
Looking for Old Friends?

June 14th, 2019, By Gillian Lee

Old Friends ( was a popular social networking website owned by Trade Me. Its purpose was to help people locate former school friends and workmates. Members who signed up to Old Friends could upload photos, post comments, contact each other and compile information for reunions. The site was launched in 2002 and finally closed in 2016.

When Trade Me announced that they would be taking the site down, the National Library quickly got in touch to see if we could work together to harvest a copy of Old Friends for the Library’s collections. Both Trade Me and the National Library were keen to ensure the content contributed by thousands of New Zealanders would not be lost, but could remain available through time. We very much appreciate the assistance Trade Me provided that enabled us to harvest a copy of Old Friends.

We’ve had great interest from researchers wanting to access the archived copy of Old Friends. We realise that the content is not only useful for people today, but future researchers will see Old Friends as a wonderful example of a popular site created during the early years of the New Zealand web.

The front page of Old Friends featuring yellow and blue and a green map of New Zealand with hyperlinked regions.

The home page of Old Friends as it appeared before closing in 2016.

Technical challenges

We faced some technical challenges along the way, relating to the crawl itself and also the new viewer we needed to install, so that you can view the archived site. We're happy to announce that, as of today, it's now available in our digital archive.

If you were an active member of Old Friends, you’ll see that the archived copy has limitations. You may not have been aware how much content you were creating that was password protected and assumed that we’ve captured it. But we haven’t, because much of that content would have been subject to the Privacy Act. That’s why we only captured the content people chose to make publicly accessible. If you click on some links and you get the login box below, you won’t be able to log in.

The login screen for Old Friends.

The Old Friends login screen. If you see this in the archived copy you won't be able to log in.

When I heard that Old Friends was closing down, my first thought was “I hope people keep a copy of any important information they created on this platform!” I know Trade Me advised people to do this, but if you’re like me it’s easy to put it off until later. Then it can be too late, especially in the digital world. My colleague Val wrote an excellent blog last year called The history of you and me about preserving your digital treasures. It’s a good reminder to think about the digital content you’ve created and ensure that they’re kept safe.

I was curious to see what we’d captured in the Old Friends web harvest, so I took a trip down memory lane, back to my school days to see if I could find some old school friends.

I started by using the map because the search box doesn’t work in the archived copy. My old primary school is in Taupō which is part of the Bay of Plenty / Waikato region. I clicked on the Waikato link initially.

I discovered there were 985 schools listed so I clicked on the “school” link and then “T” to find Tauhara Primary. Not much there, so I went back to the Bay of Plenty and found Tauhara School. There were 50 photos listed but when I clicked on the link I got this error message:

A screenshot of a HTTP 404 Server Error Messagee

Internet Archive version of Old Friends

For some reason the Old Friends site was experiencing a server problem at the time the harvester was copying the pages from the Bay of Plenty region and it harvested the error message that popped up rather than the photos. Normally we would reharvest the site, but we didn’t have that option, because the site was going down. What a pain!

However, all is not lost – that’s where web harvesting by other organisations really helps. If you can’t find it in one place, you may find it elsewhere. I copied the URL for that page ( and pasted it into the Internet Archive browser to see if they’d captured the page — they had!

View the Old Friends page on the Internet Archive

A screenshot of the webpage for Tauhara School photos gallery

I found the names of some former pupils and I recognised one of them. What a memory jogger that was!  She shared a brief snippet about the teachers who were there between 1970-1975:

Memories From Tauhara Primary: Mrs Brown.. Infants teacher.

I’d forgotten Mr Charteris was the principal back then. I have a vague image in my memory of what he looked like. Some of the photos I looked through dated back to 1959 when the school first opened and there were some from the years I attended. None of my class photos though.

My next stop was Taupō Intermediate School. Here I recognised quite a few people in the class photos, some are still my friends today. The class photos have names listed if people have been identified, otherwise there’s a question mark. In this photo I noticed some pupils wearing the ‘new’ blue school uniform. I think we were the first group to start wearing it. Glad I got to wear the new uniform and not the old grey gym slip! And no, I’m not in the photo – still couldn’t find one!

Class photo of Taupō Intermediate Form 1 Room 22, 1975.

Class photo of Taupō Intermediate Form 1 Room 22, 1975.

I went back to our copy of Old Friends and started checking out some of the other pages where people posted about old friends they were trying to locate. You get smatterings of conversations – members referring to people I knew who moved to Australia to work in the mining industry; that in 2006 “Hilly” – The Hillcrest Tavern near Waikato University was closing down (Noooo!!).

It makes you want to log in to be a member to find out more, but you can’t, because the platform’s not there anymore. But the snippets are interesting nonetheless. They reminded me of people, places and events that I hadn’t thought about in years. It makes me wonder when I see a list like the one below – did you find your friends?

