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We can connect 9 things related to Peace treaties and 2000 to the places on this map.

Evans, Malcolm 1947-:Twenty-five cartoons published in the New Zealand Herald during 2000.

Date: 2000

By: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-; New Zealand herald (Newspaper)

Reference: H-643-001/025

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Politicians response to digital television, matchfixing in cricket, community responsibility for child abuse, Maori support of disgraced Maori MP and lack of support for abused Maori children, Fiji - banana dictatorship, Middle East peace process, concern over disparity between NZ and Australian defence forces reimbursement for serving in East Timor, Queen Mother celebrates her 100th birthday, space exploration, world opinion swings againsgt Israel's heavy-handed tactics, ACC payouts in Australia, cost cutting measures in the NZ Police Force, silencing Dover Samuels and social policy critics, high cost of yachting's Viaduct Basin, state-owned enterprises over-spend on conferences, British royals have a go at the tabloid press, Mark Todd's chances of selection damaged following sex and drug scandal, South Africa's reluctance to comment on Zimbabwe, terrorism in NZ? or just plain violence, Human genetic secrets uncovered, 'closing the gaps' policy, May Day and workers' rights, Fiji embroiled in racism, the price of the American Presidential election and recounts, Prime Minister announces she not going to attend Waitangi on Waitangi Day. Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies photocopies of computer print-outs, A4 size.. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of computer print-outs.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[18 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 3 and ...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-671-001/018

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Shows the 'Peace Processor' machine in action where Jewish and Palestinian antagonists are placed in one end of the machine and after numerous processes they come out the same. Jim Anderton proposes drastic remedies for medical problems. Shows Helen Clark as a mother trying to deal with her infantile fighting MPs. Shows Labour's Finance Minister, Michael Cullen, taking money from Health and Education to top-up the Government's Superannuation Scheme and then borrowing money to fund Health and Education. This is to show people that the Government is not borrowing to fund the Superannuation Scheme. Shows the Alliance Party waka spliting apart with rowers rowing in two different directions. Comment on Israel blaming Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians for the devastation caused to Palestine by the Israeli military. Shows Queen Elizabeth expressing her appreciation for having turned up for her mothers funeral and having worn a dress rather than her trade-mark trouser suit. Comment on the effectiveness of Jim Anderton in Government. Comment on Jim Anderton's pattern of changing political skins from Labour to New Labour to the Alliance and now onto what ever his new Party will be called. Comment on the poor showing of the National Party in public opinion. Shows a customer to the new Kiwibank wanting to have an account in both Kiwibank and with his existing bank until he decides later which way to go. He adds that Mr Anderton must understand this as he is assuming the same position over being the Government leader of the Alliance but setting up a new party in opposition to them later in the year. Comment on shift from Privy Council to NZ Appointed Court - infers that the new system will be more a roll of the dice rather than a matter of impartially balancing the scales of justice. Comment on the Helen Clark art forgery incident. Illustrates the demonisation of Yasser Arafat. Comment on the increasing need for vigilence in protecting our children from all forms of violence and abuse. Comment on NZ losing the right to co-host the Rugby World Cup with reference to the Helen Clark art forgery incident. Shows the Auckland public looking for alternate ways to blanket spraying to get rid of the Painted Apple Moth. A suggestion is to make the Rugby Union and Trevor Mallard responsible for its protection. This refers to them losing the right to co-host the Rugby World Cup. Comment on National's new tax package. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :22 cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 April ...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-066/087

