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We can connect 122 things related to Black Caps (Cricket team) and 2000 to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :22 cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 April ...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-066/087

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Obituary to the Queen Mother. The two methods of applying pressure in the Middle East crisis, awesome fire power and suicide bombers. Helen Clark welcomes Jim Anderton back into the fold of the Labour party. The New Zealand cricket team manage to pull a rabbit from the hat to draw a test series. Jim Anderton leads his followers to another promised land shown as a high wire that's going nowhere. As President George W Bush calls for Israel to withdraw from Palestine, a dog (Ariel Sharon) urinates on his leg. President Bush tries to mediate peace negotiations betweem Arafat and Sharon. A septic tank is on daily call to clean up the mess in the Alliance Party caucus. Two coffins are carried by pallbearers. The first contains the body of the Queen Mother, the second, the remains of Helen Clark's plans for a Republic. Bill English hears the news that Helen Clark has enough support to rule for life. Comment on Helen Clark's involement in signing art works that she didn't paint. Graham Murries coaching career is resurected following the Hurricanes win over the Brumbies. Lawyers discuss the reasons not to sever links with the Privy Council; many of the reasons are led by self interest. The United States congratulates itself while Israel and Palestine come closer and closer to annihilation. New Zealand's arm is severed by an axe as they reach out to hold the Rugby World Cup host status. The axeman is Australian. Baby Kahu Drurie is returned to her family by a New Zealand police officer following being kidnapped. Winston Peters wonders whats happening to New Zealand when he exposes the Treaty grievance industry and Helen Clark is shown to be a forger, the result is her popularity soars and his doesn't move. Comment on the Catholic church's lax approach to priests having sex with their congregation. Shows the positive effect on the New Zeland Police the progress of two high profile cases have had. The NZRFU offer the two executives who negotiated the World Cup Host contracts a gun and two bullets to end their misery. Israeli tanks crush the Palestinian Refugee Camp in an effort to end the cycle of hate. Derek Fox accuses jounalists of Maori-bashing when they ask for accountability over the appointment of conman John Davy as CEO of the Maori Television Service. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[23 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 15 Jan...

Date: 2003

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-701-001/023

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Topics include ACT list member of Parliament Donna Awatere-Huata's alleged misuse of funds for a stomach stapling operation and her refusal to resign from her party, Maori activist Titewhai Harawira and Waitangi Day, an artist painting a portrait of the 'painted' apple noth, govenrment negotiations with Tranz Rail and derailment, heat affecting railway lines, bush fires in Australia and United States threats to attack Iraq, United Nations attempts to slow down American policy on Iraq, American threats of sanctions against North Korea and their nuclear programme, President Bush's State of the Union address, the Black Caps fear of terrorism when on tour, the overburdening of the health system with administrators, President Bush's record of capital punishment and Saddam Hussein's of genocide, Israel's refusal to comply with United Nations resolutions to withdraw from occuppied territory, the arrival of pit ball dogs on Noah's Ark being the signal for all the other animals to burst out of it and away, racial bickering in New Zealand and the remoteness of the establishment of Maori TV channel. Quantity: 23 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Hubbard, Jim, 1949- :[5 photocopies of cartoons]published in the Otago Daily Times betw...

Date: 2002

By: Hubbard, James, 1949-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-662-010/015

Description: 5 cartoons on political and social issues. Shows lax security on an Army base. Shows NZ Cricket rep. picking up the teams uniforms which have large perspiration marks where their hearts were beating hard during recent matches. Shows the disparity between benefits gained between Lotto winners, ACC lump sum payments and victim reparation awarded in criminal cases. Comment on the large amount of money being spent on developing a Maori trademark in relation to how popular branding is amoung Maori youth. Shows Creative New Zealand robbing a bank in broad daylight. Quantity: 5 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-090/112

