• Events
  • Archiving Email Symposium

Working on collecting and preserving email? Come and join us to discuss challenges and solutions.

Managing, accessing and preserving email archives

As organisations and institutions increasingly manage and process born-digital content, they are also increasingly working with large quantities of complex email messages and their attachments. However, workflows, toolsets and policies for managing, accessing and preserving email archives are emergent and changeable.

Discuss the challenges and solutions

In the face of these challenges, the Alexander Turnbull Library is hosting a symposium of practitioners and researchers on 30 Thursday and 31 January 2020, who are working with email archives. We are also pleased to be joined, thanks to the support of the Fulbright Specialist programme, by Peter Chan, a digital archivist from Stanford University Libraries and the project manager of the ePADD project.

This meeting will bring together representatives of various government departments, local councils, academic and research libraries, technologists, curators, archivists and records managers working on collecting and preserving email to discuss challenges and solutions.

Register to attend Thursday

Registration fee of $70.

The fee includes a catered lunch on the first day and morning and afternoon teas on both days. If you are attending the workshops lunch is not provided.

Register now

Register your interest in attending the Friday workshops

There is no additional charge for the workshops. Please register your interest for the workshops by Friday, 25 January by emailing Valerie Love — valerie.love@dia.govt.nz


We've started working on the agenda. Have a look at what we expect to cover and discuss.

Thursday, 30 January

8:30 to 9:00 — Registration

9:00 to 9:30 — Mihi, karakia, and waiata welcome

9:30 to 10:30 — Keynote: Peter Chan, How can the cultural heritage community best meet the challenges of email archiving?

10:30 to 11:00 — Morning Tea

11:00 to 12:30 — Email Archives and Processes for Digital Preservation

  • Joel Simpson, Conversion criteria and requirements for archiving email into PDF containers

  • Evanthia Samaras, Developing a practical end-to-end solution for managing email in Victorian Government

  • Jan Hutar, Emails as records: learning to preserve them as we go;

12:30 to 1:30 — Lunch

1:30 to 2:50 — Email Archives and Social Memory: Collecting and managing individual and personal email

  • Maja Krtalic and Jesse Dinneen, Email as legacy: factors influencing the management of emails in personal, organisational, and societal contexts

  • Lachlan Glanville and Jaye Weatherburn, Transitions and Collaboration: From analogue to digital at the University of Melbourne

  • Jessica Moran, Sean McMahon, Valerie Love, and Flora Feltham, A recent history: a brief tale of email collecting, preservation, and access at the Alexander Turnbull Library.

2:50 to 3:20 — Afternoon tea

3:20 to 4:30 — Email Archives and organisational records: Case studies

  • Michael Upton, The CEO uses 'deleted items' as his archive: email handling practices in central government

  • Amy Joseph and Tine Coenegrachts, “View this email in your browser”: collecting email newsletters

  • Drin Gyuk, The promise and problems of email archiving at work

  • Sean Connelly, Using E-Discovery to search In-Pace Hold and Litigation Hold

4:30 — Closing

Friday, 31 January, workshops

9:30 to 12:00 — Workshop: Introduction to using ePADD for email archives

This workshop, led by Peter Chan, will introduce participants to the ePADD (Email Processing, Appraisal, Discovery and Delivery) Software

1:00 to 4:00 — Born digital archives knowledge exchange tools and workflows conversation

A semi-informal half-day workshop to discuss born-digital archives management and exchange knowledge and information about tools and workflows

Download the email archiving symposium agenda (pdf, 630KB)

The Archiving Email Symposium is part of the ATL100 programme.

The word email on a large arrow roadsign.

Email by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images