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We can connect 18 things related to Opposition (Political science) and Politicians to the places on this map.

Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-four cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 Decembe...

Date: 1998 - 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-539-063/086

Description: General Pinochet complains about not being allowed to travel freely. Comment on the Minister of Defence's policy. Opposition Leader, Helen Clark, tells the public about National's intended defence spending. New Zealand's energy resources are put up for sale. Vultures gather around National's leader, Jenny Shipley. Jenny Shipley celebrates her first year as leader of the National Party. Boris Yeltsin reassures Russians he is still alive and running the country even though he is on an intravenous drip of Vodka. Finance Minister, Bill Birch in a pool after his attempt in the NZ Economic Free Fall Competitions. Jenny Shipley passes his togs, which he forgot to put on. Comment on the commercialisation of professional cricket. The House Judiciary Committee sit in judgement over President Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal. New ACC law allows victims the right to sue. Paul East quits politics to take up a cushy post for Foreign Affairs in London. Leaked conversations of Gilbert Myles. US military are relaxed about Iraqi missiles aimed at US Republicans. Jenny Shipley visits Bill Clinton. The world tryys to understand why Serbian security forces commit such terrible atrocitities. The Serbians say 'Because they can' Rachel Hunter and Jerry Hall discuss why they got rid of their rock star husbands. Pam Corkery quits politics. Bill Clinton tells the nation about the state of his relations with his wife Hillary following the Lewinsky allegations. The International Olympic Committee get 1st, 2nd and 3rd for Corruption, Greed and Arrogance. Monica Lewinsky is called to Washington for a high-level debriefing. The Government's response to people's needs following the storms in Northland. Sweetwaters festival leaves a mountain of unpaid debtors. Jenny Shipley advocates her favoured MMP option. Quantity: 24 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty cartoons published in the Evening Post between 3 and 28 Novem...

Date: 1997

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-045/064

Description: Political cartoons. Psychiatric care denied to those in need. Jim Bolger teeters on the edge of losing his position as Prime Minister. Jim Bolger offers his head on a plate to the new National Party leader, Jenny Shipley. Helen Clark congratulates Jenny Shipley for being NZ's first woman Prime Minister. Jenny Shipley lays down how she wishes to conduct business within her caucus. Winston Peters prostrates himself before the new Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley. NZ public dispair over the Black Caps' performance. Jenny Shipley is set to devour coalition partner, Winston Peters during their coalition talks. Max Bradford calls for submissions on the government's proposals allowing people to work Christmas Day for cash. Winston Peters is pressured by his party, NZ First, to continue in coalition with National under the new leadership of Jenny Shipley. NZ First / National Party coalition government is recemented but there's trouble ahead. Obituary to the tourists murdered by Islamic extremists in Egypt. Jim Bolger is overwhelmed by complimentary cards following his fall from the National Party leadership. Workers comment on the compulsory pay rise MPs get. Labour Party Conference participants behave as if they have become the government when they are still in opposition. White power advocates call for one law for all with some exceptions for themselves. Jim Bolger advises foreign leaders of the first signs of a coup, unsolicited phone calls pledging loyalty. The tell-tale signs of smoking in women. The pros and cons of the Hamilton East Telecom Mobile Phone Tower. Jenny Shipley is seen to have a level demeanour. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 31 M...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-554-021/042

Description: Political cartoons. Jenny Shipley waits for the corner to be turned in the tourism row. Fringe political games. 1. Murray McCully passes the buck on the tourism row. 2. Helen Clark spread the rumour. Comment on the barbarism of human behaviour as news tells us that Hutu rebels hack tourists to death in Uganda. Comment on Air New Zealand's growing service and safety problems. More Fringe political games... Dodging the issue - Jenny Shipley. Losing the plot: - Clem Simich. A TVNZ executive is put in the firing line over the John Hawkesby payout. Farmers celebrate the end of the draught. Monica Lewinsky's side of the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Saatch boss, Kevin Roberts is made to walk the plank by the Tourism Board. New developments in genetic modification. Comment on the resilience of Tourism Minister Murray McCully to withstand the tourism row. Jenny Shipley explains she won't support the Alliance's Bill calling for labelling of all genetically modified food until the Bill has been redrafted with the National Party logo on the front instead of the Alliance one. A look into the Serbian Police Handbook which identifies threats and instructs Serbian Police to destroy them. The British establishment congratulate themselves on rooting out greed and corruption from the IOC (International Olympic Committee?) and go back to their indulgent ways. Comment on the contradiction between Paul Holmes pitching his show to the ordinary kiwi while receiving a $770,000 salary. Helen Clark trails in the polls as Labour heads toward the next election. Jenny Shipley leads the charge of the firemen against unpopular reformer Roger Estall. Allied planes swoop low over a Serbian soldier about to execute a woman and her baby. Allied war planes are dispatched with personal messages, except the spelling isn't that flash. Comment on the publics feeling of helplessness in the face of mass killings in Kosovo and the Nato response to the violence. Comment on the thought that the APEC summit in Auckland would bring American tourists. Comment on voyeuristic television shows. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 S...

