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We can connect 103 things related to Not specified and Public opinion to the places on this map.

Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :World opinion on South African tours. 10 August 1980.

Date: 1980

From: Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :[20 original cartoons]. 1977-1983.

Reference: A-305-057

Description: The cartoon shows the All Blacks, representing New Zealand rugby, in scrum formation, They are about to try and break through a brick wall. Refers to rugby tours between New Zealand and South Africa. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on paper, A4 size. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:37 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 14 Februa...

Date: 2002

Reference: H-668-001/020

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Topics covered include: Whanau benefits in Maori TV funding and jobs, Helen Clark advises Australia to stay out of New Zealand politics, the stranding of the tanker Jody F Millennium off the Coast of Gisborne, air-sprayed 'painted apple moth' toxin seen as a possibility for dealing with Palmerston North gangs, Government spending prioroties questioned, Judges private use of lap-top computers called into question after pornography accessing case, Helen Clark and Peter Davis come to terms with royal protocol, the Queen arrives in NZ and is greeted by the Deputy Prime Minister, comparrisons of Royal and Vice Regal visits including the beleaguered Australian Govenor General, 2002 Rich List and the increasing poverty of the ordinary man, the Government considers new road tax on motorists, ex-MP's and their spouses travel perks, The Queen and Duke meet Australian PM Howard and Govenor General, Governments spending priorities questioned, large amount of new road tax to fund Auckland roading development, Alliance Party in self destruction mode, the unlikely prospect of Bill English becoming Prime Minister, Helen Clark wonders whether the Governments policies have given the unions too much strength, ease of securing money for social activities if you call them a 'hui', NZ Rugby Football Union loses co-host status for World Cup and it's associated revenue. Quantity: 20 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 photocopies


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :New Zealand - 16, South Africa - nil. 15 July 1981.

Date: 1981

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :One folder of original cartoons and photocopies of originals on the subject of rugby published in the Auckland Star between 1977 - 1981.

Reference: A-322-067

Description: The cartoon shows three different points of veiw to a possible New Zealand performance in a rugby test with South Africa: one a policeman, `matches 16, disruptions nil'; a football supporter, `New Zealand 16, South Africa nil; HART Aotearoa (Halt All Racist Tours) `disruption 16, matches nil.'. Refers to the 1981 Springbok tour and the different views of the public. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card. 200 x 280 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:37 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 14 Februa...

Date: 2002

Reference: H-668-021/037

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Topics covered include: Democracy Zimbabwe style, reactions to the news that Tau Henare is returning to politics, WINZ gives new hope to struggling artists, aftermath of the twin towers attack in New York, ACC reinstate lump sum payments for sexual abuse victims, Labour Government buy Maori votes through Moari TV funding, modern day Robin Hood and Little John - robbing the poor to give to the rich, levels of public concern over the leadership battle within the Alliance party, Helen Clark prepares for her meeting with George W Bush, Police ineffective at curbing Gang involvement in drugs, Alliance Party alikened to a Palestinian suicide bomber, the rich meet to discuss the plight of the poor, ex-MP's travel perks, Jim Anderton about to jump out of the Alliance waka, Helen Clark trys to convince Peter, her husband, to learn golf so he can play with George Bush, Marian Hobbs as an avenging angel tells commercial radio what to play, the uneven stand-off between Israel and Palestine. Quantity: 17 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 photocopies


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :Getaway Holidays. 3 July 1981.

Date: 1981

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :One folder of original cartoons and photocopies of originals on the subject of rugby published in the Auckland Star between 1977 - 1981.

Reference: A-322-066

Description: The cartoon shows a man at a travel agent trying to get as far away from New Zealand and the Gleneagles agreement as possible. Refers to the Gleneagles Agreement on sporting ties with South Africa and the public response to the agreement. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Extended Title - `North Korea would be about the farthest point away from New Zealand...' Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card. 220 x 140 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Political cartoons published in the Evening Post from 1 April 199...