A page showing some of the 8,863 attendees to the University of Waikato.

A page showing some of the 8,863 attendees to the University of Waikato.

While it was sad to see Old Friends close down, other social media platforms have emerged to fill the gap. A quick search on Facebook shows at least three groups taking up the challenge to help members find old friends: Old Friends New Zealand, Old School Friends New Zealand and Old Friends New Zealand Schools.

Our archived copy of Old Friends may not be perfect, but there’s still enough information contained in the public-facing portion of the site to make our efforts worthwhile. We hope you’ll agree.

If you’d like to know more about the websites we collect, visit the New Zealand Web Archive collections page.

View the Library's archived copy of Old Friends on the NDHA.

View the Internet Archive copy of Old Friends on the Wayback machine.

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Bob Hinde
19 July 2024 6:16am

Trying to contact Ken Parker, at school with me in Warrington UK an d later an immigrant to New Zealand. Ken was a schoolteacher and lived near to Hamilton./

Kevin New
15 July 2024 5:31pm

Hi...I would like to contact Vicky and Michelle Gsrdiner...Colenso High School 1970s

Bronwen Fordham
14 July 2024 7:27pm

Past pupil of Mahoenui Primary, Pukenui Primary (Te Kuiti), Te Kuiti High School New Zealand 1967 -1981.

Jo Brown (Tristram)
3 July 2024 2:51pm

Hi, I am searching for a friend, Nat Turner or Nathalie Turner.... we went to Tricia's Academy of Learning together and she lived in Australia with Pauline Tristram my mum for a short time. Would love to touch base with you again lovely lady, please reach out to me on Facebook, I am now married to my man Kent Brown. Hope to touch base with you, I know your Nan was living in Te Awamutu.

graham hodge
30 June 2024 1:24am

Hi looking for Linda Bolton use to live in Mosgiel around late 70s early 80s then moved to Auckland when her Dad transfered to Auckland just like to catch up and see how she's doing

22 June 2024 2:25pm

hello i am searching for a friend who i had lost contact with since 1997 to 2000 .we had met at the harbourview hotel where the asian karaokes were on beach road in auckland city ,this is while i was waiting for my sister and her man at night and i was alone downstairs by reception in the bar that had closed and had 3 gambling machines and coffee area and toilets that was still open . i have been searching for him for years, but had no success. the last time we caught up is when he had contacted me at night when he use to stay at the apartments close to skycity casino when he was with a friend and that was in 2000 .i am usually really good at last names and keeping it in records but at that time i was young dum and stupid and was just a party person and didn't think of anything regarding backing up files from mobile to laptops or computers then transfer onto usbs . never thought of it back then . as i did have his last name on my old mobile phone back then before it got stolen , i don't know if he is still in new zealand etc ,please if your out there please contact me on my email address and we can go from there please ,i really really miss you and would love to catch up with you again it has been a long time . i always prayed and hoped everyday to bump into you or see you around but has been unsucessful .. i hope your still in new zealand . my nickname was asing and we went to hamilton together the next morning back then .please if your out there please email me i still have your photo that you had given me in 1998.i carry that around in my wallet everyday as i ha no success finding you over these years ,even friends don't know where you are that knows you . do you also remember the food court at the back of midcity in auckland city on queen street but at back of there where i saw you with your dad eating lunch hopefully you do and are you still a chef or change your job ? please contact me through my email . i won't stop searching for you even thou i know its hard as my old mobilephone with your contact details in it was stolen along with all my other friends details .do you remember driving me to manukau where i use to live we stop by my house on way to hamilton that morning ? i hope this will refresh your mind if you see this .i will be waiting for that day for you to contact me .i am hoping and praying . i miss you .asing

marden phelps
21 June 2024 12:45am

I am looking for Stephen Richard Reynolds who was an exchange student in Montpelier, Idaho in 1974, He was from Auckland and I was a teacher at the high school in Montpelier. He invitedd me to look hm up if I ever got to New Zealand. I am coming n October of this year and would love to see him,

Linda Able
30 April 2024 3:57pm

taupo 60 and 70

Vivian Holmes
11 April 2024 3:46am

Looking for Linda and Ian Moore who emigrated to NZ in the 1960's. They moved from hornchurch - I lived in rush green.

Judith Grace (nee Trueman)
24 March 2024 12:42am

Hi there
I am looking for an old school friend who emigrated to New Zealand. She left straight after school in 1976 and her parents and siblings joined her a few years later. Her name when she left was Newey, but she met and married so her name became Joy Newbold. Her parents names are Beryl and Roy and her siblings names are Mandy, Stephen and Kevin. I have very fond memories of them and would love to reconnect. Judith

wayne johanson
26 February 2024 9:04pm

Hi there Just new to this but went to Wellington college and Wellington High School from 1973. Just wanted to touch base with boys and girls as I am about to turn 70 years of age. Especially Evelyn Perrot from Wellington East College and Annette Barlow from the same.

