 2000 are 'fair dinkum Aussies'. National Party leader, Bill English dons a judges cloak, a hangman's noose and an executioners hood as he campaigns on a law and order platform. ACT leader, Richard Prebble outlines his stand on immigration policy. Quantity: 27 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 31 M...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-554-021/042

Description: Political cartoons. Jenny Shipley waits for the corner to be turned in the tourism row. Fringe political games. 1. Murray McCully passes the buck on the tourism row. 2. Helen Clark spread the rumour. Comment on the barbarism of human behaviour as news tells us that Hutu rebels hack tourists to death in Uganda. Comment on Air New Zealand's growing service and safety problems. More Fringe political games... Dodging the issue - Jenny Shipley. Losing the plot: - Clem Simich. A TVNZ executive is put in the firing line over the John Hawkesby payout. Farmers celebrate the end of the draught. Monica Lewinsky's side of the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Saatch boss, Kevin Roberts is made to walk the plank by the Tourism Board. New developments in genetic modification. Comment on the resilience of Tourism Minister Murray McCully to withstand the tourism row. Jenny Shipley explains she won't support the Alliance's Bill calling for labelling of all genetically modified food until the Bill has been redrafted with the National Party logo on the front instead of the Alliance one. A look into the Serbian Police Handbook which identifies threats and instructs Serbian Police to destroy them. The British establishment congratulate themselves on rooting out greed and corruption from the IOC (International Olympic Committee?) and go back to their indulgent ways. Comment on the contradiction between Paul Holmes pitching his show to the ordinary kiwi while receiving a $770,000 salary. Helen Clark trails in the polls as Labour heads toward the next election. Jenny Shipley leads the charge of the firemen against unpopular reformer Roger Estall. Allied planes swoop low over a Serbian soldier about to execute a woman and her baby. Allied war planes are dispatched with personal messages, except the spelling isn't that flash. Comment on the publics feeling of helplessness in the face of mass killings in Kosovo and the Nato response to the violence. Comment on the thought that the APEC summit in Auckland would bring American tourists. Comment on voyeuristic television shows. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947-:Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 2 and 31...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-022/043

Description: Political cartoons. Jack Elder tries to explain his innocence in awarding a travel grant to a school cultural group containing colleagues' daughters. NZ First waken from political death in time to campaign for the 1999 General election. A green lipped muscle reads scary stories from the book 'Tales from the Lab' to his children. Refers to research into cancer cures. Infant looks suspiciously at mother's nipple and opts for the scrambled egg if there's any chance of the milk having been genetically modified or irradiated. NZ and Australian Ministers of Health have declared war on depression. A drepressed man says over the breakfast table, when politicians start slashing their wrist in large numbers, then he'll cheer up. Over a beer two men discuss All Black coach, John Hart's performance. Police warn the public of an IBM fugitive. Refers to the IBM scoop of public money for a Police computer main-frame that never eventuated. Politicians avoid the responsibility of the INCIS Police computer fiasco. Media woman interviews state minister on the tit for tat shooting down of Indian and Pakistan military planes. She suggests there may be a risk of it leading to nuclear war. The minister says they'll cross that bridge when they come to it. Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley battle it out in the preferred Prime Minister Polls. Shows the Statue of Liberty with a gun to her head. The caption says, 'tighten up the gun laws America, or the lady gets it...' Boris Yeltsin appoints his 5th Prime Minister in 17 months. The new Prime Minister looks distincly uneasy as his chair sits on a trap-door. Shows and elephant (IBM) being sting by a bee (Bill Birch). Refers to the Police INCIS computer fiasco. Earthquake rocks Turkey, they call for help. Academics discuss the government's five-step knowledge-based economy plan to restore NZ's stand of living. One says, 'Sounds fabulous, except that you can't take two steps across an abyss...' New Zealand Black Caps beat the English cricket team. World athletics is shackled by the weight of the illegal use of performance enhancing drugs. Mike Moore leaves government politics with a sense of freedom at last. Possible outcome of mixing human genes into cows. Petrol Companies hold motorists to ransom with higher petrol prices. The shadow of violence hangs over voting in East Timor. Derek Quigley steers the select committee looking into decommissioning NZ's air-strike capability. National are alarmed as they thought Quigley was on their side. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 2...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-044/064

