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We can connect 34 things related to 1900, New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.), and Muldoon, Robert David (Sir), 1921-1992 to the places on this map.

Lynch, James, 1947-: Clutha High Dam. 'Now's the time to apply Muldoon's First Law of S...

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-029

Description: Shows Bill Birch, Minister of National Development and Prime Minister Rob Muldoon on a tractor that represents the 'Clutha High Dam'. It is being pushed by a much larger tractor representing 'legislation'. The Clutha dam was a key policy plank in National's "Think big" strategy.When the High Court refused the scheme a water right the government promptly wheeled up special legislation. Bill Birch was the Minister of National Development. (Notes by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Stop bothering me little Nat! Can't you see I've got this big bad ...

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-054

Description: Prime Minister Rob Muldoon stands outside a cage that represents the wage 'freeze' with a gun; inside the cage is a mournful-looking bear representing 'inflation'. A small National supporter looks behind him and tries to draw the PM's attention to an enormous bear that represents 'employment'. Context: The freeze on wages and prices seemed to have supressed inflation temporarily but now unemployment loomed as a huge threat.The Young Nationals had expressed concern about it but received an unsympathetic response from the PM. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:P.M. threatens to close Aussie banks... 10 July 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-053

Description: Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon wielding a chainsaw which he has just used to cut in half a house representing the 'economy' - the smaller portion represents Australian banks. Context: The PM Had got into an argument with the Australian Banks and at one stage threatened to close them. An impractical move for the economy. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'All together now... Bend those rules... Make those laws... Go to i...

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-035

Description: Shows a rowing eight with Social Credit leader Bruce Beetham as the front oarsman. Prime Minister Muldoon is the cox and urges them on to 'bend the rules, Make those laws, Go to it, Dam it!' Cartoonist notes - Social Credit were taking some heat because of their decision to support the Government's Clyde Dam special legislation. The Social Credit was officially a "league" not a party. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:Representation Commission. 1982

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-037

Description: Shows two open hands, one holding a '1984 election' box. In the other hand are Prime Minister Rob Muldoon, Labour leader Bill Rowling, and the leader of Social Credit Bruce Beetham. There was great interest in the deliberations of the Representation Commision; the body that set the electoral boundaries. This year it was of special interest as National had won the previous election with a much smaller share of the total vote than labour implying faulty electoral boundaries Th eCommision effectively had the power to decide elections. (Notes by cartoonist) This cartoon was not published. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:High incomes. Tax avoider. 8 August 1982

Date: 1981

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-033

Description: The Government's tax reform which looked as if it was going to consist of tax breaks for the rich, a slight crackdown on tax avoiders and the old faithful of more tax on drink and tobacco. Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon as a devil and an angel. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'And this year we expect the economy to get better, although then a...

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-019

Description: Shows Prime Minister Muldoon making his 'State of the Nation' speech to the 'Orewa Rotary' Club in January 1982. He tries to be reassuring about the state of the economy. Muldoon tended to resist opening up the economy, preferring rather to control inflation with mini budgets, farming incentives and taxation. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 195 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'No doubt about it! Never before has defeat been so brilliantly sna...

Date: 1981

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-015

Description: The cartoon shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon standing on a ship named 'Think Big' which has just sunk a second ship named 'Lost Opportunities'. The leader and deputy of the Labour Party, Bill Rowling and David Lange salute as their ship goes down. Bill Rowling says 'Never before has defeat been so brutally snatched from the jaws of victory'. Context: the 1981 general election (28 November 1981) saw the National Party win a third term in office, although the opposition Labour Party, led by Bill Rowling, actually won the largest share of the votes cast. This cartoon was one of a trio done for the NZ Times for the 1981 election. This covered the eventuality of a National victory. For some reason (unknown) it wasn't published by the NZ Times until 13th December - two weeks after the election.. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'You think you've got power? Well... I've got REAL power and I'm mo...

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-060

Description: Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon as a god figure on a cloud. He holds a strike of lightning that represents the 'Public Safety Act' and threatens to release it as an illustration of his power. Below stands a PSA representative about to turn off the electricity. Context: Industrial relations continued to be a dominant theme of the times. This time it was the PSA threatening power cuts. The PM used his own threats in the form of the draconian Public Safety Act. This only highlighted fears about what an increasingly erratic PM might do next. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 350 x 280 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'So what's a little hypocrisy for the sake of power!' 7 August 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-055

Description: Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon making a speech at the 1983 National Conference. Context: Government actions were becoming almost ridiculously out of line with National's espoused principles. National party members were becoming restive at conference. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:Young Turks - old turkeys. 17 April 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-048