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the changes within coalition government as a genetic mutation where the Labour Alliance strands are repalaced with the Labour Greens strands. Comment on the plight of the refugee boat people. All Blacks coach John Mitchell calls for more excitement from the All Blacks. Jim Bolger promotes Kiwi Bank to other former world leaders. New Zealand horse Ethereal wins the Melbourne Cup. Helen Clark protects Turiana Turia from opposition accussations of political interference. President Bush attempts to calm and reassure the American people in the face of extreme threats from Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network. John Howard wins another term as Australian Prime Minister on the backs of refugee boat people. Jim Anderton and Bill English look for ways to provide gaurded support for New Zealand SAS involvement in Afghanistan. Shows lions in a zoo with a sign 'Big Cat poisoning Times...' The new rule in Kabul Afghanistan, don't dare NOT to show yourself. Shows a man having his beard removed and a women removing her veil. Both regimes the now deposed Taleban instituted. A bin Laden supporter talks about the perfect weapon they have against the American led attack into Afghanistan. However they have some problems with detonating the nuclear bomb. Factions within the Alliance Party turn on each other and vow to fight to the death. Comment on the increase in alcohol consumption due to the lowering of the drinking age, and expectation that the same thing will happen when cannibis is legalised. Shows the maze of buildings that United States Air Force missiles are trying to penetrate in Afghanistan. The chance of striking a target is pretty low. The Prime Minister is swollowed by a giant snake during a visit to the Amazon. A reporter asks her how the Amazon compares with NZ eco-tourism. Jim Anderton pretends to fire a gatling gun every time the Alliance Party President, Matt McCarten appears on television. Helen Clark arrives home to find the house demolished. Refers to Alliance Party infighting. Shows Jim Anderton and Matt McCarten facing off over the breakfast table. A Black Caps cricket player thanks an African rain-man for helping the team by creating rain which washed out the second test. Jim Anderton reassures everyone that the crisis within the Alliance Party is now over and he and Matt McCarten are now pulling in the same direction. The Alliance boat is now however sinking. New Zealanders make love twice a week on average. A woman comments that it is decidedly average. Afghanistan Alliance soldiers run over Taliban prisoners in an armoured tank. They blame the prisioners for being in the way. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Eighty-eight cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post, 30 Sept...

Date: 1999 - 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-606

Description: 88 cartoons on social and political issues. The topics include student loans and voting, East Timor violence, Jonah Lomu, NZ elections, politics and rugby, Doug Graham, national pride and rugby, children and television, Pakistan politics, the All Blacks, the Alliance at the elections, compulsory military service advocated by Winston Peters, National/Labour health policies, Max Bradford on university campus and peacekeeping, removal of tariffs, television and the world cup, Helen Clark apparently supporting a Green candidate, Winston Peters and coalition partners, election poll results, meat industry, rugby (France vs NZ), rugby world cup, Winston Peters as political dinosaur, list MPs, Winston Peters's supporters, gay issues in politics, NZ First and election policies, electoral advertising, Labour-Alliance coalition, NZ First sinking, excuses for poor performance in rugby and surgery, the Green party, economic growth and political performance, National's poll results, Russia and Chechen terrorism, similarity between party policies, women in politics, political corruption and immigration, Helen Clark's pre-election confidence, Winston Peters comeback, David Lange's alcoholism, drinking age lowered, Helen Clark and Jim Anderton, slow vote counting, the Mars lander, gender difference in education, Greens in parliament, Winston Peters small majority, minority government, beech logging, opposition media training, Labour defence review, Richard Prebble's loss in Wellington Central electorate, Helen Clark's political style, Titewhai Harawira and marae speaking rights, new cabinet ministers, Jim Anderton and TV sports, the Reserve Bank and the NZ economy, Helen Clark to avoid Waitangi, name suppression in American millionaire cannabis charges, Police Commissioner Doone out, Doone in PM's dept, Shipley on Doone, pension goes up, news readers' salaries, builings on Lambton Harbour, Marion Hobbs and TVNZ, destruction of Grozny, national socialism in Austria, Waitangi Marae in 2000, low wages for medical staff, treaty settlement payouts, Jim Anderton as political dinosaur, TV stars' salaries, the F16 aircraft deal, attacks on TVNZ/Paul Holmes, WINZ, Nandor Tanczos and alcohol in parliament, the Americas Cup, NZ cricket, smoking in Australian cricket team, new broadcasting boss, Helen Clark's popularity. Quantity: 88 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Bromides, various sizes.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[25 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 1 June...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-677-001/025