Jason matahiki
15 February 2024 12:46am

Looking for Gladys Colman and Tania pest also Kelly Clay and Kelly te nahau

Jason matahiki
15 February 2024 12:21am

Looking for old school mates from kaiti school from 1977 to 1982

Mike Krantz
11 February 2024 9:11am

I'm looking for an old friend Robyn Foster who was from Christchurch when I knew her, I believe the Russley area

Natalie Allen
6 January 2024 11:08am

Natalie Allen was Our Brides Maid 26th March 1960

Shona wadsworth
2 January 2024 5:23pm

Looking for Kay Muir from Gladstone , Greymouth West coast , please help many thanks .

Adele Pentony-Graham
23 December 2023 9:05am

I am hoping to find an old friend who worked in Childrens Shoe Dept/Babywear at James Smith Cuba St, also was at one time up here in Waiararapa, with young children, in Carterton. She married Martin Jones think the names were, but didnt last, had to children, boy and girl possibly went to Hadlow Primary. would love to be in touch again, I am now at Clareville.. retired well and truly ...helping folk with history!

Rhonda Pullen
16 December 2023 8:38pm

Brian Petch

Çynthia Rive nee Cowlin
10 December 2023 5:46pm

trying to locate Gary Browne would love to catch up with him he lives in New Zealand so please help me find him thanks

Lisa Woolston
6 December 2023 8:35pm

Hi, I am looking for Jackie Hall (54) that I went to Mapiu School with.She will probably have a different last name by now.It was around 1975ish to 1978ish I think.(Have gotten old and memory is bad).

Brian McCusker
6 December 2023 10:42am

I went to university with a nz high school teacher back in 1976 in Toronto Canada…..his name is Wm Bill Swan…gotta believe ‘someone knows something’ about him….thanks, Brian mccusker

Stuart Robertson
30 November 2023 11:33pm

Just logging in with interest to see if anyone
Would be so good if this brought up anyone from the past. What a shame , to have not kept contact with those people . Now so long in the past -;(

Natalie Allen
28 November 2023 3:59pm

My name is Pamela Belcher nee Priest I am looking for Natalie Allen who was my brides made 26th March 1960 and she went the Epsom Girls College with me

Kim H
15 November 2023 2:10pm

Looking for a Nicole Foulstone ( Foulston ), Papatoetoe High early 90s. Havnt long to live, need to say sorry, for few things

Veronica McCarrison
4 November 2023 3:34am

Hi are used to know a guy who goes by the name of Maxium Smith. I meet him at a music course in Manukau Auckland in the year 2001 . We were studying music.
We use to hang out and he had a friend called Andrea.
Maxium was originally from Russia and I believe he was from Moscow and his friend was from Georgia I lost contact because I went to Invercargill to studying music further anyway. If anyone can help me find find Maxium
I would be so glad
Regards Veronica McCarrison.

Charmaine Smith
22 October 2023 2:27pm

I’m looking for an old friend from school. We always got on very well and I can’t seem to find him anywhere on social media. His name is Jamie Phillips. Has that name popped up at all. Thank you in advance

Trin Wood
12 October 2023 11:16am

I've lost the mobile phone number of a Tauranga friend.........
And how can I join Old Friends?

Phillip Long
8 October 2023 12:19pm

Hi Im searching an old friend from Upper Hutt area, Her First name is Jenny and she was working at Wellington railway station in the early 70s> Her age would have been about 17 at the time. We met at a dance hall in Wellington the my friend and I dropped her home. I called her once then I lost her number, thankyou. (I wish mobile phones were invented then.)

Graham Kemp
27 August 2023 8:41pm

Hello I am trying to contact a Shireen Campbell who was from and lived in Auckland New Zealand in 1983. Shireen was in her 20's in 1983 and we lost contact after she moved to London in the UK. I would like to contact Shireen or family members. I hope someone who knows Shireen can contact me so i can share my contact details. Many thanks.

22 August 2023 2:52pm

Just like to catch up with some old friends from St Mary's Convent Ellerslie around 1940 to 1951

Ted Fortune
19 August 2023 10:00pm

Dear Sir/Madam,
Just to let you know, I'm looking for any 1973 former Div. 'W' students from Christchurch Secondary Teachers College, NZ.
Please get in touch with Ted Fortune, my Email Address:
Thanking you in anticipation.
Kind regards,

Sharron Ward
13 August 2023 5:06pm

i am looking for my old friend Amanda Lousich who was in my class in 1972 at Rutherford , 3B, i have lost contact with her and i cannot remember her married name. would love to hear if anybody knows where she is.

