About EPIC for libraries

Find out if your library is eligible for EPIC membership, the type of online resources you will have access to as an EPIC member and how EPIC is run.

Is my library eligible for EPIC?

Organisations must be based in New Zealand and provide a library or information service to be eligible for EPIC membership.

Libraries can join EPIC at any time by subscribing to any of the EPIC resources that are available to their library sector.

Subscribe to EPIC resources
EPIC resources

EPIC for New Zealand schools

The Ministry of Education is a member of EPIC and has made EPIC electronic resources freely available to all New Zealand schools through its membership.

EPIC for New Zealand schools

EPIC library sectors

EPIC subscriptions are available to:

  • public libraries

  • tertiary libraries

  • special libraries

  • The National Library of New Zealand

  • The Ministry of Education on behalf of schools.

EPIC resources

What does EPIC give me access to?

EPIC gives libraries online access to thousands of:

  • high-quality journals

  • magazines

  • books

  • audio and video content

  • images

  • courses, and much more.

EPIC resources

How is EPIC run?

The EPIC consortium is self-funded by its member libraries. The Department of Internal Affairs, acting through the National Library of New Zealand, is the lead agency for EPIC.

The Department of Internal Affairs is the legal body that holds the contracts with the EPIC vendors, annually pays the consolidated EPIC member subscription costs, and employs the EPIC Manager.

Group licences and discounted pricing agreements

EPIC negotiates group licences and discounted pricing agreements with contracted vendors.

These licences and agreements provide EPIC member libraries with annual online resource subscription options at more favourable rates than individual libraries can get.

EPIC pricing and sub-licence agreements

EPIC sub-licence agreement for member libraries

Member libraries are required to sign a sub-licence agreement with the Department of Internal Affairs for the supply of the electronic resources provided in their EPIC subscription.

The sub-licence agreement requires member libraries to adhere to the terms and conditions of use that have been negotiated by EPIC with each of the vendors on behalf of EPIC member libraries.

EPIC pricing and sub-licence agreements

Administration fee

The Department of Internal Affairs charges a standard 5% administration fee to member libraries in addition to their annual subscription costs. This fee fully funds the operations of the consortium.