Date: 1998

Reference: H-501-001/021

Description: Shows the race for the rural vote with National in the lead, followed by Act and Labour in the rear. Comment on Paul Holmes seeking to be Mayor of Auckland while retaining his nightly TV show. All Blacks captain Sean Fitzpatrick retires from rugby - a tribute. Shows the tension between Winston Peters and Bill Birch. Shows the only ones winning from the Melbourne docks picket are the lawyers. John Luxton explains why New Zealand should phase out tariffs ahead of the rest of the world. A guy at the pub suggests introducing a work for the cabinet salary scheme would have more effect than a work for the dole scheme. Pol Pot is met in Hell by Hitler and Stalin. Politicians lobby to a near empty hall. The public favour paying for their televised sport rather than pay more on their Broadcasting Licence fee to get free to air sports. Paul Holmes agrees with himself that he would make an outstanding Mayor for Auckland. Helen Clark shows a growing obsession with the National leader, Jenny Shipley. Max Bradford sees the benefits of splitting up ECNZ. A toast to the Northern Ireland peace deal. Graham Latimer calls for Maori to get superannuation at age 50. Winston Peters thinks that informed public servants should not have any say in the debate over splitting ECNZ. Winston Peters tries to reassure New Zealanders they have nothing to fear about the Japanese economy committing hara kiri. Outbreak of crytoporidiosis linked to public swimming pools. Jenny Shipley and Winston Peters wear the defeat over the Government's referendum proposal on Auckland's local body assets. Money considerations guide surgical decisions in New Zealand hospitals. The elderly have the national superannuation surcharge removed. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Sizes vary slightly, the average cartoon frame being approximately 14 x 20 cm.


Mayne, William Thomas, 1910-1988 :Canterbury is advancing! So we had some imaginary int...

Date: 1950 - 1969

From: Mayne, William Thomas, 1910-1988 :490 original cartoons published in the Christchurch Star Sun and the Christchurch Star Sun Sports between 1954 and 1962.

Reference: A-387-034

Description: Shows six illustrations of responses from imaginary interviews. Text reads 'We asked - 'Should they dam the estuary?' And the water-skier said, and the yachtie said, and the speed-boater said, and the house-owner said, and the Humphrey's drivers said, and most everybody said, 'Dam the estuary!' In each illustration, someone is shaking their fist at the estuary in frustration Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and crayon on card, 280 x 255 mm



Date: [8 March 2011]

From: Slane, Christopher, 1957-: [Original cartoons by Chris Slane featured in a retrospective exhibition at Alta Gallery, Wellington, 8-22 October 2016.]

Reference: A-474-048

Description: Prime Minister John Key drives a crane labelled with the National Party's logo, to which is attached a crane and a huge demolition ball in the shape of MP Gerry Brownlee's head; the ball smashes against a historic building bringing stone pediments down. Gerry Brownlee, the Earthquake Recovery Minister, caused a stir by suggesting that if he had his way some of Christchurch's older buildings would be "down tomorrow". He also said the price of saving some historic buildings badly damaged in the February 22 earthquake was too high. People had died in the quake because of attempts to save historic buildings badly damaged in the September 4 quake. Brownlee said he had no regrets despite the stir his comments caused - but he was annoyed by suggestions the Cathedral and Riccarton House were among buildings he thought should be bowled. He believed those buildings should be saved, and they would be. "I'm not a philistine; I was chairman of the trust that actually saved Riccarton House from the bulldozers in 1990. "I understand conservation architecture very well and I do have an appreciation of heritage buildings." Digital version held at DCDL-0017307. Inscriptions: Recto - top right - [in graphite] Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Watercolour and graphite on card, 227 x 300 mm


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :The spirit of New Zealand. 16 June 1983.

Date: 1983

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :One folder of original cartoons on the subject of rugby published in the Auckland Star between 1982 - 1988.

Reference: A-322-078

Description: The cartoon shows a man, representing New Zealand, walking in one direction, which is towards the spirit of Gleneagles, while an arrow points in the other direction reading, `rugby union'. Refers to the general feeling of the public. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card. 200 x 250 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Hodgson, Trace:22 political cartoons published in the New Zealand listener in 1990.

Date: 1990

Reference: H-512

Description: Political cartoons Quantity: 22 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies, A4 size


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :Rugby union council. 9 April 1985.

Date: 1985

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :One folder of original cartoons on the subject of rugby published in the Auckland Star between 1982 - 1988.

Reference: A-322-085

Description: The cartoon shows a man, representing the rugby union council, and another man representing New Zealand, walking through long grass as if on a safari. The man representing New Zealand is tapping the other man cautiously on the shoulder while he says, `tom-toms? I don't hear any tom-toms...'. Refers to the N.Z.R.F.U. and the New Zealand public. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card. 180 x 240 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Heath, Eric Walmsley 1923- :I'm going! I'm protesting! I'm praying. 1 April 1985.

Date: 1985

From: Heath, Eric Walmsley 1923- :[Cartoons on topics of defence, politics, social issues, whimsy, medical issues, pollution, conservationists, trade unions, space exploration, animals, police & crime, Television, farming, sport, war, and transport. 1970-1990s].