Cathy Vibert ( Mitchell - Anyon ) Smith
12 August 2023 5:38pm

Trying to connect with my past. especially Ross Udy, Michelle Rolfe Lynsay Bucchan

Alison Howard (nee Andrews)
8 August 2023 7:31am

SHARON FISHER CRANSHAW where are you? I’m messaging from Canada…I went to school with Sharon in 1975 when my family was in NZ…we were 13 and I don’t remember the name of our school. My family lived at 20 Fordyce Ave, Sunnyhills, Auckland. I’m visiting NZ from Sept to Dec 2023 and I would love to see you…I’ve been searching for you for years. You married Mike Cranshaw in 1993 while living in Paraparaumu, Wellington and that’s the last time we were in contact. I’d love to hear from you or anyone that knows where you are!

Clifford Burkett
1 August 2023 6:13pm

I would like to contact my first real love. Her name was Ainsley Strickland of Northland Wellington.We were together in the mid 1950s she was a only child I would love to catch up. Cliff

Adrian Anderson
29 July 2023 7:16pm

Lookingfor old friends for 65 b deay

Christine malabar
22 July 2023 4:42am

I'm trying to find an old friend called neil allan who s from Nelson New Zealand his parents were scottish He would be his early 60s now

Sandy Ellis Blackburn
21 July 2023 4:48pm

I am looking for a friend named Andrew Prince or it might be price, he traveled a lot putting up storage buildings everywhere. He is from New Zealand. I don't know what area in New Zealand. He is blonde blue eyes ,5'10" he was in Knoxville, TN. In 1989 and we had a few dates had fun, lost his phone number and address. He worked with a crew drove white van and flew in once from California to Knoxville, Tn.

Judi Muru
20 July 2023 7:23pm

Looking for an old friend Christine Stitt. Lives in Huntly. Married name Allan or Allen. I last met in Christchurch believe she may have moved to Nelson.

Joanne Leggett
30 June 2023 12:43pm

We are holding Roseneath School Wellington's 125th anniversary 21 and 22 October 2023 at the school. If you are interested to register please contact

patrick o connor gunn
19 June 2023 3:30pm

looking for Otahuhu College 1954/1957

James (Jim) Forsyth
5 June 2023 7:16pm

I want to make contact with an old University friend (VUW 1976), Ian Cuthbert Thomson.
I would also like to contact another old friend, Lindsay Jane, ex Dunedin but formerly Wellington (Porirua).

Mark Forbes
4 June 2023 11:43am

Hello, was a pupil at Palmerston North Riverdale School from 1974 to around 1980, does anyone know if there's an old school network set up for the school

Kenneth Arthur Foster from 1979 to 1981
28 May 2023 4:24am

I would like to get in touch with John brown and Alex mays. My nick name was docker picker. Plus I would like to get In contact with Peter blewitt

Drew McClenaghan
14 May 2023 1:19pm

Typical Govt Website. Nothing happens. Error upon error. You try and view Oldfriends and you just go around and around like a dog chasing it's tail and you end up back on the front page. Seriously..!!!

National Library
19 May 2023 11:54am

Sorry to hear you're having issues accessing the archived site. You may want to try the version that Internet Archive has copied?*/

Jan Davey
13 May 2023 2:54pm

Looking for my half brothers Micheal and Timmy Gardner also my half sister Katie Gardner

21 April 2023 10:00am

I’m looking for Robert John Graham/Lingard born 1st November 1964 in Chesterfield uk went to New Zealand with grandma and uncle Carl v Graham and Mavis A crook

Wendy king
10 April 2023 9:02pm

Looking to contact Tom harwood whom I touched base with a few months ago, lives south Island new zealand, however since then phone stolen and lost all contacts on messenger Facebook
Tom was a neighbour and school friend in wairoa hawkes bay we grew up together

Trevor Millan
10 March 2023 7:24pm

Looking to find Paul Roscoe of Wanganui we we're in the same soccer team in the 70s

Bernard Sullivan
10 March 2023 4:26pm

lot of water under bridge since then

Bill Telford
22 February 2023 5:00am

My old school female friends. Marilyn burns .Norma mcallum.norma mccullick.