Description: Political cartoons. The leader of the National Party Jenny Shipley makes statements designed to preempt attacks by her challenger for the leadership, Bill English. Shows a rat on the lap of a first class air traveller. The air hostess reassures the woman that they only have cochroches in economy class. Refers to Air New Zealand's cut back of onboard services. Public comment on the Lottery Board. Some wish Jim Anderton could be on the board to balance the National Party members, others discuss the necessity of $500,000 per year to run the Lotto.. Violence in East Timaor gets directed toward the media who give up and go home. Jenny Shipley shakes hands with President Habibie of Indonesia at the APEC Conference in Auckland. His hands are dripping blood. Dr Cullen has a minder who carries a tranquilliser gun, he uses it on Dr Cullen when needed. The military in East Timor are doing everything they can to stop stories being told of church burnings, lootings and mass killings. The Timor crisis has focused world attention on the APEC Leaders meeting in Auckland. Habibie opens Indonesia to International peace-keepers now that everyone worth killing has been dealt with and everything worth steeling has been stolen. Jenny Shipley follows America's lead over dealing to East Timor. Helen Clark and Jim Anderton are bought to a point of accepting that APEC was a success for Prime Minister Jenny Shipley. Bill Clinton plays golf in Queenstown overseen by an armed military man. President Jiang of China shows his appreciation to Jenny Shipley for her crack-down on Tibetan protesters. UN peace-keepers in Timor are given well wishes by soldiers past. Pam Corkery regrets that she wasn't a star in the Parliamentary system even though her temperament was perfect for the place. Comment on the hit-and-miss quality of medical care from Gisborne cervical smear specialists and labs. The National Party comes to ACT's Richard Prebble's rescue by not running a candidate in Wellington Central. Prebble is shown as a toothless dog being given a set of teeth by National. Shows the inequity of treatment and remuneration between professional rugby players and peace-keeping troops. Jenny Shipley announces the date of the 1999 General Election to a sleeping audience. The National and Labour Parties say they will concentrate on policy in the election lead-up but infact they focus on their leaders personalities. Shows the change in behaviour of militia in the face of UN peace-keepers. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[15 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 24 Apr...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-675-001/015

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Comment on Labour's Finance Minister, Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation Scheme. Shows an elderly Returned Serviceman being reminded by his wife via the bar man that he was coming home straight after the service, lest he forget. Comment on the Labour Governments perceived favouritism toward Maori generally but in relation to the Baby Kahu kidnapping case in particular. Shows discussion between father and son about Helen Clark's desire to build good relationships with Australia. Comment on NZ Post payouts for golden handshakes, lawyer fees and Executive salaries. Comment on increased fear and security measures New Zealanders are taking and the impact it has had on door-to-door fundraising by the Salvation Army. Comment on Maori Television Service particulary the John Davy fraud affair. National Party leader Bill English misses the 2002 Election bus. Jim Anderton sprints across a crumbling bridge (credibility). Refers to his party hopping from Alliance to the Jim Anderton Progressive Coalition. Shows Helen Clark being advised by her fairy godmother to call the election sooner rather than later to avoid her carriage (Jim Anderton) being turned into a pumpkin. Comment on the NZ Cricket team. Shows an older couple discussing the fairness of the Southern Cross increase in medical insurance premiums. Shows two men looking at the low water levels of one of the Southern lakes and discussing Jim Anderton's perceived infallibility. Shows Helen Clark training her husband, Peter Davis to box. Suggestion that he may be the mystery man who will take on National Party leader in the charity boxing match. Shows two workers looking at the new Broadcasting Charter that takes up the whole wall in the building with its list of dos and don'ts. Quantity: 15 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :18 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-047/065