Date: 1998

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-539-001/021

Description: Political cartoons. Shows Boris Yeltsin drunk at the end of a steel girder threatening to jump and take the global economy with him. A Russian gaurd tries to stop him. Winston Peters is happy with the gloomy forecasts for the economy. Comment on the risk to children of TB due to poverty, poor nutrition and other health related problems. New Minister outside of Cabinet, Marie Hasler wants to change the NZ flag to say something like 'NZ for sale as, where is!' Jenny Shipley says it's not quite what they're looking for. National's Bill Birch reassures the NZ public about the world wide economic crisis. Jenny Shipley calls for a confidence vote for National's 'vague and ill-defined policies.' National Party Finance minister, Bill Birch panics about the world economic situation. Jenny Shipley reassures the public National has a calm and sober hand on the economic tiller. The new Minister of Police, Clem Simich promises to raise police morale. A senior police officer asks Simich if he's resigning already. Comment on America's hypocritical rage over the Clinton-Lewinsky affair as they enjoy the lurid details provided by newspapers and the Starr Report. The All Black 7's win gold at the Kuala Lumpa Games. Media speculation on the state of relations between Bill and Hillary Clinton following the Clinton-Lewinsky affair revelations. Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark can't agree on a coalition between National and Labour but they do agree on a nomination for Mike Moore as Head of the World Trade Organisation as a way of getting him out of New Zealand. The Republicans are willing to plunge the world into the worst depression since the 1930's if it means bringing President Clinton down too. Comment on the American Justice System where a mafia boss can claim the fifth amendment and refuse to answer any questions on the grounds that it might incriminate him. But the President of the United States must answer all questions and the have the cross-examinination broadcast on television. Winston Peters comes a poor fourth in the latest leadership polls. Kenneth Starr, Prosecutor in the Clinton-Lewinsky case joins the Presidential Assassin Hall of Fame, his weapon, the Monica Lewinsky tapes. War crimes go unchecked in Kosovo as the world media focus on Bill Clinton's sex life. The Government reconsiders it's plans to deregulate producer boards following a hostile reaction from fruit growers. Jenny Shipley reassures elderly New Zealanders that national super will not be cut but it will be allowed to fall behind the cost of living. Treasury cuts medical care for children under six. Jenny Shipley rationalises why the elderly are carrying a greater share of the economic sacrifice expected of the country. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-three cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 31...

Date: 1997

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-022/044

Description: The Fire Service reduce their services to the public as a consequence of being restructured. North Health argue their case for not giving Rau Williams life-saving kidney dialysis treatment. Jim Bolger holds onto the National Party leadership against growing calls for renewal of the Party, starting at the top. Labour enjoys record lead in the polls. Bill English, Minister of Health, despairs over the state of the public health system. Winston Peters is increasingly alarmed by Neil Kirton's unexpected statements. The splitting of ECNZ into two competing groups has resulted in higher power prices. The TVNZ Board discuss a strategy to get the public behind selling off TVNZ. Public discussion over the death of Rau Williams who had kidney dialysis treatment withheld from him. Winston Peters and Jim Bolger disagree over the question of more frigates in the NZ fleet. Tuku Morgan argues against the TVNZ sell-off. Obituary to Rau Williams and Jim Bolger's 'kinder and gentler society'. Jim Bolger attempts to deal with Jenny Shipley's leadership bid. Comment on the current justice system where violent offenders are let free on bail and their elderly victims lock themselves up alone in their homes. Jim Anderton's Alliance Party deals with demands from the Green Party. Jim Bolger heads for Chogm as his National Government plunges to record unpopularity. Wide-spread health cuts are introduced to the public health sector. Comment on the apparent collusion between defence attorneys and their gang clients. Jim Bolger seems pleased to be on a first-name basis with many of the world's leaders. Panic spreads as stockmarkets tumble everywhere. Shows the inter-dependant relationship between the American Wall St. stock market and the New Zealand stock market. Minister of Health, Bill English doesn't comprehend the seriousness of doctors' dissatisfaction with their conditions. 'This is your life' TV programme returns. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides. Processing information: Subject headings updated in 2022 as part of inclusive metadata work.


