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We can connect 139 things related to true, Goff, Philip Bruce (Hon), 1953-, and New Zealand to the places on this map.
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Walker, Malcolm, 1950-:"Ok lads, it's hell out there and we're going in; we'll show the...

Date: 2011

From: Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017839

Description: The cartoon shows Labour leader Phil Goff in the First World War trenches. He clutches his pistol and crouches against the wall while gunfire explodes all around him. The gunfire represents 'Chch', 'environment', 'elections', 'economy', and 'KiwiSaver'. Phil Goff says 'Ok lads it's hell out there and we're going in; we'll show them what Labour is made of... anyone seen the ladder?' Context - In the run up to the 2011 elections in November the Labour Party which has been polling badly, has to face the music and come up with some viable solutions and good ideas to combat National's consistently high polling. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark 1958- : Worming his way in. 22 November 2011

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

By: Southland times (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0019538

Description: The title reads 'The leaders' TV debate'. Additional test reads 'Worming his way in'. The cartoon shows two fishing lines, one labelled 'Key' with an empty hook and the other labelled 'Goff' which has a worm attached. A second version has the title as 'The leaders' TV deBAIT'. Context: refers to the use of the 'worm' as a guage of opinion about the popularity of what is being said by the two leaders, John Key and Phil Goff, in the leaders' debate on television in the lead up to the 2011 elections. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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"If Phil Goff's so opposed to selling the silver, he should tell us what HE'D do!" 26 J...

Date: 2011

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016959

Description: As two men play golf they chat about the selling of state assets. One of them thinks that if the Leader of the Labour Party 'Phil Goff is so opposed to the selling of the silver he should tell us what HE'D do' and the other says 'He'd probably dye it!' Context - Prime Minister John Key believes the Government could free up as much as $10 billion from the partial sale of key assets including state owned power companies and a stake in Air New Zealand. oh and he's dyed his hair! Colour and black and white versions available. Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Smith, Ashley W, 1948-: [Darren Hughes affair - leadership coup.] 4 April 2011

Date: 2011

From: Smith, Ashley W, 1948- :[Digital cartoons published in the Shipping Gazette, MG Business, or Presto]

Reference: DCDL-0017463

Description: The cartoon shows leader of the Labour Party leader Phil Goff as a lobster; he eating sitting on a pie that represents the 'Darren Hughes Affair' chips and tomato sauce. Unfortunately the tomato sauce bottle has tipped over and several fish who represent the media are having a feeding frenzy in the sauce that represents a 'leadership coup'. Context - Phil Goff is doing badly in the polls with his leadership being increasingly questioned and now Darren Hughes, who was a rising star has been forced to resign as Labour's chief whip after a sexual misconduct accusation. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Scott, Thomas, 1947- : "Damien O'Connor's tirade against gays and trade unionists ..." ...

Date: 2011

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

Reference: DCDL-0017523

Description: In the top frame Labour Party leader Phil Goff says 'Damien O'Connor's tirade against gays and Trade Unionists in the Labour Party must be condemned strongly, so I say, Tisk! Tisk!' A supporter says 'That's the best you can do? Comeon Phil, harden up' and so Phil Goff says 'Okay, okay, okay, Gimme a break, geez 'Tisk! Tisk! And Tisk!' Context - Labour MP Damien O'Connor has said sorry after lashing out about a "gaggle of gays" and "self-serving unionists" having too much control over the party. The cartoon suggests that Phil Goff didn't wholly disapprove of the sentiments expressed. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Mulheron, Michael, 1958-: [Phil Goff slips on a banana skin]. 26 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Mulheron, Michael, 1958-: Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post

Reference: DCDL-0017413

Description: Leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff slips on a banana skin; in the background is the Beehive, and Labour's Chief Whip Darren Hughes walks away looking somewhat dejected. Context - Chief Labour Party whip Darren Hughes has been forced to resign after an 18 year old student laid a sex complaint with police. Police are still investigating. The mishandling of the affair by Phil Goff is yet another blow for the Labour Party as the November election approaches. The cartoon accompanies an article by Tracy Watkins in 'Political Week' - it is entitled 'Hughes' problem, Goff's nightmare'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark, 1958-:G-off. 29 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0017425

Description: The cartoon shows the four letters that spell the surname of the leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff. They are pinned side by side on a wall but the 'G' has slipped. A second version has text reading 'The leaderboard' above the four letters. Context - Phil Goff is scoring woefully in a poll that has showed 78 per cent of voters overall and 55 per cent of Labour Party voters did not believe he could win the election which will be held in November of this year. (NZ Herald 19 April 2011) Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark 1958-: Finance minister says low wages in NZ are 'a way of competing' with...