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Obituary to the Queen Mother. The two methods of applying pressure in the Middle East crisis, awesome fire power and suicide bombers. Helen Clark welcomes Jim Anderton back into the fold of the Labour party. The New Zealand cricket team manage to pull a rabbit from the hat to draw a test series. Jim Anderton leads his followers to another promised land shown as a high wire that's going nowhere. As President George W Bush calls for Israel to withdraw from Palestine, a dog (Ariel Sharon) urinates on his leg. President Bush tries to mediate peace negotiations betweem Arafat and Sharon. A septic tank is on daily call to clean up the mess in the Alliance Party caucus. Two coffins are carried by pallbearers. The first contains the body of the Queen Mother, the second, the remains of Helen Clark's plans for a Republic. Bill English hears the news that Helen Clark has enough support to rule for life. Comment on Helen Clark's involement in signing art works that she didn't paint. Graham Murries coaching career is resurected following the Hurricanes win over the Brumbies. Lawyers discuss the reasons not to sever links with the Privy Council; many of the reasons are led by self interest. The United States congratulates itself while Israel and Palestine come closer and closer to annihilation. New Zealand's arm is severed by an axe as they reach out to hold the Rugby World Cup host status. The axeman is Australian. Baby Kahu Drurie is returned to her family by a New Zealand police officer following being kidnapped. Winston Peters wonders whats happening to New Zealand when he exposes the Treaty grievance industry and Helen Clark is shown to be a forger, the result is her popularity soars and his doesn't move. Comment on the Catholic church's lax approach to priests having sex with their congregation. Shows the positive effect on the New Zeland Police the progress of two high profile cases have had. The NZRFU offer the two executives who negotiated the World Cup Host contracts a gun and two bullets to end their misery. Israeli tanks crush the Palestinian Refugee Camp in an effort to end the cycle of hate. Derek Fox accuses jounalists of Maori-bashing when they ask for accountability over the appointment of conman John Davy as CEO of the Maori Television Service. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :27 copies of cartoons (includes 14A) published in the Evening Pos...

Date: 2001 - 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-001/026

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows a destroyed bus (peace process) destroyed first by the Palestinian suicide bombers and them by Israeli war planes. Health spending priorities promote huge salaries for the CEO and a pittence for everyone else. Cartoon obituary to Sir Peter Blake. A dolphin weeps. Shows a flag at hslf-mast over the sea and a poem for Sir peter Blake. Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings dresses up for the New Zealand premiere. Debate in the Parliamentary Chamber on proposed changes referred to as the 'wipe the slate clean' Bill. Helen Clark hides from the anger of the grounded NZ Air Force capability. Children's perception of the difference in pay rises between MP's and teachers. Shows a tour guide explaining the virtues and down-side of New Zealand to a group of travel writers. Shows Bin Laden jumping the cue at the plastic surgery clinic. Shows MP's defending themselves at a press conference against charges of triple-dipping from public funds. Shows the men calling the tune on America's anti-terrorism campaign. Shows the leader of the National Party, Bill English asking Santa Claus for a Christmas present. Santa and his reindeer narrowly avoid being hit by airborne missiles. Shows an All Black selector recruiting new talent from a war zone. Shows Helen Clark and Jim Anderton clucking over their new baby (Air New Zealand), while Michael Cullen advises them not to get too attached as it'll be up for adoption as soon as it can stand on it's own feet. Winston Peters climbs up to his attic to dust off his 'super scare monger' suit. Slobadon Milosevich stands in the War Crimes Tribunal dock with his hands dripping in blood, he defys the authority of the court. A tribute to New zealand Criketerl, Chris Cairns as 'King of the Oval.' Shows Tranzrail passengers being shown a pick-axe they are to use in case of a derailment. Shows detainees at Guantanamo Bay being asked by their detainers if they have any complaints. They wear something like a gas mask so their answer is impossible to understand. Refers to anti-terrorism war and those captured by American-led forces. Shows politicicians as children engaged in petty squabbles as the election draws near. Comment on asylum seekers in Australia seeking help from the rest of the world. Shows Israeli troops in a armoured tank trying to force Yasser Arafat to end Palestinian violence. Shows an Australian teacher explaining to his students that only those arriving in Australia between 1840 and 2000 are 'fair dinkum Aussies'. National Party leader, Bill English dons a judges cloak, a hangman's noose and an executioners hood as he campaigns on a law and order platform. ACT leader, Richard Prebble outlines his stand on immigration policy. Quantity: 27 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 17 May to 15 June, ...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-650-001/025