Charlene Sodergard (nee Smith)
19 February 2023 1:58pm

I am looking for some friends I worked with at the Shaw Saville Lodge in Kilbirnie Wellington. Sue Hemmingsen, married to Neils (deceased) lived in Miramar. Alistair Ross, Flatted in Wgtn worked at the above. Sue McKay mother of two lived in Miramar (I think) We kept in touch when I lived in Sweden but since coming back have not been able to find them

Charles Mkandawire
15 February 2023 6:49pm

It's good to have afriend from different countries because they changed knowledge according to this generation it be better to find a friend

Leon B Kerr jr.
3 February 2023 5:33pm

Looking for a old friend Isabell young of
Dunedin New Zealand age approximately 76 years old. Last seen was in 1963 she lived with her mom, grandmother and little son I was a sailor in U.S. navy working operation deep freeze. Hope she well

26 January 2023 1:08pm

Looking for an old friend called Robbie who visited the UK, yate and chipping sodbury back in 1996 and again a few year later. Lost touch, would be good to say hi I am no so shy ;0)

Michael Ross
13 January 2023 3:12am

Hi There,

I am trying to locate 2 people in the Nelson area Marion Smith and Garry Giblin please email me if you have any information. Thanks

Sean p Turner
28 December 2022 2:37am

I’m looking for the photo of Tawa holy communion groups in 1970s also lm looking the photo of Tawa central kindergarten in 1968 to 1969 please email me

Fiona Elliott
20 December 2022 11:09am

Hi, Looking for glenfield primary (north shore, auckland) students 1970-1974. Also seeking 1974-1977 Maeroa Intermediate students Hamilton

Alice Williams
23 November 2022 2:26pm

Looking for Judy and Tom Tyson, formerly of Taumarunui, NZ. Last contacted when living in Darwin (?), Australia. On emigrating to Australia, Judy worked at St Vincent's Hospital in Brisbane.

Kathryn McColl
19 November 2022 1:40pm

I am looking for an old friend her name is Noeleen Ngaire Gibb nee Cosgrove age now,aprox 76. She would know me as Kathryn Sharples

Richard "Andy" Anderson
9 November 2022 3:05am

looking to contact George & Cathy, surname unknown, they would now be in their mid: 70s, they have a son David, around 50, and a daughter Marney. They will know me as Andy, they may remember my 2 shipmates, Alex a Scot, & Norman a Taffy. We shipped out with NZ Shipping Company. Last contact i had was about 1974 - 77

Dianie Pieterse
30 October 2022 3:27pm

A guy called James lives I assume in rangiora met him at a skate park and he was with 2 mates we offered out free drinks he's got crystal blue eyes

Merv Buckley
28 September 2022 10:44pm

Back in 1959, 1960 I new a Colin Speake from Kaipaki, he had a sister I new as Margaret, does anyone have any information on Margaret.

Rhonda Pullen
28 September 2022 3:30pm

Hi. Went to Tehihi Primary school, 1964 to 1973, then Rosehill College, Papakura 1974 to October 1974. Yep I dropped out. Anyone I knew, can get me at email provided. CHOW :)

Colin Nimmo
20 September 2022 1:09pm

Trying to trace family who had the Seaspray Cafe in Picton in 1962. Family name Willmer( Valerie and Jeanette)

Colin Nimmo
20 September 2022 1:06pm

Trying to trace Willmer family Jeanette and or Valerie from Seaspray Cafe in Picton from 1962 onwards.

Ian Wade
4 September 2022 9:04pm

Trying to track down An Eileen Van Der Kaap from Hamilton East 1976 went to Sacred Heart College

Noel smith
2 September 2022 10:43am

18 aramoho street newlynn auckland trying to find ph for my mum has urgent message

Rapa Whiu
28 August 2022 10:22pm

Looking for someone from Fielding

Anne wade
16 August 2022 8:45pm

Like to track old friend from kaiapoi

Dale Mulligan
30 July 2022 6:00pm

I am looking for an old classmate from Nelson College named John Parkes. I lost contact with him a while back, but believe he's still in the Nelson area somewhere.

Cheryl Moe
28 July 2022 6:52pm

Trying to find Maribeth Fairweather in Pahitua and Also Colin (don't have last name) he sent Cheryl Anderson a ring at 422 -10th Avenue, Two Harbors MN

Dianne Knight Devlin
9 July 2022 7:42pm

Looking for Tania Donaldson lived on Marine Parade in Napier and Danielle Coke who went to Napier Girls High 1978 - 1981 would love to reconnect

Moeva Palmer
22 June 2022 2:26am

Any old school photos of mountain view primary school in nz year 1985

Patricia Greske
21 June 2022 8:12am

I would like to find Beverly Williams from Dunedin .we were pen pals 1984 - 1988 . I live in Bradenton , Florida USA . She had a husband and 3 sons . She worked at a city office for Dunedin . It would mean a lot to me , as we lost touch . Thanks .