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0017519

Description: Text reads 'Finance Minister says low wages in NZ are "a way of competing with Australia"'. Below, a kangaroo in Australia holds a big bag of money and faces off against a kiwi in New Zealand who holds a much smaller bag of money. Further text reads 'DUEL ECONOMY Presenting pay packets at 5,369,137 paces'. Context - Finance Minister Bill English has come under fire for saying low wages in New Zealand help it compete with neighbouring Australia. Bill English said that 'New Zealand wages are 30 per cent below Australia's giving us an 'advantage'. Labour leader Phil Goff commented "This from a Government which campaigned at the last election on closing the gap with Australia". There is a wordplay on the word 'duel' meaning 'fight' or 'competition' and 'dual meaning 'two'. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark 1958-: "Hey, just ringing to see if you want to come back to parliament?" ...

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

Reference: DCDL-0017468

Description: The word 'LABOURed' is in left top corner. Below are a number of speech bubbles that contain speeches from someone in the Labour Parliament trying to find new candidates 'Hey, just ringing to see if you want to come back to parliament' and a whole lot of excuses and refusals 'You're next on the list to replace Darren..' 'I think you've rung the wrong number', 'I'd rather take an enema'. Context - the poor polling of both Phil Goff, the Labour Party leader and the Labour Party as a whole after a series of misfortunes, gaffes and disasters like Darren Hughes, who was a rising star, forced to resign as Labour's chief whip after a sexual misconduct accusation. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:[The hitchhiker] 27 March 2011

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017399

Description: Text reads 'The hitchhiker on the Labour Party's leadership lane'; the cartoon depicts a naked and sweating Phil Goff, Leader of the Labour Party, reaches from behind some bushes late in the evening to thumb a lift. Context - Phil Goff's leadership is being called to question in the run-up to the November election. The cartoon has been suggested by an alleged incident that has brought about the downfall of Labour MP, Darren Hughes. The incident involves an 18-year-old male who, after a night of drinking, ended up in Mr Hughes' home; in the early hours of the morning witnesses saw a man who matched the description of the young man, naked and trying to hitch a ride in the Wellington suburb of Haitaitai. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Fletcher, David, 1952-:"The consensus of opinion seems to be that our leader's job is s...

Date: 2011

From: Fletcher, David, 1952- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017406

Description: 'The Politician' cartoon strip. The consensus is that the leader's job is safe provided our minister is second in line for the position. Context - This could be touching on Phil Goff's poor ratings as leader of the Labour Party. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hubbard, James, 1949- : "Severe aftershocks continue.." 28 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017410

Description: In four frames a man watches the news on TV. He hears that 'Severe aftershocks continue as the demolition crew move into the red zone.. amidst the badly damaged infrastructure..' His wife offers him a cup of tea and assumes the report is about Christchurch but it is not, it is about 'Phil Goff & Labour' Context - Christchurch continues to have aftershocks following the February 22 earthquake and the Labour Party is suffering one bodyblow after another - the last being the Darren Hughes affair. This is disastrous for Labour because the 2011 election is in November. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"Look, if Ronald Reagan can go prematurely orange so can I..." 27 January 2011

Date: 2011

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

Reference: DCDL-0016948

Description: The cartoon shows former American President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) grinning cheerfully and leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff doing the same and saying 'Look, if Ronald Reagan can go prematurely orange so can I' Context - Phil Goff has dyed his hair at the start of the 2011 election year. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Scott, Thomas, 1947- : "Stop! Don't do it Phil! Things will get better, I swear..." ......

Date: 2011

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

Reference: DCDL-0017442

Description: In the top frame a man yells 'STOP! Don't do it Phil! Things will get better, I swear...' In the lower frame leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff sits reading a newspaper with a headline that reads 'Libyan politician defects to escape oblivion'; he says 'Bloody hell! Can't a man read the paper without people jumping to the wrong conclusion?' Context - The Labour Party has been suffering a series of problems that are very bad news for Phil Goff in the lead up to the 2011 election. And Moussa Koussa, the Libyan foreign minister, last night defected from Col Muammar Gaddafi's government after flying to Britain, telling officials he was "no longer willing" to serve the regime. Mr Koussa flew from Tunisia, where he had been on a diplomatic mission, and landed at Farnborough airport before being shuttled to London for immediate talks with high-ranking Foreign Office officials. Mr Koussa was one of the leading figures in Col Gaddafi's government and one of the architects of Libya's recent rehabilitation in the eyes of the international community. As such, his departure represents a significant scalp both for the coalition against Col Gaddafi and the rebels seeking his overthrow, and will fuel speculation that more defections could follow. (Telegraph 5 April 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hubbard, James, 1949- : "That *&*! whip has to go!.." 24 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017392