Description: 25 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Human rights violations in China China's successful bid for Olympic games Government's 'closing the gaps' policy Badly maintained rental housing Horomia Parekura as landlord in rundown housing Government pressure on Maori Affairs Ministers to prode adequate housing as a landlord Media interest in Christine Rankin, CEO of Work and Income NZ 'ENZA' takes a greedy amount of resources Government policy on smacking children NZ Post Board conflicts Helen Clark worries about her profile falling in the wake of high publicity given to the Christine Rankin case Slobadan Milosevic misbehaves at the War Crimes Tribunal Women throughout NZ dress in Christine Rankin style to express their solidarity Flu grips New Zealanders Does Christine Rankin dress appropriately or is she a victim of a personal vendetta? Paralells between Christine Rankin and the Barbie Doll Wilful destruction of Tranzrail by Executives State Services Minister uses Auditor General to track Health Board payouts Moari make ready for the Maori TV channel The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan calls for peace between the Israel and the Palestine Electricity Reforms lead to power cuts Jim Anderton draws a paralell between Laila Harre's ambition within the Alliance and being a witch Weight loss patches National popularity languishes following the replacement of Jenny Shipley as leader President Bush embraces missile proliferation Helen Clark absorbs the high praise given her throughout the Pacific Region Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :18 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 3 and...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-108/125

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the Police trying to deal with huge traffic queues from Wellington to Levin by setting up speed cameras after Levin to catch the people speeding who are trying to make up the time. Labour feign being blackmailed by the Greens so they appear to have a reason to call an early election. The Queen of England is surrounded by the mess following her Jubilee party, but remains amused. Comment on the New Zealand couple who denied their baby medical care with the result the baby died. The couple are drawn in the style of NZ Gothic. Bill English hears that 1 in 4 National Party supporters are considering voting for Labour to keep the Greens out of the next Government. Shows Helen Clark undermining Trevor Mallard to the press over his handling of the Teachers pay negotiations. Helen Clark is advised that calling an early election without good reason will do her no harm. The leaders of National, ACT, Greens and NZ First whine about Helen Clark calling an early election when her popularity is high. Bill English takes heart in the news that the favourite teams for the Soccer World Cup have been eliminated from the competitions. He sees this as a sign for his hopes in the 2002 elections. Jim Anderton launches his new Political party the 'Jim Anderton's Progressive Coalition Party'. A teacher schools his class on how they can help escalate pressure on the government over teacher salaries and conditions. Winston Peters stirs from the political wilderness to address an audience of 500 trapped elderly people. Jim Anderton wears a jester's hat (pretend Alliance member) and regrets having to take it off. Around him are other hats of political parties he has belonged to or is about to belong to. The Greens outline their policy on GE organisms and cannabis. There is an obvious disparity in their requirement for safety between the two substances. Comment on the lack of support for signing the Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming. Helen Clark seeks to rule as a majority government. The minor parties all agree that she can't. Shows public being notified of the closing of the Wellington Evening Post and the merger of the Evening Post with the Dominion. President Bush outlines his plans for a Middle East peace. It includes the Palestinian leader, Arafat, being relegated to an outhouse. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Hubbard, James, 1949- :[6 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 19 and 25...

Date: 2004

By: Otago daily times (Newspaper); Hubbard, James, 1949-

Reference: H-740-015/020

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 6 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :18 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-047/065

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The government is shown as a highway robber giving an ultimatum to a motorist, 'petrol tax or your life'. A Hurricanes rugby player pulls himself up from the toilet bowl were they were flushed in an earlier season. Helen Clark and Phil Goff reserve the right to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe while remembering their early protesting days. A child suggests sharing the disputed Middle East territory to both the Israeli's and the Palestinians. They think it's a crazy idea. President George W Bush addresses the nations he lectured on free trade telling them that America can impose tariffs on steel imports if they like and it's too bad for everyone else. Comment on President Mugabe's interference in the voting process leading up to the Zimbabwe elections. Shows a member of the IRB (International Rugby Board) Vernon Pugh snatch the football (Rugby World Cup) from an All Black players hands. The player has landed flat on his back. America's war on terror appears to be becoming more frightening than the terror itself. Yaser Arafat and Sharon flex their muscles in a game of arm wrestling while chest deep in a blood bath. Vernon Pugh, Head of the International Rugby Board and Trevor Mallard, Minister of Sport size each other up. A boy tries to stop his father burning his Hurricanes rugby jersey, the rugby team is winning again. George W Bush outlines his approach to the use of nuclear weapons. Treasury suggest selling off thousands of war memorial sites around the country get a better return on the real estate investment. John O'Neill, Chief Executive of the Australian Union justifies Australia gaining the right to host all of the Rugby World Cup games. He admits they have got blood on the hands from stabbing the NZRFU in the back. Jim Anderton assumes The Thinker position as he contemplates the many political parties he's been through or started and left. Helen Clark in army fatigues gains shelter behind the huge boot of the American Forces. She rehearses what she'll say to President Bush if he brings up New Zealand's nuclear free stance when they next meet. Shows three Oscars all lined up with tags attached to them. They are being held in storage till 2003 for Lord of the Rings. David Lange, former New Zealand Prime Minister, tells New Zealanders that the United States wanted to liqudate him. Lange suggests they tried this by offering deals on bulk purchases for take-away food. The secret thoughts of Helen Clark and George W Bush when the first meet. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :80 cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post between 1 Septembe...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-