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The government is shown as a highway robber giving an ultimatum to a motorist, 'petrol tax or your life'. A Hurricanes rugby player pulls himself up from the toilet bowl were they were flushed in an earlier season. Helen Clark and Phil Goff reserve the right to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe while remembering their early protesting days. A child suggests sharing the disputed Middle East territory to both the Israeli's and the Palestinians. They think it's a crazy idea. President George W Bush addresses the nations he lectured on free trade telling them that America can impose tariffs on steel imports if they like and it's too bad for everyone else. Comment on President Mugabe's interference in the voting process leading up to the Zimbabwe elections. Shows a member of the IRB (International Rugby Board) Vernon Pugh snatch the football (Rugby World Cup) from an All Black players hands. The player has landed flat on his back. America's war on terror appears to be becoming more frightening than the terror itself. Yaser Arafat and Sharon flex their muscles in a game of arm wrestling while chest deep in a blood bath. Vernon Pugh, Head of the International Rugby Board and Trevor Mallard, Minister of Sport size each other up. A boy tries to stop his father burning his Hurricanes rugby jersey, the rugby team is winning again. George W Bush outlines his approach to the use of nuclear weapons. Treasury suggest selling off thousands of war memorial sites around the country get a better return on the real estate investment. John O'Neill, Chief Executive of the Australian Union justifies Australia gaining the right to host all of the Rugby World Cup games. He admits they have got blood on the hands from stabbing the NZRFU in the back. Jim Anderton assumes The Thinker position as he contemplates the many political parties he's been through or started and left. Helen Clark in army fatigues gains shelter behind the huge boot of the American Forces. She rehearses what she'll say to President Bush if he brings up New Zealand's nuclear free stance when they next meet. Shows three Oscars all lined up with tags attached to them. They are being held in storage till 2003 for Lord of the Rings. David Lange, former New Zealand Prime Minister, tells New Zealanders that the United States wanted to liqudate him. Lange suggests they tried this by offering deals on bulk purchases for take-away food. The secret thoughts of Helen Clark and George W Bush when the first meet. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.

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Slane, Christopher, 1957-:[Christchurch earthquake and politics] 4 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Slane, Christopher, 1957-: Digital cartoons published in the Listener, New Zealand Herald, or New Zealand Farmers' Weekly

Reference: DCDL-0017239

Description: A policeman stops a queue of politicians at a checkpoint in Christchurch saying 'Sorry, no politics past this point'. In the queue are Prime Minister John Key, Minister of Finance Bill English carrying a ledger, leader of ACT Rodney Hide wearing his yellow jacket and carrying an axe and a saw and lastly leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff. Context - the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011 and the danger of political point-scoring rather than serious co-operative work to rebuild Christchurch. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Heartfelt Plea - Wood the person hoo keeps depositing large amoun...

Date: 2012

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0021291

Description: Context: Leader of the ACT Party, John Banks, lied about so-called anonymous donations made to his Auckland mayoralty campaign. In fact they had come from Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Just out! a previously unpublished Sherlock Holmes mystery...17 M...

Date: 2012

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0021366

Description: Context: John Banks has been in big trouble over the Dotcom affair in which he failed to disclose that he knew Dotcom donated funds for his Auckland mayoral campaign and then lied and 'failed to remember' various other embarrassing incidents. John Key has yet to sack him. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Murdoch, Sharon Gay, 1960- :The Final Act, just before the Sheep dies. 5 May 2012

Date: 2012

From: Murdoch, Sharon Gay, 1960-: Digital cartoons published in The Press, Sunday Star Times, Dominion Post, and other publications

By: Dominion post (Newspaper); Murdoch, Sharon Gay, 1960-

Reference: DCDL-0021360

Description: Shows Prime Minister John Key as Little Bo Peep and ACT leader John Banks as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Someone is handing John Key an axe. Context: John Banks has been in big trouble over the Dotcom affair in which he failed to disclose that he knew Dotcom donated funds for his Auckland mayoral campaign and then lied and 'failed to remember' various other embarrassing incidents. John Key has yet to sack him. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Nisbet, Alistair, 1958- :'May the 2011 Election Campaign begin!' 30 October 2011

Date: 2011

From: Nisbet, Alastair, 1958- :Digital cartoons

By: Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

Reference: DCDL-0018973

Description: The campaign leading up to the elections on the 26th November begins. The cartoon suggests that bad behaviour will be a feature of it. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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