Reference: B-144-125

Description: The cartoon shows an All Black rugby player on the left and a protestor on the right. They are both leaning into the middle where they are crushing a policeman who is half their size. Refers to public opinion over the 1985 rugby tour to South Africa. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on paper, 520 x 390 mm.


Somes Island : Official papers referring to the enemy alien camp on Somes Island

Date: 1917-1918

Reference: Micro-MS-0018

Description: Source of title - Supplied title entry Quantity: 1 microfilm reel(s) positive and negative.


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :Rugby and South Africa. 1 September 1987.

Date: 1987

From: Bromhead, Peter, b.1933-:[1 Folder of original cartoons, concearning issues to do with nuclear power and weapons, published in the Auckland Star between 24 February 1986 - 5 December 1988].

Reference: A-322-040

Description: Shows a chicken with it's head cut off, representing "Rugby and South Africa", running round in circles. A man holding an axe and the head of the chicken is representing "New Zealand Public Opinion". The cartoon refers to New Zealand's opposition to rugby matches with South Africa because of South African racism. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card. 180 x 260 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :That protest vote against the Muldoon style... 8 September 1980.

Date: 1980

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :[One folder of original cartoons concerning New Zealand politics. Published in the Auckland Star, September - December 1980.]

Reference: A-330-021

Description: The cartoon shows an iceburg. The tip of the iceburg above the water reads, East Coast Bays. The larger part of the iceburg below the water reads, the rest of the country. Refers to an isolated protest vote against Muldoon that was not widely supported. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card, 260 x 180mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :Olympic events... the relay. 31 May 1980.

Date: 1980

From: Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :[One folder of original cartoons concerning New Zealand politics. Published in the Auckland Star, January - August 1980.]

Reference: A-330-007

Description: The cartoon shows a New Zealand athlete running in a relay about to receive a batton, which is a smoking gun repersenting Afghanistan, from a Russian soldier. Refers to public disapproval of New Zealand being represented at the games. A wide-spread American led boycott of the games, due to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, was the dominant feature of the games and as a result only four New Zealand athletes took part. Negatives at PA Collection 5371 Bromhead Collection Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink on card, 280 x 205 mm. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Lodge, Nevile Sidney, 1918-1989 :Complete lack of confidence in the Prime Minister (Sir...

Date: 1970

From: Lodge, Nevile Sidney 1918-1989 :[Archive of original cartoons for the Evening Post and Sports Post, 1941 to 1988]

Reference: B-137-032

Description: Shows a cartoon sequence of five images of a reporter interviewing Prime Minister Sir Keith Holyoake. Holyoake says that loss of confidence is something one learns to live with. Besides, if the government gives people everything they want, there will be nothing left to promise them at election time. Other Titles - Sir Keith, doesn't it worry you that yet another group has lost confidence in you?" Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone, 265 x 323 mm on sheet 320 x 403 mm.


Clark, Laurence 1949- :Political integrity ; Public confidence 24 June 1992

Date: 1992

From: Clark, Laurence [Klarc], 1949- :New Zealand Herald; Cartoons, 11 June - 30 June 1992

Reference: H-012-010

Description: Shows a black bird, labelled "political integrity" on the bank of a lake, labelled "public confidence", which is almost empty. Refers to the decision to lower the level of Lake Pukaki and to the results of an opinionm poll on the government's integrity Quantity: 1 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Bromide photograph

Online Image

Fletcher, David 1952- : "The PM's decided that portfolio he stripped from you will need...

Date: 2011

From: Fletcher, David, 1952- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017493

Description: 'The Politician' cartoon strip. The minister feels vindicated when he hears that the portfolio stripped from him will need to be run by two ministers but deflates when he is told that one is to do the job properly and the other to 'correct all the muck-ups made by you'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"Nick Smith, Your Worship... we're keen to push this ETS thing through, against the pub...

Date: 2010

From: Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]

Reference: DCDL-0014455

Description: Shows Minister for Climate Change issues Nick Smith on the phone asking for advice from 'Your Worship' (Dunedin Mayor Peter Chin) and 'Mr Harland' (CEO of the Dunedin City Council) about how to push 'this ETS thing through against the public's wishes and reason'. Nick Smith thinks that the way Peter Chin and the Dunedin City Council got their way in the building of the new Forsyth Barr Stadium against great opposition led by a group calling itself 'Stop the Stadium' means that they should be able to advise him about how to get people to accept the need for increased prices because of the ETS. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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