Description: Shows a man representing 'Young Turks' wielding a huge axe and preparing to chop off the heads of two 'old turkeys', on the left Duncan MacIntyre, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and on the right, David Thompson Minister of Justice. Nearby is Prime Minister Rob Muldoon as another old turkey - he is windering whi is next. Context: The "Young Turks" were the new breed of young National Politicians such as Jim McLay, Jim Bolger and Derek Quigley. The "old turkeys" depicted are Duncan MacIntyre and David Thompson who were forced out of cabinet and into retirement. (Context notes by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 350 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:The end of the Nats is nigh. 4 December 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-064

Description: Shows a protest led by the founder of the new party 'New Zealand First, Bob Jones, who carries a placard that reads 'The end of the Nats is nigh'. A long queue of supporters follow him hoping to get property hints or money. Prime Minister Rob Muldoon wags a finger and calls Bob Jones a 'naughty boy' rather than a 'messiah'. Context: Property developer Bob Jones had just formed the New Zealand Party as a protest against Muldoon's "socialist" policies. He attracted a surprising amount of support, mostly from disaffected National voters."The life of Brian" was a popular Monty Python film current at the time. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 350 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Don't be silly! If I stopped feeding them... They'd eat me!' 6 Mar...

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-045

Description: Shows Prime Minister Muldoon feeding two enormous plants that represent 'S.M.P.' and 'Welfare'. In the background the 'world economy' is shown as a scarecrow and 'Think big' is shown as a stick in the ground from which nothing grows. Text top left reads "Social Welfare recruits 250 extra staff to pay the dole" - S.M.P.s" to continue" - News. Context: The "SMP" was the "Supplementary Minimum Price" scheme which supplemented farmers incomes. These schemes plus the extra unemployment caused by poor economic times was having a serious impact on Government spending and the PM felt neither could be reduced. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 350 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Look... Go back and think again will you... with all these sacred ...

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-018

Description: Prime Minister Rob Muldoon is shown as a farmer whose cows, representing 'export incentives', 'farm subsidies', and 'national super' munch on hay that represents 'government revenue'. A man from the 'Tax Reform Task Force' has appeared with a 'tax cut proposal'. Farmer Muldoon tells him to 'go away and think again' because 'with all these sacred cows to feed [he] can't afford a tax cut'. Context: The Tax Reform Task force produced the McCaw Report of April 1982. Prime Minister Muldoon was trying to control inflation and keep the economy under control with a series of mini budgets. The 'sacred cows' of incentives, farm subsidies and National Superannuation relied on taxation. Public pressure for tax reform had been building but the PM was decidedly reluctant todo anything remotely adventurous. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 235 x 320 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Follow me my people! I have a plan! I know the way! I will lead yo...

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-041

Description: Shows a blind-folded Prime Minister Rob Muldoon leading his blind-folded followers over a cliff to 'economic ruin'. Context: Even at this stage of his leadership, Muldoon was claiming to have the formula for economic success. Clearly things were not going in the right direction. (Cartoonist's note) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Hey Rob! What's this about changing from direct to indirect tax!.....

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-025

Description: Shows an irate taxpayer chiding Prime Minister Rob Muldoon for fiddling with the system rather than doing real tax reform. The government's commitment to genuine tax reform seemed lukewarm at best. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Oh Rob dear! You've been absolutely magnificent!...' 30 May 1982

Date: 1982

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-028

Description: Shows Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher, offering her gratitude to Prime Minister Rob Muldoon who holds a long list headed 'Possible help from Britain list'. The invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina was opposed by New Zealand who offered a frigate to Britain to fill in on stations where British warships were being withdrawn to fight in the Falklands, This move could have been seen as either old empire thinking or an attempt to curry favour with the Thatcher government. (Notes by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 295 x 420 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:Aspiring dictators checklist. 18 September 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-058

Description: Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon standing on a stool and writing a checklist for 'aspiring dictators'. This includes 'Fear, threats & abuse', 'centralised power', 'Boss makes all decisions', 'totally controlled economy', 'press bans'. He has ticked all the above but the item 'abolish parliament' remains unchecked. Context: The PM's behaviour was becoming more and more authoratarian. His latest thing was bans on selected newspapers and journalists. Who knew where it might end! (Context not by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 360 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Here's the new political expediency machine you ordered sir!' 18 D...

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-065

Description: Shows the inventor of a new political expediency machine demonstrating his production to Prime Minister Muldoon. Context: Self explanatory! Marilyn Waring and Mike Minogue were two dissident National MP's. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 350 mm


Lynch, James, 1947-:'Shall we pray for rain?' 23 January 1983

Date: 1983

From: Lynch, James, 1947-:Collection of original cartoons by James Lynch.

By: New Zealand times (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-186-042

Description: Shows Prime Minister Rob Muldoon and Jim Bolger Minister of Labour playing cricket.They pray for rain to relieve them from the torment of such a poor performance. The crowd is less than impressed. A large scoreboard matches 'Unemployment' against the 'Government and the government has a zero first innings. Context: Cricket season was in full swing and the government's unemployment record was again under scrutiny. (Context note by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 280 x 350 mm

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