Merv . Zohs
15 June 2022 8:44pm


Neil Thompson
6 June 2022 8:28pm

I am trying to track a very good friend in New Zealand that went to Waitara High School Donna Growcott lived in East Beach with parents

Ta Iuli aka Lautofa Iuli
20 May 2022 12:11pm

Form 2 Class of 1965 Bayfield Primary School Herne Bay Auckland. I'm looking in particular for Peter McClean, Alan Barber and Madeleine Aldred as they may have links to others

Monica Franklin
14 May 2022 4:37pm

I am trying to contact Marie Coughlin (sp) she went to Ss Peter and Paul's School Lower Hutt in the 1950s. I was
Monica Moohan someone may be in touch with Marie

Monica Franklin
14 May 2022 4:32pm

I trying to contact Marie Coughlin went to Ss Peter & Paul School Lower Hutt in the 1950s.

Lorraine Bennett
5 May 2022 3:32pm

Looking for Phillip Moore and Jarred Fisher from Te Puna in the 1960s.

Dave Harris
6 April 2022 5:08pm

Great information and a wonderful way to convey it! Congratulations and many thanks for your assistance.
Thank you for creating a fantastic resource for locating long-lost relatives.

Brett Cunningham
6 April 2022 12:02pm

I have forgotten my Old Friends password. Can I get another password? I attended Tauranga Boys' College from 1960 to 1964.

Brett Cunningham

Grant Murrell
2 March 2022 4:19pm

I'm looking to find Tanya Bourke worked for TUF DEK in Cambridge in 1995 -96

Gail Tewhat
12 February 2022 1:56am

I am looking for school photos from TeAwamutu intermediate around 1957 TO 1959

Andrew Paterson
27 January 2022 11:51pm

Richmond school.napier

24 January 2022 12:57am

I'm looking for Ruth People's that went to Southland Girls High in the 80s Invercargill anyone who can help appreciated.

Christine Kendall
15 January 2022 4:53pm

Looking for a Robyn Osborne. Went to New Windsor School in the 60s.

Bruce Gibbins
10 January 2022 3:37pm

During 1973/4 I worked in a small team of four people representing the Auckland based women's underfashion manufacturer, Fayreform. Latter sold to Bendon.
I would like to meet up with the one member of our team whose whereabouts has been unknown to me since the mid-1970s. That's nearly fifty years ago.
Her family name was Grange, they lived in Khandalla.
Our colleagues name was Cathy/Kathy Grange, however her family name changed during the mid-70s when Cathy married, John Warren, who was at that time a railway porter on the Silver Star night train from Wellington to Auckland.
Cathy also had a younger sister who worked for a while at the James Smiths dept store on the corsetry counter here in Wellington during this same early 70s period.
Still in the 70s I heard that Cathy had joined the Hari Chrishna movement in Wellington, but that may have been just heresay.
Any information would be gratefully and warmly appreciated.
If there are any leads out there I'd be very happy to receive these.
Kind wishes

Va opo
6 January 2022 7:57pm

Looking for my best friend Shelly stowe . We worked together at Sanyo auto crate Carr rd mt rascal Auckland in the 80si . If anyone remembers Shelly stowe or va opo please send email I would love to make contact

Lourdes Peter
2 January 2022 12:51pm

My name lourdes Peter my nickname Louise i sm looking for fleur and David Commonwealth they went to Palmerston North School and they want to Victoria university wellington in 1993 now I am looking for fleur very hard to find her in Facebook i don't know a surname can anyone know fleur please we flat at 149 Glenmore Street Thorndor wellington in 1993 last time I see fleur the last time I spoke to her Tory Street Wellington 2000 she was pregnant end 2004 I saw she have wonderful baby boy that is last time I saw her my Facebook name lourdes Peter my ph 0210275487 please message me please thanks

Brian Patterson
23 December 2021 1:16pm

Looking for Christine Collins Fairfield College about 1968--1970..would like to say Hi! again & locate other F/C Past Pupils same Dates...

Robert rhodes
30 October 2021 4:26pm

Looking for an old friend,. Maxine ne Scott Nd
the twins,

Vicki smith
22 October 2021 12:13pm

I’m looking for my friend Nicola McWilliams who was from Manurewa Auckland. We worked together in 207 salon in Raynes park. Sw19 she was a hairdresser. I was a beauty therapist. She left 23/24 years ago when my son was tiny. It would be amazing to receive any reply. We wrote for a while but then lost touch

Dean niethe
10 September 2021 4:34pm

I'm looking for the most gorgeous girl I had the pleasure of meeting 20 years ago in Christchurch..I was from Napier staying with my hairdresser cousin Racheal who unfortunately passed away..the name of that gorgeous girl was Melissa..indian heritage..we did send a couple of letters to each other but unfortunately we're missed placed and now it's like finding a needle in a hay stack..I don't no if this is gona get me any where..but gota start sme where I supose

Brian Patterson
3 September 2021 6:11pm

Anybody Fairfield College 1970--1971...especially 71... 6th Form Year...or Guys that rode Motorcycles to School & parked in the Y Block Car-park...