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Shows father and son watching a World Cup Soccer game. The boy comments that he's going to play soccer when he grows up as it gives him all day to do something else. Comment on the nature of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Shows Sharon and Arafat as two dogs. Sharon is huge and dangerous and Arafat is small and timid. George W Bush points out Arafat as being the dangerous dog and the other needing to be put on a lead for his own protection. Comparing the Black Caps cricket performance with the teachers strike. The Beehive is bombarded by a swarm of Painted Apple Moth demanding an apology from Helen Clark. Refers to all the apologies Clark has given recently. Nandor Tanczos argues that using cannabis has never done him any harm. Helen Clark defends her position on giving special treatment to Maori. Walking frames are unloaded ready for a political address by Winston Peters. Helen Clark prays to God to look after the country while she campaigns. She reassures God she'll pick the job up again on the 28th of July (the day after the election). Jim Anderton receives a gold Mickey Mouse watch from his former Alliance Party colleagues. A New Zealand couple receive a written apology from Helen Clark for the things she will do once back in power. Helen Clark and Bill English get breifed about not hitting below the belt. Helen Clark's belt (popularity) goes all the way up to her arm-pits and Bill English's belt only comes up to her knees. A storm cloud (resurgent unionism) rains over a school. The forecast is for continuing stormy weather for the next three years. Helen Clark stands on a chair screaming as 4 large rats (Rising Dollar, Falling Commodity Prices, Popularity Decline, Rising Interest Rates) approach her. A child comments on the 2002 snap election. Helen Clark does the Dance of the Seven Veils with possible election dates. The audience call for her to give them a date. A man is about to take a pill (rural GP subsidy) but it is too little to help with his condition, a giant knife (rural dissolution policies) through his body. Shows Winston Peters using immigration to brew up trouble as a way of getting back into power. Comment on the number of apologies the Prime Minister has been making. Comment on the likelihood of the Teacher Settlement Package being ratified. Shows Helen Clark ticking off the list of apologies she's planning to make. Comment on the possibility of a mad-cow disease outbreak in New Zealand. Shows Helen Clark holding firm on not letting anything out in regards to the possible election date. Shows Air New Zealand's new no-frills airline, the plane has no seats. Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[12 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 15 and...

Date: 2003

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-714-001/012

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Topics include ACT list member of Parliament Donna Awatere-Huata's refusal to resign from her party, the peace movement rebuffed by the American White House, the dogs of war dragging Nato, the loss of the America's Cup in yachting, Dave Dobbyn's theme song for the America's Cup being re-worded as "We Are Oil", American President Bush's determination to bomb Iraq, Prime Minister Helen Clark's politically correct social agenda overwhelming the "Knowledge wave", Black Cap cricketer Chris Cairn's misdemeanour in Kenya, the investment of superannunation funds by the government, reaction to member of Parliament John Tamihere's pronouncement on maori social welfare beneficiaries, and fading memeories of milk in bottles, the proposed start of maori television and the America's Cup. Quantity: 12 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- and Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :20 copies of cartoons published in th...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.); Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-674-088/107

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. John Davy, the man at the centre of the fraudulent CEO appointment to the Maori Television Service explains his bogus qualifications were created by a Canadian witness protection programme. Jim Anderton on the eve of taking an oath of allegiance to his fourth political party, Jim Anderton's Progressive Coalition Party. Jim Anderton rides two horses (Alliance and Progressive Coalition Parties) like Ben Hur. He says he doesn't like the view from his position. Helen Clark who is standing underneath him admits she doesn't like the view from where she stands either. Jim Anderton runs across a crumbling bridge (credibility). Hurricanes fans can't bear to talk about their team but can't stop talking about them either. It is revealed to Bill English that his boxing opponent for the youth suicide charity bout is Jenny Shipley. Council rubbish collectors remember that there are always a lot of discarded televisions at this time of year when the Hurricanes are defeated in the Super Twelve competitions. A customs officer interviews a man suspected of carrying ecstasy in his underpants. The public and private thoughts of Jim Anderton and Laila Harre as the rift grows within the Alliance Party. Shows the government as a three-legged table being propped up by a pile of rickety books (Alliance Party). Tribute to All Black Jeff Wilson who has retired from All Blacks rugby. The All Blacks are hit with a hard draw in the rugby world cup. Bill English knocks out members of his staff who deliver any bad news about poll results. Michael Cullen is about to deliver the next budget as some are only just recovering from his 2001 budget. Jeanette Fitsimons puts forward the Green Party's point of view on the release of GE organisms into the environment. Helen Clark says the country already has a point of view and it's hers. The Crusaders rugby team defeat the Brumbies. Comment on the ultimatums being used around the world. Particularly India and Pakistan threatening nuclear war and Helen Clark and Jeanette Fitzsimons debate over the release of GE organisms into the environment. Pakistan and India are convinced of God being on their side as they wheel out their nuclear weapons. Palestinian bombers warn Israel they are now targeting 18-month old babies for their part in the 1967 annexation of Palestinian lands. Russian gets a seat at the NATO Council. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch S...