Reference: H-647-001/080

Description: 80 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include Laila Harre and views on liberalisation of cannabis laws, Helen Clark asserts authority over Ms Turia, Maori and pakeha racial guilt and shame, Ms Turia reluctantly apologises for 'holocaust' comments, Dr Cullen ponders low business confidence as Grouch Marxist, Timor's Indepencence birthday celebrations destroyed by violence, Fijian-Indian refugees in Fiji following coup, political posturing over Treaty of Waitangi clause in free trade agreement with Singapore, US dollar blasts kiwi dollar, Sydney 2000 Olympics begin, Winston Peters plays the race card in the hopes of raising his popularity, Olympic swimming athletes get the once over by their female onlookers, Australian-New Zealand currency merger proposal, Prebble gets axed by Jenny Shipley, Kiwi dollar low and oil prices high, New Zealand is best at all the wrong things, sports couch potatoes, Milosevic runs for the presidency, US dollars gains steam with President Clinton in charge, women's performance at the Olympics, political awards, NZ toasts the Olympics, army peace keepers get pay review by Clark, 3 Middle East faiths based on love and compassion unable to share sacred site, Don Brash fails the Kiwi dollar, Clark and Milosevic relations, Israeli and Palestinian relations, court call for accountability of parole officers, NZ cricket sports fan still in the dark, NZ dollar down - sharemarket down - petrol prices up, Middle East pro-war protest singer, Clinton attempts to negotiate Middle East and National Party crises, Mr Mudgeway in padded cell waiting for big NZ sports win, rural economy on the up for farmers, Swain and Horomia on ownership of the Taranaki oil and gas fields, Lions rugby team claim the Air New Zealand trophy, Clark seeks an alliance with big business, Clark's alliance with big bisiness consumated, one-tree-hill pine tree felled along with Mike Smith, same-sex marriages, Clark preparing to kneecap Ruth Dyson for Norm Hewitt comments, Property Bill, Dyson resigns over drunk driving incident, purity pledge, cricket match-fixing, support for Paul Holmes' salary, lack of real choice in US presidential elections, NZ Melbourne Cup race winner, US election results on a knife edge, boxing - Lennox vs Tua, All Blacks beat France, Lennox Lewis vs David Tua boxing fight, US presidential election goes to court, English strung up as heretic, Tipene O'Reagan let's nature take its course with stranded whales, Labour Party victory conference, CNN backgrounds the US election count process, petrol prices high, US presidential election fought out on American flag, George Hawkins' suggested cost cutting measures for the Police, National Party leadership based on personality deficit of Bill English, George W. Bush wins Florida, Clarks preparation for Waitangi Day, Tainui iwi's new grievance cycle, Mrs Mudgeway's son hopes to qualify for ACC compensation, Clinton is back as President?, the new and the old All Black diet, signs of recovery in NZ economy being hidden from Don Brash, NZ/Australia defence spending and policies, Hawkins hands out pornography to Police to cut phone-sex costs, being a modern day All Black, Clark and Cullen's popularity increases, Simon Upton departs the National Party, obituary to reporter Mike Robson, America - where every judge counts in becoming President, Clark still unable to apologise to Dover Samuel, cricket at the Basin Reserve for Boxing Day test, petrol war, Anderton and Bunkle over question of where Phillida resides, Paul Holmes CD for Christmas makes Granddad throw-up. Quantity: 80 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal bromides

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