Tremain, Garrick :37 Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times from 16 July to 25 Aug...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-655-001/037

Description: 37 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. A panda bear sits and swings the five Olympic rings in its paws with Olympic officials commenting on China's successful bid for the Olympic games. Comment on ASH's view of underage smoking - two children walk past a cinema and a man in an alleyway furtively offers to show them pictures of people smoking. Comment on Jim Anderton's aim for a 'Peoples Bank' - Jenny Shipley is portrayed as a bank teller sitting under a signd your breath'. Public cynicism of Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation scheme. Farmers discussing their lack of confidence in ENZA. Cartoonist's reaction to the disparity between the financial levels of sports peoples and other people when being assessed to be published on the 'rich list'. Comment on the publication that 'kiwi kids' are overweight. A male ironing clothing offers comment on Helen Clark Jenny Shipley Silvia Cartwright Sian Elias and Michelle Boag being in positions of power. Comment by a male sitting down to breakfast that deer velvet being a sex aid is 'bunkum'. Michael Cullen is shown standing next to a poker machine called 'Future Super' indication it is the helath and education monines that the poker machine needs to work on. Comment on the outcome of Max Bradford's electricity reforms. Max Bradford is in an electricial repair shop being told that if the article he brought for repair was not broken before Bradford tried to fix it it is broken now. Helen Clark Parekura Horomia and Michael Cullen presenting their individual position on the issue of Maori TV A schoolteacher chastises Max Bradford for blaming others. Michael Cullen and Helen Clark watch two overweight dogs named Super and Maori TV eating while two thin dogs named Education and Health are straining at their leads for food. A nurse opens the expectant fathers waiting room door to tell Mr Anderton to go home and he will be notified if there is any sign of labour getting serious. Early visitors arrive on the shores of New Zealand with the comment that the natives may regret not having an immigration policy. Christine Rankin wears two very large earings one labled 'winzum' the other 'lose some'. Comment on the news that the right-of-way road rule is to be revised. Jim Anderton Helen Clark and Michael Cullen cling to a life raft identified as Beneficiary Voting Block with two boaties in the background commenting that even the knowledge wave did not loosen their grip. Comment on Helen Clark's support for funding going to the arts. Comment on Laila Harre and holiday shopping Finger pointing from Pete Hodgson and Max Bradford as to who is to blame for the electricity reforms not working/ Rugby fans pay their first visit to Dunedin and pass comment on the wearing of tartan trousers. Shows a bloody battle of Gengis Khan's army. Word is being passed around to forget about the plundering and go for the 'bonus point'. Refers to the NZ cricket teams decision to stop their point scoring run glut against Australia and take the bonus point offered by a technicality. Shows two young school boys discussing public educations failure to teach reading, writing and numeracy. Shows Jim Anderton on the steps of Treasury with water flooding under the front doors and down the steps. Comment on Anderton's attempts to stop the 'leaks' coming from Treasury. Comment on the public boredom over multi-millionaire Steve Fossett's attempts to fly around the world non-stop in a hot-air balloon. Shows Marian Hobbs with a large wind instrument wrapped around her playing 'NZ Music' to a man who represents the NZ public. He has a large flat neck collar on representing the new NZ music quota. The collar prevents him from putting his fingers in his ears should not wish to listen to the music. Shows mother explaining to her crying children that their father is now going to play golf rather than take them sailing. The change is due to their father being agitated by NZ Professional Golfer Grant Waite's performance. Comment on prison staff's industrial 'go-slow' and the opportunities it creates for prisoners to escape. Shows a large area of forestry being felled for the sake of sending 'positive signals' to overseas companies. Shows an elderly couple, justifying to a squad of police officers at their front door, that they are doing all they can in the nationwide drive to save electricity. Shows Marian Hobbs introducing a rock band called 'Marian and the quotas'. Shows Sam Neill at the Jurassic Park 3 movie premiere with an old pre-historic friend. Shows a woman in an art gallery asking if a framed display is a piece of art. The gallery worker assures her it is and explains that it is Creative New Zealand's justification for their travel expenditure. Quantity: 37 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies on sheets 297 x 210 mm.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :18 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 3 and...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-108/125

