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The magic of Little Free Libraries

June 28th, 2016, By carolinebouffard
Dr Seuss themed mini library.

A Dunedin Lilliput Library helps put books into the hands of children

This month a longtime dream of mine came true: I became a guardian of a Little Free Library!

I am lucky enough to live in Dunedin, where there is an amazing community project in action. Lilliput Libraries builds the libraries and distributes them to “Guardians,” who agree to put them up, watch over them, and keep them stocked. Each library is painted by a local artist and as such is completely unique (and, I have to say, gorgeous).

I have wanted a library like this for years, but as a DIY-challenged (and very busy) individual, I could never quite make it happen. When I read about the Lilliput project I immediately contacted them and requested to be a guardian, saying that I wanted to focus on children’s and YA books as I live practically next-door to a primary school and just up the street from a high school.

When our Dr Seuss-themed library arrived I was ecstatic. Home improvement projects tend to get pushed to the side at our house. With so many excellent books to read, who has time to hang curtains? The library was different: the post was put in the ground months before it even arrived, and it was open for business within days of delivery.

Having the library is magical. Books appear at all hours of the day and night, and every time I check the mail or return to the house I am excited to see what new treasures have arrived. So far we have mostly adult books coming in and children’s/YA books going out, which is fabulous. I have made a few opshop runs to restock my collection, and I’m very happy for the young people who use the library to keep the books they take.

My favourite part is at the end of the school day when the primary school lets out. Stopping to check the library has now become routine for many children and their parents, and their little squeals and shimmies of joy when they find a book always make me smile. I highly recommend getting a little library of your own. It’s an excellent way to build a reading community in your neighbourhood and get books into the hands of people who love them.

Image: A Dunedin Lilliput Library by Caroline Bouffard

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