Susan williamson
20 July 2021 2:34pm

Island bay school ,in the 1950 it’s lived in high street with her aunt and uncle, love to catch up , Jennifer ritchie

13 July 2021 11:44am


Ishvar MIstry
12 July 2021 7:47pm

I m looking for friends of dad who's name is rama dahya he attended south karori school around 1957 he is looking for his friends
Denise white
Harry shackhel
Harvey Eastwood
We might have the wrong spelling of the surname can anyone please help to find to these people
Thank you

Sean Turner
23 June 2021 2:01am

I’m looking for the photo of Tawa kindergartens groups year 1968 or 1969 also Tawa holy communion photo of children years was 1969 between 197Os Tawa junior Soccer team under 12 or 13 years was 1977 between 1979
hope to hear from you

14 June 2021 6:33pm

Ross Nixon

14 June 2021 6:32pm

Musselburgh school Dunedin

Craig Hood
13 June 2021 8:44pm

I have just found my big sister who I lost touch with in the 90's. She is on LinkedIn & Twitter 100% it's her but hasn't checked the sites in about a year. How can I get through to her? (Michelle J Hood) Desperate to find my sister.

Liz Regan
11 June 2021 9:51pm

Looking for Richard Holmes born 5th November 1948. In Dunedin

Trixie Cooper Nathan
10 June 2021 5:46pm

Find mauku primary school 1957

Anita van Tol ( van Zoelen)
7 June 2021 10:33pm

Looking for my friend Anne Inwood who used to live in Woodlands Park. We attended school also in Woodlands Park in the 60’s.

Remco meybaum
23 April 2021 1:48pm

Looking for bruse miller of Christchurch who went to bishpdale school in 1974

28 March 2021 5:15pm

Would love to know whereabouts of Marlene Pullen married name Wichman who has since remarried name not known worked at the old General Telegraph Bureau post office in Wellington featherston street in 1965

Marlene Pullen/Wichman
28 March 2021 5:08pm

Have lost contact since 1967

Margaret Purnell
17 February 2021 6:53am

Would like to find an old friend , Anthony Wynne , from Bristol, he emigrated to Christchurch in 1966. He was a friend of my brothers, George Purnell.Would be good to catch up and see what we’ve both been up to after all these years.

15 February 2021 10:31pm

Bank of New Zealand Riccarton Branch

Noel Hair
28 January 2021 3:59pm

would love to find others from Manurewa intermediate 1969-1970

Billy Shrum
21 January 2021 11:02am

Worked in New Zealand for the telecommunications in 1989-1992 went all over the country and loved it I remember a lot of first names but no last ones met a lot of good people would like to return soon

Terry newman
22 November 2020 11:59pm

I would like to find an old friend , new-brighton,
Around 1969 Barry Gilbert whom was working as a
Would like to catch up.

Bronwyn Landers
20 November 2020 12:01pm

Trying to trace old London friend from 1976-77 just to see how life has been for them. His name was Robert “Snowy” (I have forgotten last name,) from Dunedin and his birthday was in December so would be 69 this year. We met in London at the Old Swan pub in Nottinghill and later in Germany where he worked for a while. Love to catch up for old times sake.

Angela Day
19 November 2020 9:16pm

Dear Sir/Madam,...
Hello, I've been trying to find a specific ole school girl friend, her name was Susan Elizabeth Blowers,...we both attended all 3. Schools together, Roslyn Primary School, Ross Intermediate & Freyberg High School, Palmerston North New Zealand,...she did marry, but I wasn't told of this so many a few years ago, now, & I'm wanting to know if she is still living or not, also, she was an only child of,...Mr.Mrs. John Frederick & Gertrude Daisy Blowers,...
I would love to know her whereabouts if she can be found,...or if she's even still in N.Z. or not.
Angela Day.
(Nee Kendall).

Ian Macleod
8 November 2020 3:05am

I was the base cook at Scott base Antarctica for the 1975/6 season, I am trying to trace a friend who was the storeman, Mervin Bird, NZ Army at the time, Thank you

Judy Bishop
6 November 2020 11:25pm

Judy Bishop and my Wife Ruth were best friends back in the 60s totally inseparable old school friends & hanging out together she lost touch with her in the 70s and has always said i wonder where she is or what has happened to her she lived in a Cul-De-Sac in Glendowie Troy Crt or Troy place i said i would try to find her for you one day
i can remember she had 2 brothers William(Bill) & Stephen & Stephen went to a boys correctional place in the 60s i think it was Waikeria .
Hoping you can shed some light cheers
Graeme thanks