Date: 1999 - 2001

By: Darroch, Bob, 1940-; Christchurch star (Newspaper : 1958- )

Reference: A-316-142/160

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand social issues and politics. Unemployed fathers as role models to their sons, the pracitical side of genetic modification, 20th century sees out-of-control war, violence and death, United States aims to curb people's access to guns, election year sees 32,000 more operations being done, study shows teenages think about girls approx. every three minutes, marriages end in divorce due to the Rugby World Cup, parents supervise their children to school, move to replace cigarettes with cannabis, supermarkets selling to underage drinkers, kiwi dollar plummets to record low, family politics of winning, cricket bribery revealed, Black Caps perform poorly in cricket, children's language shocks, 600 Air Force staff made redundant, new complications of professional rugby, moves to ban children from movies that portray smoking, travellers face uncertain choice of destinations following world terrorist attacks. Original drawings for A-316-144, -152, -156 and -160 in separate folder and individually catalogued Quantity: 15 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of ink and letraset drawings.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :85 cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post between 2 February...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-

Reference: H-648-001/085

Description: 85 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include cricketers, PM's avoidance of Waitangi Day protests, Treaty of Waitangi signing 1840, Maori sovereignty, Israel's hard line on Palestine, perils of being a child in NZ, Rugby sevens, Fiji's lack of moral fibre, genetic relationship between humans and slugs, corporate savaging of small shareholders, dairy farmers play down record returns, farmer reaction to vet strike, People's Bank documents leaked, Anderton looks for way to get rid of Phillida Bunkle, cricket rules questioned, possible beaurocracy of Kiwi Bank, NZ Post attempts to gag Richard Prebble, Bunkle and Hobbs on political scrap-heap, NZ rich list, possum damage Australian tax payer responsibility, cricket match-fixing, Bunkle unlikely to get back into Cabinet, extended rugby season not cricket, Kiwi Bank customers may bring their debt with them, Super-12 referees, census forms, British border control officials under fire, NZ scenery blocked by pine trees, ACT conservation policy - eat Kiwis, Germans announce NZ sheep have scrapies, Winstone Peters argues against opinion polls, RCD farmers support border control of foot-and-mouth, TVNZ presenters fight amongst themselves, Helen Clark and her husband communicate via e-mail, Clark defends and attacks her husband, CNN broadcasts incorrect information about NZ cases of foot-and-mouth disease, skyhawks put out to pasture, Clark and Shipley fight it out, MIR space station breaks up, Hobbs on the rack, Air Force apologise to Clark, Clark wins 'scariest skirt' award, George W Bush's stance on carbon dioxide emissions, Jonathon Hunt fails to name drunken MP's, Milosovich faces punishment, Clark and Anderton negotiate deal to get rid of Bunkle, Bush's foreign policy stance escalates world tensions, women in leadership roles - men ponder their choices, Bush questions the colour of 'red China', Tiger Woods - king of the golf world, Clark hot and cold on America, Shipley faces political crisis, schizophrenic flatmates, Ansett NZ maintenance, Anderton farmers' favourite, schizophrenic flatmates, cervical screening and justice, Rankin missed by bomb on WINZ building, message from Qantas NZ, airline collapses while owner plays golf, dawn parade 2030, Saturn TV, Bush armwrestles Chinese dragon, King and budget decisions, air ticket competition, US impose tariffs on NZ farmers, white house and star wars, Hurricanes fans pray for victory, Clark axes skyhawks, Hitler and Hirohito and Clark, female, sex and animals, arms race history, TVNZ internal affairs, Clark and Blair campaigns, McVeigh dies in Oklahoma, Clark out of touch, Peters makes a come-back, burning effigies, global warming, Dairy Board merger, Maori Party, taxing home ownership, soya sauce scare, Bob Dylan on Radio NZ, importance of appearance in the public service. 85 H-648-033 misrecorded as a Tom Scott cartoon when it is in fact a Garrick Tremain. Refiled H-645 series. Quantity: 85 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: A4 bromides

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Date: 2010

From: Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016187

Description: A man stares in dismay at the newspaper headlines in the 'Daily Bugle'; it has been a bad news week with the Pike River mine disaster, North Korea attacking the south, the failure of the G20 Assembly, the 'Irish economy in ruins', the Black Caps being thrashed and two million lambs dead. However the one bit of good news is Pope Benedict XV1 accepting the use of condoms for gay male prostitutes with HIV - particularly critical for Africa. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Allan Donald to join the Black Caps as a bowling coach - News. 22 January 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Waikato Times].