Description: Chief whip for the Labour Party, Darren Hughes, whips in a frenzy the naked back of Labour Party leader Phil Goff who thinks to himself 'That *!#* whip has to go!.. Context - Darren Hughes has been forced to resign after an 18 year old student laid a sex complaint with police. Police are still investigating. This is yet another blow for the Labour Party as the November election approaches. There is a wordplay on '*!#* whip' and another word often used to describe an excessively stupid individual. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :'Goff's Crackers'. 3 November 2011

Date: 2011

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

By: Fairfax Media Limited (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0019376

Description: The cartoon shows Labour leader Phil Goff and Prime Minister John Key facing off in the leaders' debate. Each of them stands behind a lectern, labelled respectively 'Goff's crackers' and 'Key's crackers'. Behind each leader is a gallery of fire crackers and rockets. Context: The first leaders' debate in the lead-up to the 2011 elections. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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"If you close your eyes, hold your nose, and swallow - They're yum" 12 September 2009

Date: 2009

From: Slane, Christopher, 1957-: Digital cartoons published in the Listener, New Zealand Herald, or New Zealand Farmers' Weekly

Reference: DCDL-0012326

Description: Cartoon shows Prime Minister, Phil Goff in a can of worms labelled 'John's electoral system turmoil' and Minister for Local Government, Rodney Hide, in a second can of worms labelled 'Rodney's Chunky Auckland Super City Chaos'. In the background is a third can labelled 'Ministerial Housing Rort'. John Key says that if you hold your nose and shut your eyes they are yum. Refers to the decision that the Government will spend millions of dollars holding a referendum on whether MMP should be dumped - a system Prime Minister John Key thinks New Zealanders are increasingly comfortable with. Mr Key said National would hold the referendum to honour its election pledge and let people "kick the tyres" of the electoral system. Refers also to the rows over the supercity which are about Maori representation on the council and how much of Auckland is included among other things. Published in the Listener Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"I'm not apologising. Liz Hurley is hot. So is Angelina Jolie." 4 February 2011

Date: 2011

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

Reference: DCDL-0017000

Description: A newspaper has a headline reading 'Key sexist say critics'; MP John Key, leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff and leader of NZ First Winston Peters are chatting in a dressing room. John Key refuses to apologise saying that Liz Hurley and Angelina Jolie are hot; Phil Goff has his wife followed by Elle McPherson and Julia Roberts on his hot list and Winston Peters says 'to be perfectly honest, I can't get any further than my own name' Context - the comments by John Key were published in the British tabloid the Daily Mail after he listed glamour-girl Hurley among his celebrity crushes during an interview on Radio Sport last week. Phil Goff made the comments above to an interviewer and Winston Peters' comments are imagined but probably essentially true. He has announced that he intends to stand for parliament again in the 2011 election. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"David's sense of self importance seems to have gone to his HEAD!!" "I'm going places a...

Date: 2010

From: Hodgson, Trace, 1958- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016295

Description: Labour MP and Finance spokesman for Labour, David Cunliffe, sports an amazing new coiffed hairstyle and says 'I'm going places and so is my hair!!' Behind him stand Labour Party leader Phil Goff and deputy leader Annette King who says 'David's sense of self importance seems to have gone to his head!!' Context; in a slip that was testament to his long tenure in politics, Mr Goff referred in a speech to his finance spokesman as David Caygill, instead of David Cunliffe. "And there's an obvious difference - he's got more hair, that's the difference," Mr Goff interjected, in a reference to Mr Caygill's profound baldness, compared with Mr Cunliffe's flourishing locks. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Goff outlines Labour's election strategy. 6 December 2010

Date: 2010

From: Hodgson, Trace, 1958- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016268

Description: Leader of the Labour opposition Phil Goff smiles cheerfully as he paints the outline of a man on the footpath. Text reads 'Goff outlines Labour's election strategy'; the word 'Labour's' is in red and seems to be dripping blood onto the outlined figure. There is probably a suggestion that Phil Goff should be replaced as leader. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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