Adam Palmer
3 November 2020 11:56pm

Hi I went to hastings boys high school in hawkes bay and had a friend named Melanie Brown and she went to hastings girls high.. this was in the year 2001. I'm keen to see how she is. Thanks

Damian Harper
10 October 2020 8:43pm

Hi I went to Otahuhu collage between 1985 to 1987 and looking for any class photos and I was in Hobson 2 at Otahuhu collage and photos from Hobson House and of the school at that time. That would be greatly appreciated thanks and you can contact me via email & messager Facebook and anyone who I knew at the time. Regards Damian

Damian Harper
10 October 2020 8:25pm

Hi I went to Otahuhu collage between 1985 to 1987 and looking for any class photos and I was in Hobson 2 at Otahuhu collage and photos from Hobson House and of the school at that time. That would be greatly appreciated thanks and you can contact me via email & messager Facebook and anyone who I knew at the time. Regards Damian

James benjamin
8 October 2020 10:02pm

Looking for a friend called Sarah Thompson, rosebank road primary. Avondale Auckland, 1983 ,84... ???our class teacher was called. MR Crawford. Desperately seeking Sarah Thompson. Lived on St georges st.

Allan Hickman
4 October 2020 10:21pm

Looking for Anthony Long and Peter Bowker. Kapiti College around 1964

Bob Tweeddale
27 September 2020 12:08pm

Looking for any one with the surname Tweeddale

Roberta Gray (Reynolds)
22 September 2020 11:20pm

looking for Glenis Lindsay who went to Mt Roskill Grammar in the 1950/60's and went to Sydney on the Canberra with me in 1965. Glenis would now be 75.

31 August 2020 2:11am

If you look carefully above, you will see the website to find all of the 'Oldfriends' website's photos, at this text: "to see if they’d captured the page - they had!"
And strangely, that is not even the NZ National Library website.
Are there no library records for us?

30 August 2020 11:35pm

For everybody wanting to see all of the OldFriends website's photos and info, just click on this:
That should already have been shown to you by the NZ Nat. Lib., but has not for some reason.

Tiaho Mary Pillot
11 March 2020 4:52pm

Was a member of your website in Australia, we have since returned to Aotearoa it saddens me to find that Old Friends has closed down. How may I find old class photos of Tokaanu and Tongariro High School in Turangi? Thank you.

17 February 2020 9:59pm

Have some official class photos of south new brighton school and lynwwod intermediate school 1954-1959 1960-1961

17 February 2020 9:55pm

1954-1959 South New Brighton School.
1960-1962 Lynwood Intermediate School.
Mid 1962 Moved to USA Calif

Heidi Parker
14 February 2020 1:28pm

Hi there, I am looking for a friend who I was billited out to when I attended Taita Intermediate, Lower Hutt. Her name was Lynne Bryce and she lived in Blenheim. We would have been 12-13 years old at the time. The year was 1972. Anyway, thank you National Library!

Filipe Tamehana
13 February 2020 12:03am

I’m searching for class pic and friends from 1980 to 1982 from Mount Roskill Grammer

Wendy McEwen
29 October 2019 2:49pm

Hi there I lived in Whangarei and attended Whangarei Girls high School, now I live in Invercargill. I am looking for some of my school mates. I was born in 1954.

Roger Inwood
7 October 2019 2:28pm

Keep getting following massage over several days in Oct 2019. User Chrome & Microsft browsers. Still cant access 7 Oct

The URL you are trying to view is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

Wayne mackay
6 October 2019 10:05am

Flat bush school photos in the 1970s

Gill Stannard
3 September 2019 11:21pm

Keep getting error message "The URL you are trying to view is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." Hope the site is still accessible, we're arranging Crofton Downs (Chartwell) School's Jubilee in 2020.

Gwenda lister
8 August 2019 4:01pm

I would like to obtain a copy of my school photo 1066,Otorohanga College,I am a member of the new Old School Friends Thank you

8 August 2019 12:16am

ilove ur site

Andrew Henry
10 July 2019 2:50pm

Great stuff, Gillian!

Gypsy Stockley
26 June 2019 2:21pm

As the person who uploaded the bulk of the 386 photos for Whenuapai School in Auckland I am so grateful that this work has been saved- we did it for the School's 50th Jubilee- it took me forever! Thank you so much National Library team.

Diana Curle
25 June 2019 4:54am

I was so disappointed when this site went and i even pleaded to keep this site. It was a place that I was able to find my friends.

Jennifer Hudson
17 June 2019 7:34pm

Schools NEV, DNI, OGHS
Teachers College Dunedin
Otago University

Darian Zam
17 June 2019 3:24pm

So many are grateful for your work on this. Thank you!