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the Police trying to deal with huge traffic queues from Wellington to Levin by setting up speed cameras after Levin to catch the people speeding who are trying to make up the time. Labour feign being blackmailed by the Greens so they appear to have a reason to call an early election. The Queen of England is surrounded by the mess following her Jubilee party, but remains amused. Comment on the New Zealand couple who denied their baby medical care with the result the baby died. The couple are drawn in the style of NZ Gothic. Bill English hears that 1 in 4 National Party supporters are considering voting for Labour to keep the Greens out of the next Government. Shows Helen Clark undermining Trevor Mallard to the press over his handling of the Teachers pay negotiations. Helen Clark is advised that calling an early election without good reason will do her no harm. The leaders of National, ACT, Greens and NZ First whine about Helen Clark calling an early election when her popularity is high. Bill English takes heart in the news that the favourite teams for the Soccer World Cup have been eliminated from the competitions. He sees this as a sign for his hopes in the 2002 elections. Jim Anderton launches his new Political party the 'Jim Anderton's Progressive Coalition Party'. A teacher schools his class on how they can help escalate pressure on the government over teacher salaries and conditions. Winston Peters stirs from the political wilderness to address an audience of 500 trapped elderly people. Jim Anderton wears a jester's hat (pretend Alliance member) and regrets having to take it off. Around him are other hats of political parties he has belonged to or is about to belong to. The Greens outline their policy on GE organisms and cannabis. There is an obvious disparity in their requirement for safety between the two substances. Comment on the lack of support for signing the Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming. Helen Clark seeks to rule as a majority government. The minor parties all agree that she can't. Shows public being notified of the closing of the Wellington Evening Post and the merger of the Evening Post with the Dominion. President Bush outlines his plans for a Middle East peace. It includes the Palestinian leader, Arafat, being relegated to an outhouse. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 S...

Date: 1997

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-001/021

Description: Political cartoons. Obituary for Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-1997 The ethics of the press are questioned following the death of Princess Diana. Judge Beattie refuses to eave the bar gracefully following an investigation into improper claiming for work related expenses. Farmers spread the RCD virus in an attempt to control the rabbit population. The National/NZ First coalition government are in danger of self destructing due to internal fighting. The oppostion is left to watch from the sideline. Diana's funeral is seen by millions around the world. Obituary to Mother Teresa 1910-1997. Rabbits warn their children about eating RCD infected carrots. Comment on the perceived leniency of the courts toward violent offenders. Christine Fletcher leaves Parliament and takes up the position of Auckland Mayor. Men discuss Otago's persistent off-side play in a rugby game against Wellington. Otago won as the referee didn't pick up most of the off-side play. Jim Bolger dreams of being an Egyptian sun king while weilding draconian powers over his slaves. The scales of justice are weighed in favour of Judge Beattie as he refuses to accept any fault in fraud allegations, Judge Hesketh however repays monies in dispute.. Nationals Minister of Health, Bill English, explains how market-driven health reforms will work. Conjugal rights given to male prisoners. Jim Bolger joins the call for new leadership in Nationals ranks and thinks he's the right person for the job. Doctors callously discuss the pros and cons of not giving a patient kidney dialysis. The National/NZ First coalition government unravels itself. Rau Williams is left to the mercy of the NZ medical system as to whether or not he'll receive life-saving procedures. Winston Peters refuses to believe his party has lost its support. Jim Bolger takes charge of his troubled coalition government. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[18 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 11-31 ...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-675-016/033