Reference: DCDL-0016903

Description: The title reads 'Allan Donald to join the Black Caps as a bowling coach - News'. He is seen telling a startled player that they will 'start off at 140kph, move on to the sound barrier and then have a peek at the speed of light'. Context - former South African fast bowler Allan Donald has joined the BLACKCAPS as bowling coach for the Pakistan ODI series and ICC Cricket World Cup. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark, 1958-:[Christchurch earthquake and the Black Caps] 26 February 2011

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0017187

Description: Text reads 'Ricky Ponting said his team would show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake and treat the Black Caps like brothers'. A kiwi Black Cap is startled as a cricket ball bounces off his head. Context - Captain Ricky Ponting said he and his team were saddened by the news of the devastation that hit New Zealand on Tuesday (Christchurch earthquake 22 February 2011) He said the Australian cricket team will show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake when they take the field against New Zealand in Nagpur today. In fact the Black Caps got a hammering from Australia and were 206 ALL OUT. Australia 207/3 - AUSTRALIA WIN. Captain Vettori however denied that the earthquake may have been responsible for the loss and said the Black Caps were professionals. (26 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"After a comprehensive review and an exhaustive selection process, we'd like you to be ...

Date: 2010

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016459

Description: The new Black Caps coach has drawn the short straw 'after a comprehensive review and an exhaustive selection process'. An official says 'We'd like you to be the Black Caps coach John'. Context - 'New Zealand Cricket has announced that John Wright will assume the position of BLACKCAPS head coach, effective immediately.' 'The decision was one of several changes within the BLACKCAPS environment agreed at the conclusion of a review of the recent [rather disastrous] tour to India.' (NZ Cricket 20 December 2010) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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The Ashes - the NZ & Australian cricket teams are smokin'. 5 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0016280

Description: The cartoon shows two heaps of ashes with cricket caps on top. The cap on the larger (Australian) heap has donkey ears from which dangle corks surrounded by flies and the smaller heap represents New Zealand. Text above reads 'The NZ & Australian cricket teams are smokin'. The words 'THE ASHES' are writ large across the frame. A second version has text reading 'The NZ & Australian cricket teams are playing with matches'. Refers to a dire assessment by former England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff who says of his one-time Ashes foes after they were soundly beaten, that the Australia cricket side is in "disarray" and won't recover unless Warne reprises his match-winning ability. The 41-year-old Warne played the last of his 145 Tests against England nearly four years ago, but Flintoff is adamant the spin great can reinvigorate the ailing Aussies. The former New Zealand cricket coach David Trist says of the Black Caps that it's time for a complete review of game and it's administration in the wake of a dismal string of results in India and Bangladesh. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941-:Catch it! Waikato Times, 21 February, 2005.

Date: 2005

From: Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Waikato Times].

Reference: DX-014-668

Description: A member of the Australian Cricket Team is not sure what to catch as not only the cricket ball, but also objects such as bottles and cans, fly at him. Refers to the one day international match between New Zealand and Australia at the Westpac Stadium (February 19, 2005), when the crowd pelted Australian team members with rubbish. Extended Title - Westpac Stadium, Wellington. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Wright on! 21 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0016409

Description: An arm wearing a cricketing glove gives the thumbs up and the person shouts 'Wright on!' In a second version the words 'NZ cricket' appear above. Refers to the replacement of Black Caps captain Dan Vettori by new coach, John Wright. Vetorri says 'if you lose 11 games in a row people want change and this was part of that, which is fair enough'. Vettori dismisses criticism he was too influential and needed to be "depowered". Wordplay on 'Wright' and 'right'. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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John Wright. 24 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DCDL-0016786

Description: Caricature of John Wright, the newly appointed Black Caps Cricket coach; he faces a barage of microphones. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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[Black Caps v Pakistan cricket test series]. 10 January 2011

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0016817

Description: The cartoon shows a rabbit wearing a black cricket cap with corks surrounded by flies looking rather woebegone beside a kiwi also dressed in cricket gear; a second version has text across the top that reads 'Cricket.... down under' and a third version has the kiwi say 'Look on the bright side.. we got second'. Context - the New Zealand versus Pakistan test series that was won by Pakistan. Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Black Caps winning two in a row and Lotto. 29 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0016801

Description: A kiwi wearing a Black Caps shirt and cap wonders 'What are the odds... the Black Caps winning two in a row? Maybe I should check that Lotto ticket I got for Christmas'. Context - After losing the first two matches in Auckland 26 December 2010 by 5 wickets and Hamilton 28 December 2010 by 39 runs, Pakistan found form with a vengeance beating the BLACKCAPS by 103 runs in the third Twenty20 of the National Bank Series at AMI Stadium in Christchurch. Also the news that the Christmas lottery draw has left a winner nearly $13 million better off. The winning Lotto Powerball ticket, worth $12,991,369, was bought at Magascene in Takapuna on the North Shore, New Zealand Lotteries' chief executive Todd McLeay said. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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