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Comment on New Zealands cancer treatment compared to Australia. Verbal sparring between Helen Clark and Bill English. Helen Clark looking forward to Bill English being plastered in the boxing ring and he referring to her art fraud incident. Comment on rural doctor shortage. Rural famlies resort to taking their children to the local vet. Shows Labour Finance Minister, Michael Cullen, fishing (electioneering) with a tin of fat worms (budget). Shows small boy asking his father to borrow his gun for the nativity scene at school. Cartoonist Tom Scott receives a Doctorate from Massey University. The agitated voice of Rob Muldoon comes from the sky. Shows National Party President, Michael Boag in a box. Bill English asks National Party Divisional Conference delegates to form an orderly queue to try the magic trick of cutting her in half. Comment on Jeff Wilson's retirement from international rugby. Shows Helen Clark and Peter Davis in trenchcoats, hats and sun glasses with an umbrella. Passersby wonder if she's worried about the hole in the ozone layer or the holes in the Kyoto Protocol. Comment on the perceived waste of money within the Maori Television Service. Shows Helen Clark having cut free the Employments Contract Act now has a large cat (wildcat strikes) on her back. Comment on teachers anger and frustration with Labour's Education Minister, Trevor Mallard's dealings throughout the teacher contract negotiations. Shows Helen Clark and her husband Peter Davis in the kitchen, Peter is preparing a picnic as he heard Helen say that once Michael Cullen had presented his budget they would go to the country - i.e. set the date for the election. Comment on so-called 'Maori bashing' of Derek Fox for his handling of the Maori Television Service engagement of Cheif Executive, John Davy. Shows a shearing shed scene. Comment on the popularity of Jim Anderton in the Wigram Seat, one shearer suggests the voters are like sheep in their blind acceptance of him. Shows two older people opening their front door to Bill English who is dressed up as a police officer in boxing gloves carrying his drawn truncheon (law and order). Comment on the clash of traditional Indian past-times of snake charming and lying on beds of nails to intensify the practitioners mental state, with the new order of nuclear weapons. Shows three tables in a restaurant and how they are divided to accommodate smokers, non-smokers and passive-smokers. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- and Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :20 copies of cartoons published in th...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.); Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-674-088/107

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. John Davy, the man at the centre of the fraudulent CEO appointment to the Maori Television Service explains his bogus qualifications were created by a Canadian witness protection programme. Jim Anderton on the eve of taking an oath of allegiance to his fourth political party, Jim Anderton's Progressive Coalition Party. Jim Anderton rides two horses (Alliance and Progressive Coalition Parties) like Ben Hur. He says he doesn't like the view from his position. Helen Clark who is standing underneath him admits she doesn't like the view from where she stands either. Jim Anderton runs across a crumbling bridge (credibility). Hurricanes fans can't bear to talk about their team but can't stop talking about them either. It is revealed to Bill English that his boxing opponent for the youth suicide charity bout is Jenny Shipley. Council rubbish collectors remember that there are always a lot of discarded televisions at this time of year when the Hurricanes are defeated in the Super Twelve competitions. A customs officer interviews a man suspected of carrying ecstasy in his underpants. The public and private thoughts of Jim Anderton and Laila Harre as the rift grows within the Alliance Party. Shows the government as a three-legged table being propped up by a pile of rickety books (Alliance Party). Tribute to All Black Jeff Wilson who has retired from All Blacks rugby. The All Blacks are hit with a hard draw in the rugby world cup. Bill English knocks out members of his staff who deliver any bad news about poll results. Michael Cullen is about to deliver the next budget as some are only just recovering from his 2001 budget. Jeanette Fitsimons puts forward the Green Party's point of view on the release of GE organisms into the environment. Helen Clark says the country already has a point of view and it's hers. The Crusaders rugby team defeat the Brumbies. Comment on the ultimatums being used around the world. Particularly India and Pakistan threatening nuclear war and Helen Clark and Jeanette Fitzsimons debate over the release of GE organisms into the environment. Pakistan and India are convinced of God being on their side as they wheel out their nuclear weapons. Palestinian bombers warn Israel they are now targeting 18-month old babies for their part in the 1967 annexation of Palestinian lands. Russian gets a seat at the NATO Council. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[15 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 24 Apr...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-675-001/015

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Comment on Labour's Finance Minister, Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation Scheme. Shows an elderly Returned Serviceman being reminded by his wife via the bar man that he was coming home straight after the service, lest he forget. Comment on the Labour Governments perceived favouritism toward Maori generally but in relation to the Baby Kahu kidnapping case in particular. Shows discussion between father and son about Helen Clark's desire to build good relationships with Australia. Comment on NZ Post payouts for golden handshakes, lawyer fees and Executive salaries. Comment on increased fear and security measures New Zealanders are taking and the impact it has had on door-to-door fundraising by the Salvation Army. Comment on Maori Television Service particulary the John Davy fraud affair. National Party leader Bill English misses the 2002 Election bus. Jim Anderton sprints across a crumbling bridge (credibility). Refers to his party hopping from Alliance to the Jim Anderton Progressive Coalition. Shows Helen Clark being advised by her fairy godmother to call the election sooner rather than later to avoid her carriage (Jim Anderton) being turned into a pumpkin. Comment on the NZ Cricket team. Shows an older couple discussing the fairness of the Southern Cross increase in medical insurance premiums. Shows two men looking at the low water levels of one of the Southern lakes and discussing Jim Anderton's perceived infallibility. Shows Helen Clark training her husband, Peter Davis to box. Suggestion that he may be the mystery man who will take on National Party leader in the charity boxing match. Shows two workers looking at the new Broadcasting Charter that takes up the whole wall in the building with its list of dos and don'ts. Quantity: 15 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies

Online Image

Webb, Murray 1947-:Gerry Brownlee. [ca 9 November 2003]

Date: 2003

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DX-001-685

Description: Caricature of Gerry Brownlee, National MP for Ilam, and Deputy Leader of the National Party. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Phil Goff. 7 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DCDL-0016278

Description: Caricature of leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff. Title from file name Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Webb, Murray 1947-:John Key. [ca 3 November 2003]

Date: 2003

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DX-001-684

Description: Caricature of John Key, National MP for Helensville. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Webb, Murray, 1947- :"Mirror, mirror, on the wall Who's the leader of us all?" 13 June,...

Date: 2002

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DX-001-467

Description: Caricature of Peter Dunne, Leader of United NZ Party and MP for Ohariu-Belmontstanding gazing at himself in a full-length mirror. He has his parties logo on his shirt. Quantity: 1 digital image(s) ..

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Fletcher, David 1952- :"This whole sorry saga is something I'd just like to FORGET!" Th...

Date: 2013

From: Fletcher, David, 1952- :Digital cartoons

By: Dominion post (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0025025

Description: 'The Politician' cartoon strip. The Politician tells his aide that 'This whole sorry saga is something I'd just like to forget!' The aide replies that he will mention his request to the Media and the opposition but 'I wouldn't get your hopes up.' Refers to a number of mistakes, blunders and disasters committed by politicians. Neither the media nor the opposition are likely to agree to 'forget' when they can make news stories and political capital. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark, 1958- :Stable Opposition. 24 April 2014

Date: 2014

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0027955

Description: Shows a horse representing Shane Jones leaving the stable 'Labour Party'. Refers to Jones leaving the Labour Party and politics to take up a role of Pacific Economic Ambassador. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 26 Febru...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-554-001/020

Description: Political cartoons. Jenny Shipley announces Max Bradford's appointment to the new Ministry of Tertiary Education. Max Bradford wears sports padding and holds a reaper in one hand and a chain-saw in the other. Wyatt Creech outlines his approach to the Health Ministry portfolio. The All Blacks rugby team training. Helen Clark reacts badly to Jenny Shipley being invited to stay the night on the Waitangi marae. Jenny Shipley declines to sleep over on the Waitangi Marae due to people sleeping in close quarters and flatulence. A Marae representative says the Maori people are very forgiving. Comment on Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley both being in tears at Waitangi, but for different reasons. Comment on the relationship between alcohol sponsorship in rugby and players developing an unhealthy interest in alcohol. Co-leader of the Greens Party Rod Donald defends MMP as being more representative. Comment on Wellington's failed games bid. As the gap between rich and poor grows significantly, Jenny Shipley said in her State-of-the-Nation speech, 'People need to see the benefit of their hard work.' A boss shows off his new car to his workers. The New Zealand cricket team the Black Caps at starting to be successful in their tournaments. Police question All Blacks over incident with prostitute. A truckies view of Bill Clinton's acquittal on charges related to the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Jenny Shipley disciplines Murray McCully prior to the election. The election and expected change of government is billed as the television programme called 'Changing Rooms'. TVNZ responds badly to the latest ratings for the news. Saatchi's boss and Jenny Shipley fall into the breach of privelege trap over tourism issues. Helen Clark demands that Jenny Shipley stay in the House and subject herself to the rigorous yet dignified scrutiny of Her Majesty's loyal opposition. Helen Clark holds a shovel loaded with mud. The blind dog (Saatchi boss) leads the blind (Jenny Shipley) A couch potato super-12 fan sits in front of several televisions. He tells his wife to hurry to disinfect the catheter as there's only a few hours to go. The catheter will drip feed beer into him during the game so he doesn't have to take his eyes off the televisions. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.

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